Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2897 Both of them looked at each other and laughed

Su Peisheng quickly replied, and directed the two young eunuchs to carefully unfold the map on the large desk, and use white jade paperweights to hold the corners.

The fourth master brought Mu Jin forward, looked east from the Chengde Mountain Resort, finally tapped Qinhuangdao with his fingertips, and said with a smile, "That's right here?"

Mu Jin nodded again and again, and said with a soft smile: "Your Majesty, how are you?"

"Here, it's very close to the Shanhaiguan Pass!" If Mu Jin hadn't suddenly said inexplicably that he wanted to go to Qinhuangdao to see the sea, Fourth Master probably wouldn't have noticed.

For the Qing Dynasty, Shanhaiguan was definitely of extraordinary significance.

"Then go, if I don't agree, I'm afraid Jin'er won't be able to eat well and sleep well!" The fourth master said with a smile: "I haven't seen the sea in the north, so I just went to see the seafood in the north. How about the southeast."

The fourth master had a half-smile, maybe the women in his family ate for this bite, right? Mostly yes!

As expected, Mu Jin was a little embarrassed, hugged his arm and said with a smile: "That will definitely not disappoint!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

The fourth master sat down on the couch with Mu Jin in his arms, looked at her and said, "Go, but not so fast. I want to wait until the autumn hunting is over and let the Mongolian ministries leave before we go. Then call some ministers and me My brothers, clan nobles, simply go for a walk and have a look."

"Take a walk to see Shanhaiguan Pass, and then look at the sea in Qinhuangdao. Many people have never seen the sea, let alone the convenience of sea trade, and I don't expect to change anything by just looking at it. At least let them know what the sea looks like. There is no need to demonize it."

When it comes to banning the sea, it seems that monsters and ghosts come from the sea.

Actually that's not the case.

Some things can only be seen with one's own eyes, so that one will not imagine wildly, or make up countless messy things after being bewitched and provoked a little.

What's more, he also wanted to take this opportunity to test out, what are the courtiers and nobles' thoughts on the matter of banning the sea? Who are the most fierce opponents?

Those people are used to breaking his words into pieces, researching and analyzing them repeatedly, trying to analyze his thoughts from them.

He didn't believe it anymore, he brought so many people to Qinhuangdao to see the sea in a grand manner, they would have no idea at all

Mu Jin didn't think it would be so deep and detailed, and she didn't care about going to more people. As long as the fourth master agreed to go, she would be satisfied, and immediately said with a smile: "The emperor has made all the arrangements, and the concubine listens to the emperor!"

Originally, I just wanted to go to Beidaihe to fish for a piece of land to build a summer resort, but now I even get a trip to Shanhaiguan as a bonus. No matter what, I made money! flattered

Fourth master held her face in both hands: "How are you feeling now? Huh?"

His handsome face is close at hand, his breath can be touched, and there is a slight smile in those dark and deep eyes, pampering and affectionate. Mu Jin suddenly felt a little ashamed, her cheeks blushed unconsciously, she lowered her eyes and curled her lips, and gave a low "hmm".

Fourth Master smiled lowly, leaned over and kissed her.

His family Jin'er is good at this, she has a big heart, she doesn't need to be coaxed and she is happy again, and it makes people happy to watch.

After some intimacy and lingering, the result is naturally happy for everyone.

The two still had dinner happily.

Hongzhang was very sensible, and Huang Ama sent him to take care of his younger brother for dinner, so he took Ji'er to his residence. The two little brothers without their parents were like two young cabbages in the field. It looks a little pathetic.

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