Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2992 This matter was not deliberately concealed

She can easily understand what he means, and she supports him without reservation.

To be honest, it was the inspiration from her that led to the establishment of Baigongyuan and the state-owned firm. This is the pride of the two of them.

As expected, Mu Jin understood him best. Hearing these words, her eyes lit up, and she acted happier than him. Some of them smiled, some of them praised him well, and the fourth master was so happy with her compliments. Kiss her, love her in every possible way.

Kissing and kissing both of them couldn't take it anymore, and they went back to the dormitory at night, and there was a lot of fiery lingering, and it took them half the night to clean up and rest.

After the fifteenth day, you don't have to go to court, you can sleep in peace, with the door closed, who knows whether the emperor is unwilling to get up or is he already working tirelessly to approve the memorial?

Just after the fifteenth day, Mu Jianying left Beijing to leave the customs.

This matter was not deliberately concealed, but there was no publicity, and it was quite low-key.

For this trip, at least one year, at most two or three years before returning to Beijing. Although there may be opportunities to return to Beijing to report on work in the middle, most of the time will be spent there. Although the fourth master didn't make his words clear, the meaning behind the words has already been revealed. After returning from this trip, Mu Jianying's position must be raised by one promotion. Most likely, the right servant or the left servant of the official department will not be able to escape. dropped.

In the future, the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials will probably belong to him.

After studying hard for so many years, Mu Jianying finally entered the court and became an official, so naturally she was looking forward to showing off her skills.

Now that I have this opportunity, I can not only help my sister, but also realize my own ambitions, so why not do it?

This trip he ran willingly.

Mrs. Luo was a little bit reluctant, but her son was doing things for the court, and she couldn't stop her.

Thinking that her son and daughter-in-law could not be separated for so long, Mrs. Luo asked her eldest daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bo, if she wanted to go with her.

But the children can't go with them, they have to stay in the capital.

That place is so bitter that Mrs. Luo is reluctant to let her two children suffer.

Furthermore, the grandson is already studying in the academy, and it is even more impossible to leave.

Bai Shi was very confused.

On the one hand, she is of course unwilling to separate from her husband, even if the husband has no other intentions, but he is young and promising, and he is the brother of the imperial concubine, so there may be many people rushing to curry favor.

He was not tempted once and twice, and if the number of times was too many, it was hard to guarantee that he would not go along with the flow.

If he didn't go with him, he would have to open his face and send the two house maids to follow him to serve him, so as to prevent some outsiders from taking advantage of the loopholes.

That's it, she doesn't want to.

But once she followed, the two children really made her feel a little bit reluctant.

Mrs. Luo didn't urge her, and let her make up her own mind.

She is the eldest daughter-in-law, she has to have her own thinking and judgment on what is more important and how to choose.

In the end, Mrs. Bai chose to go with Mu Jianying. The child said that she was not too young. The director, with her mother-in-law taking care of her, she didn't have to worry too much.

On the contrary, at the husband's place, one is worried about the flowers and plants outside, and the other is that the place is difficult, and he is even more worried about going to take care of her husband's daily necessities.

Explained to the two children that the mother was going to take care of the father. Although the two children were tearful, they did not make a fuss.

Mrs. Luo was very relieved that the child would not be unfamiliar with her when she grew up, and it would be no harm to stay at home for two or three years. She was willing to go there with her son to take care of her, so she did not misunderstand her.

Otherwise, Mrs. Luo would not say anything wrong with her son if his son had someone close to him there.

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