Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2993 The fourth master can see clearly what he is thinking

A man doesn't have a woman in his house. It's fine for one or two months, and it's like this for two or three years. If there is no one to take care of him, that's too wronged!

Even if there is a servant, how can the servant pay attention to many personal matters?

Mu Jin knew it, but she felt sorry for her sister-in-law and her two nephews and nieces. She missed her so much, and this feeling couldn't be more clear.

So he rewarded the two children with many things and sent someone to comfort them.

The two children, one twelve and the other nine years old, are half-grown and not young, and they understand a lot of things that should be understood.

The imperial concubine and aunt were rewarded generously, she had a bright face, and felt a little comfort in her heart, so she was not so sad.

Mu Jianying left Beijing in a hurry with a lot of banknotes. Mu Jianan didn't go to the south in person, but only explained his instructions carefully, and sent a useful steward to take a few people there to make preliminary preparations. Go again in a month.

That was originally the territory of the Mu family, and his father had already gone back. The emperor seemed to have ordered him to do other things related to the sea ban, and with the presence of historians, there was no obstacle to building a sugar workshop and letting people grow sugar cane in large quantities.

At that time, he will just go through the motions, and naturally someone will do everything that needs to be done for him.

In the blink of an eye, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month passed, and fourth master started to get busy again.

After a few spring rains, the sky cleared up, the sun was shining brightly, and the weather was getting warmer day by day. It seemed that it was going to be the most beautiful time of the year when the flowers bloomed like brocades.

At the beginning of February, Fourth Master took Mu Jin, Concubine Qi and others to Yuanmingyuan. Still live according to the previous arrangement.

The fourth master actually didn't really want to bring Concubine Qi and others here, but if they were left in the palace, Mu Jin's mother and son would look too conspicuous; If anything happens, it's better to bring them all over.

Now that Hongshi has grown up day by day, he may think that he hides his thoughts well, but in the eyes of the fourth master, he is open and open at all.

Fourth master could see clearly what he was thinking, so he felt even more unhappy.

How can he think of him if he doesn't do serious things and spends all day thinking about this crooked way?

But the more this was the case, the more worried Fourth Master would be about leaving him and Concubine Qi in the palace together, and it would be more reassuring to take him by his side to watch.

Perhaps because of the hot springs in the Old Summer Palace, spring seems to come earlier than other places in the capital.

When Mu Jin and Fourth Master moved in, they had already seen the early spring, and many flowers and trees were already blooming.

Living here is much better than living in the palace.

It is full of flowers and things, which makes people feel refreshed and intoxicated at the same time. The mind is so drunk that they have to do something else, the two of them go in and out together, sit and lie together, more and more like glue.

The fourth master took Mu Jin to visit Baigongyuan twice, which greatly inspired everyone's enthusiasm.

Baigongyuan is thriving and in full swing.

Regarding Si Ye's emphasis on research and development of various skills and breeding of improved varieties, everyone expressed that they would go all out

The group lived in the Old Summer Palace for more than two months, and only returned to Beijing in mid-April.

Before returning to Beijing, Mu Jin specially hosted a banquet, and invited all Fujin to bring the children in the family to the banquet, and had a good day of fun.

Ten Fujin was heartbroken, the emperor lived in Yuanmingyuan, what a pity! If the emperor is not around, they can all stay for a few days, that would be interesting.

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