Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2898 Fourth master's complexion changed a bit

The hunting activity started vigorously.

Ten Fujin's interest remained undiminished, and he led a group of equally enthusiastic female relatives straight to the hunting ground, having a great time.

Mu Jin doesn't have much interest in this kind of activities, besides, she is now an imperial concubine with a high status, which makes her more flattering and enviable.

Unlike in the past when she was a little transparent, even if she had a little fame, others would only say that she was a favored prince Gege and Chu Fujin. At that time, there were more or less concubines like her in every mansion. conspicuous.

Now, if she goes on stage, I'm afraid there will be countless pairs of eyes staring at her openly and secretly, and maybe someone will pick things up.

That being the case, it would be better not to cause trouble to others, and I would be more relaxed, just riding a horse for a few laps in my spare time.

The past few days were the busiest time in Chengde, and just watching the bustle from the sidelines made people dizzy and enjoy it.

The fourth master originally planned to take Hongzhang and Hongshi to the field together to hunt the herds of deer that were forbidden to be hunted and stocked in the royal hunting grounds, but Hongshi obviously had his own ideas.

Hong Shi eloquently talked about a lot of things, which were obviously well-prepared rhetoric. In summary, he has grown up now. He has studied hard and worked hard under the guidance of Huang Ama these years. Big progress.

As the eldest son of Huang Ama, he should set an example for his brothers. Therefore, he specifically asked to enter the hunting ground to hunt and offer prey to Huang Ama to show his filial piety.

The style of painting here is basically normal. Although the fourth master is a bit uncomfortable when he hears his "eldest son" and "eldest son" intentionally or unintentionally revealing his identity, he is his own son after all. I don't care too much.

Seeing that he had the courage to take the initiative to go to the hunting ground at such a young age, fourth master was actually quite relieved.

However, when the topic changed, Hongshi asked the fourth master to let Longkodo accompany him to the end, "Master Long is skilled in archery and horse, martial arts is strong, and he is thoughtful and safe in handling affairs. If Master Long is by his side, I will feel more at ease." , I beg the emperor Ama to complete my son and minister."

After hearing his words, fourth master's expression changed a little.

The fourth master was originally interested in Longko because of the series of coquettish operations of Li Sier's mother and son. After all, without Longko's support, Li Sier's mother and son would be domineering on the one-third of an acre of land in their own home. That's all, how dare you blatantly provoke the Mu family first and then the Nian family over and over again?

At this moment, Hongshi is emphasizing his identity as the eldest son, and he wants Longkodo to escort him - this clearly means to win over Longkodo, what does he want to do?

Fourth master looked at Hongshi for a long time, and Hongshi felt a little uneasy in his heart like a needle on his back.

After all, he deliberately asked Longkodo to accompany and protect him, and he had hidden some small thoughts and guilty conscience.

"Alright," just when Hongshi felt that he was about to drip cold sweat from his forehead, fourth master finally opened his mouth slowly, nodded and said lightly: "In that case, I'll ask Longko Duohu to go out with you. Su Peisheng, go deliver the decree."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Su Peisheng bowed and agreed, silently lighting the wax for the third elder brother in his heart.

The third elder brother is like his ermother, when he should not be stupid, he is always stupid and does stupid things. This is really self-inflicted.

Could it be that he doesn't know what happened in the capital?

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