Offending the two families, what good is there other than being a gossip for a while?

However, because of Mu Jin, because the fourth master doted on Mu Jin, the imperial concubine, because he wanted to cut off Mu Jin's career as a queen, whenever there was an opportunity, the nobles of the Eight Banners would never let it go.

Those people didn't like Mu Jin, so naturally they also didn't like the Mu family.

I can't wait for the Mu family to be unlucky.

He even wished that the marriage between the Mu family and the Nian family, which could be called a strong alliance, would fail.

It is also because of this that the rumors that would not have been spread in the first place became like this, and even the Nian family had no scruples.

Obviously, Mu Jin also thought of this, so he said this to Fourth Master.

"Your Majesty," Mu Jin's tears flowed down her cheeks, "I know that my concubine should persuade the emperor to establish a new queen as soon as possible, and should persuade the emperor to share the favor with rain and dew. So it stopped. But the concubine couldn't bear it!"

"I just think about it and I can't bear it. I don't want to do that, and I don't want to have other people around the emperor. That way the concubine can't bear it."

"Your Majesty, tell me, what should the concubine do?"

The fourth master's heart almost melted when he heard that, he hugged Mu Jin into his arms and gently patted her back, coaxing her repeatedly: "Jin'er, don't be sad, don't cry, don't worry, I will definitely take care of Jin'er for this matter." Make the decision. Those bastards seem to have forgotten who is the lord of the Qing Dynasty and who is the emperor! How can I allow them to dictate and manipulate my affairs?"

"Heh, when did I say that the queen must come from the nobles of the Eight Banners? They are too ambitious!"

Mu Jin choked with sobs: "Does the emperor really know how to make decisions for his concubines?"

"That's natural," the fourth master laughed, with soft and compassionate eyes, gently wiped away the teardrops and tear stains on her face with his fingertips, bowed his head and gently kissed her face, lips, eyes and eyebrows, "My dear Jiner, don't cry Yes, I cry so much that my heart hurts. Jin'er doesn't have to be willing to wrong herself, and I will never be exposed to both rain and dew, I have Jin'er myself."

He coaxed and comforted Mu Jin with gentle whispers, and a kiss fell on her lips. Mu Jin suddenly embraced his neck with both hands, and raised her head to send it forward, deepening the kiss.

Fourth Master was taken aback, a gentle smile flashed across his deep eyes, and he accepted it unceremoniously.

The two kissed for a long time and ended. Mu Jin's body was soft and snuggled into the arms of Fourth Master, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were as charming as silk, and her beautiful eyes were watery and full of rain. She smiled at him shyly: "Your Majesty"

Fourth Master's body was tense, and a cluster of flames was jumping and burning in his heart, which made him a little distracted.

He forcibly suppressed the uneasy restlessness, gently patted her soft and slender shoulders, and said in a hoarse voice, "Good boy"

Fearing that she would not be able to resolve the depression in her heart, fourth master simply told her all of his plans right now.

"I heard about this matter yesterday, and I ordered someone to send a letter to Nian Gengyao yesterday. I believe he will return to Beijing soon after receiving the letter. Originally, he was supposed to return to Beijing to report on his duties, but this time is just right. Come back Deal with this matter, drink his sister's wedding wine by the way, when the time comes, I will make my own decision."

"I just want to tell you, tomorrow—today, I will decree to marry your younger brother Jian Yun and Miss Nian, and the emperor will give you a marriage. I want to see who dares to talk too much! Mrs. Tong Jia On the other side, Jin'er, don't worry, they can't run away!"

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