Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2899 The third brother is an idiot

At this time, not to mention leaving Longkodo aside, he actually took the initiative to move up

When Longkodo received the order, he received the order respectfully on his face, with a calm expression, but he was surprised and uncertain in his heart.

Could it be that the emperor, the emperor has discovered something, otherwise why would he make such a decree? ?

Otherwise, the emperor ordered him to protect the third elder brother, why would he only send Su Peisheng to pass the decree, instead of summoning him in person to explain it face to face?

It is said that the emperor only has these three princes, and the fifth prince is still so young, it is hard to say whether he can be raised up, the prince is worthless to the emperor, but he is precious to the emperor.

The third elder brother headed back to the hunting ground, the emperor should take it seriously

Longkodo already had ghosts in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more disturbed he became, and the more he thought about it, the more disturbed he became.

When he learned that it was the third elder brother who offered to protect and accompany him in front of the fourth master, Longkodo was in a complicated mood.

I was so angry that I almost couldn't turn around!

Brother San, you idiot!

He can conclude that it must be the day when he left Ruyizhou, and he was complacent about "by the way" paying his respects to him, that's why he mentioned such a request to the emperor today, in order to get closer to him and win him over.

But he didn't think about it at all, he was in charge of the 20,000 soldiers of Nine City Bingma Division, and controlled the security of the inner city of the capital. How much power is this?

How sensitive is your position?

In the past, when the Supreme Emperor was here, who would dare to blatantly make friends with the Admiral of the Nine City Army Ma Si? This is the position responsible for the safety of the palace!

Third elder brother, how dare he!

Don't look at the emperor nodding and agreeing, maybe what the emperor thinks in his heart.

Third elder brother, it's not worth mentioning that he provoked suspicion for himself, and even dragged him into trouble.

Longkodo was quite worried deep in his heart. He felt that his position as the admiral of the nine schools was already so shaky

However, he and the third elder brother are not yet familiar with each other to that extent, so he dare not tell him these words at all, so he can only hold back.

On the other hand, he has to worry about him not being stupid again.

He wondered if he should think of a way to remind the third elder brother

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed by Qiushou.

It is gradually coming to an end.

All kinds of gatherings, large and small, are held every day to exchange and connect with each other.

Mu Jin and everyone in Fujin must have gatherings with the female family members of the Mongolian royal family every day.

On this day, Shi Fujin came to find Mu Jin, and said with a smile that he was going to hold a banquet on the grasslands around Wanshu Garden to entertain the Mongolian princes and their families.

The place is spacious and green, and there are many tall trees such as elm, willow, locust tree, poplar, pine, etc. In this season, all kinds of thin but numerous wild flowers bloom all over the grassland, just like stars.

It is best to roast fresh mutton, venison, roe deer, pheasant, hare and other freshly shot game there.

In a few days, the various tribes in Mongolia will bid farewell to their respective places. Many of them are relatives and friends of Shi Fujin, and Shi Fujin feels somewhat reluctant and wants to have a good reunion.

Mu Jinneng understood her mood, nodded and said with a smile: "That place is very good, you have a good eye, and you picked a good place!"

Shi Fujin's eyes sparkled, and he smiled and said, "Since that's the case, I'll make arrangements here! The imperial concubine don't forget to go there early tomorrow."

The Summer Resort is a royal manor belonging to the emperor, and to arrange gatherings in the villa, it needs the consent of the fourth master.

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