Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2884 Is there anything wrong with the princess

The fourth master's hand on Mu Jin's soft waist moved slightly, quite displeased, and said coldly: "What is she here for? Send her away!"

Mu Jin was giggling and avoiding Fourth Master's mischievous hand, and refused to mess around with him here, but after hearing this, she seemed to have come to a savior, and said softly: "Your Majesty, I will arrive in Chengde in the next day. I'm afraid it's not very good to see everyone in Horqin, so I should give Horqin a face! Why don't you let Princess Baole come over."

The fourth master glanced at Mu Jin, with a half-smile: "Forget it, since that's the case, let's listen to the imperial concubine."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The imperial guard couldn't help but secretly dumbfounded, thinking that the imperial concubine's face is really great!

The fourth master held Mu Jin's waist tightly, leaned closer and kissed her face, and said with a light smile, "What are you hiding from? It won't be the same when the door is closed?"

Mu Jin blushed and stammered: "There is no way here"

Mu Jin's magical divergent thinking: What if you want to hide the sky and sit on the ground when you are interested?

The fourth master laughed loudly, "Forget it, I'll let you go right now. Well, I want tonight, Jin'er is not allowed to shirk."

Mu Jin glared at him tenderly, blushing even more on her cheeks, and hummed softly.

Does she feel that she is a little too much by stewing bird's nest soup for him every day? ? Why is this man not tired of riding a carriage for a day? Still thinking about this stuff?

The fourth master smiled with satisfaction, his eyes were tender and tender: "The scenery here is really nice, my Jin'er is very beautiful!"

Mu Jin felt a sweetness in her heart, and smiled at him sweetly.

Under the warm afterglow, in the faint golden light, it is indeed a fairy who walked out of the picturesque.

Fourth master looked a little crazy for a while, and his expression became more gentle.

Walking over step by step, Princess Baole, whose heart beat faster step by step, gritted his silver teeth secretly when he saw the scene of the two people's affectionate affection.

Princess Baole felt a sense of melancholy, dejected loss and sadness in her heart.

This man is so radiant, he originally had a chance to belong to her

His eyes fell on Mu Jin's smiling eyebrows, Princess Baole felt hatred in vain, and his palms tightened suddenly. If it wasn't for her, if it wasn't for this slut's obstruction, how could he become what he is now?

Mu Jin raised her eyes and looked at Princess Baole.

When the eyes met, Princess Baole was startled, and looked away in a panic, and stepped forward.

"The concubine greets the emperor and the noble concubine, the emperor is auspicious, and the imperial concubine is auspicious"

"Get up." The fourth master said lightly: "Is there anything the princess wants?"

Baole County advocated opening her mouth. Of course she has something to do. The most important thing for her is to talk to him and take a good look at him.

Since marrying that bastard, her life has become a mess, chaotic and confused every day, everything and everyone upset her, but she couldn't escape from the upset.

she hasn't seen him for so long

Princess Baole stared at Fourth Master for a long time, Mu Jin was a little unhappy, coughed and said in displeasure: "It's getting late, princess should go back earlier. Majesty, maybe Ji'er We're looking for someone, let's go back too."

Fourth Master nodded.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing this, Princess Baole hurriedly called him, stammering a little: "I will arrive in Chengde the day after tomorrow, and my concubine, my concubine, is very happy to see my father and brother, my concubine thanks the emperor Grace. When the time comes, the concubine wants to live back in the camp of the Horqin Ministry, talk to my father and brother, and ask the emperor for permission."

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