Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2885 There is a sneer in Mu Jin's eyes

Princess Baole arrived in Chengde and met her father and brother. If she wanted to say something, no one could stop her.

Besides, Fourth Master didn't want to stop him, so he nodded: "Yes."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Princess Baole's head became hot, and she suddenly had an urge to be willing to do anything for the fourth master, and blurted out: "Don't worry, your majesty, when the concubine sees her father and brother, she must say nothing can speak."

Fourth Master was a little surprised, and gave her a strange look: "What shouldn't be said?"

Princess Baole was stunned.

A sneer flashed across Mu Jin's eyes.

Princess Baole subconsciously thought that the emperor was afraid of her suing in front of everyone in Horqin, right? How could the emperor be afraid? From the beginning to the end, it was all her own fault, the emperor didn't feel sorry for her at all.

"Your Majesty, let's go." Mu Jin held Fourth Master's arm.

For a person who was so vicious that he tried to kill himself and two people, Mu Jin would not have the slightest sympathy or soft-heartedness for her.

If she had the opportunity to show off her affection in front of her and make things difficult for her, she didn't explain why she did it conveniently.

Fourth Master smiled dotingly and left with her.

Princess Baole stood there in a daze, looking at the backs of the two leaving, her eyes were red, and she smiled coldly, Mu's bitch, wait for her

In the afternoon of the next day, the long northern tour team finally arrived in Chengde.

Ever since we got the Mountain Resort, every trip to the north has become much more convenient.

The vanguard team arrived ten days ahead of schedule. The guards and patrols were set up. The palace people cleaned and arranged the entire summer resort palace in a new look. Many servants also came from the capital first, such as Yanmao and Xiaodouzi from Yikun Palace, chefs from the imperial dining room, etc. Wait.

When Mu Jin and fourth master arrive, they can just check in directly.

The Taishanghuang used to live in the main palace inside Lizhengmen.

In order to show respect to the Supreme Emperor, the fourth master did not live in the main palace, and it would be enough to meet the Mongolian tribes and hold banquets here.

Mu Jin liked Ruyi Island, so the fourth master lived in Wushu Qingliang Hall, the main hall on the island, and gave the imperial concubine to live in the Yanxun Mountain Pavilion not far from the east of Wushu Qingliang Hall.

He also gave the fourth elder brother Hongzhang to live in the lotus temple on the island.

In fact, the Yanxun Mountain Pavilion said it was for Mu Jin to live in, but it was just for Ji Er to live in.

When Mother Yan waited to come first, she arranged the right courtyard of Wushu Qingliang Hall.

The emperor and the imperial concubine are not separated when they are in the palace, and they will not be separated when they are outside.

Prince Li, Fifth Master, Seventh Master, Ninth Master, Tenth Master, Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen and other elder brothers live in Yanyu Building, Xiangyuan Yiqing, Water Flowing Clouds, Moonlight River Sound, Yingying Arbor with their family members , Pingxiang, Fangyuanju, etc., are all arranged in the area near the north of Ruyi Lake and Chenghu Lake, leaving the main palace completely empty.

In addition to the largest Ruyi Island in the two lakes, there are several small islands of small size. There are more than one long embankment between the islands, and they are connected to the shore.

In this way, this area became very lively for a while, and it was convenient for brothers to come and go, and it was also convenient for female relatives and children to visit.

Mammy Yan, Xiaodouzi, etc. were familiar with Mu Jin's living habits, and arranged the residence just like in Yikun Palace. When Mu Jin brought Ji'er into the palace, Mammy Yan smiled and offered her the tea she used to drink. used to the taste.

The Summer Resort really lives up to its name. The green trees in the mountain are tall and luxuriant, with thick shade everywhere, the lake is rippling, and the wind blows, which makes it very cool without feeling of heat.

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