Concubine De couldn't help but feel depressed: She cares so much about the matter of the old fourteenth, but Mu's bitch has such an attitude?

"I don't know?" Concubine De's face turned cold: "You don't know anything, what's the use of you as an imperial concubine? Haven't you been serving the emperor all the time? You don't even know this?"

"What the concubine concubine said is true," Mu Jin saw that Concubine De was angry, but for some reason she felt happier and secretly smiled, and smiled more kindly: "Isn't the concubine always serving the emperor by his side! The concubine is just a harem concubine It’s all about being a concubine, and I don’t care about anything else, I just know how to serve the emperor. The other things, the concubine neither cares nor takes it seriously! The concubine is really too difficult for the concubine. If you ask the emperor How many bowls of rice are eaten for three meals a day, the concubine can remember clearly!"

Concubine De choked hard.

In the end, he came back to his senses faintly, knowing that it was because the son seemed to care too much about the fourteenth child and not the fourth child, and that the Mu family was unfair on behalf of the fourth child.

Concubine Ke De didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.

How the fourth child treats me, how the fourteenth child treats me, can't I compare myself?

Isn't it natural that I prefer the old fourteen?

Besides, the fourth child is in the palace, so what can happen, but the fourteenth child is different!

He fought against the Zhungeer rebels in the north, how dangerous it was.

However, Concubine De couldn't say these words.

It’s okay to think so, but it’s definitely not possible to say that.

She couldn't help but glared at Mu Jin fiercely, and became angry from embarrassment: "Get out!"

Mu Jin hated seeing her at first, so she couldn't wait.

Leave a sentence and set off after lunch, and went straight.

During lunch, Mu Jin didn't come to Concubine De, but used it by herself.

Knowing that she is coming today, the vegetarian food prepared by Huangjue Temple is naturally carefully selected and cooked.

In addition, the season is just right, and the ingredients are very fresh, and Mu Jin is full of praise.

After a very satisfying lunch, the group set off for Beijing after a short rest.

Concubine De was still angry about what happened in the morning, seeing that Mu Jin was not pleasing to the eye when looking from left to right, she deliberately wanted to save her face, so she invited Concubine Qi to ride in her chariot.

To give Concubine Qi a bad face on purpose would disgust Mu Jin.

No, Concubine Qi accompanied her with a smile and said, "My concubine is a little car sick. If I lose my composure and disturb the concubine, how can I make my concubine feel better? The concubine is not so lucky and cannot serve the concubine. Please forgive me, empress dowager."

Mu Jin couldn't help but cast a glance at Concubine Qi, with a half-smile.

Still motion sickness, come on.

It's not that the car smells like gasoline. This official road has already been paved with cement, smooth and spacious.

According to modern standards, that is two-way twelve-lane.

The carriages in the palace are all specially designed, and the shock absorption is very good. The interior of the carriage is thick and thick, and a cup of tea will not splash out when placed on the small table in the carriage.

Where do you get motion sickness?

Concubine Qi is a smart person, she doesn't want to have anything to do with this unlucky concubine.

Isn't that what Concubine Qi thinks? Although she had already given up her desire to be loved again, for the sake of her son, she still paid close attention to Si Ye's every move.

How could she not know the relationship between Fourth Master and Concubine De?

Besides, Concubine De didn't really get close to her, but just wanted to use her as a pawn to scare Mu Jin off.

Although she also wanted to see Mu Jin deflated, it wouldn't be worth it if fourth master was angered by it.

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