Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3000 The fourth master is really incapable of responding

After all, Mu Jin is as thick-skinned as she is, so she might not feel ashamed!

This is even more uneconomical.

Concubine Qi was stupid to do it after she made it clear that it was a bad deal.

Concubine De didn't think much about it, but her complexion was a little unsightly because everything was not going well, so she snorted sullenly and didn't say anything.

The carriage was brisk, and when the group returned to the palace, it was just after four o'clock in the afternoon.

The fourth master greeted him in the harem in embarrassment.

Concubine De didn't care about taking a rest, it was a good time to see Fourth Master, so she asked Fourth Master to accompany her to Shoukang Palace.

Fourth master's face sank "shua".

Mu Jin gave him a sympathetic look.

Uh, she has tried her best, but there is no way, this concubine is really the kind of wife who is too worried about her young son, and can't bear it or wait for a moment.

Fourth master is really desperate.

He originally wanted to find an excuse to be too busy to go there at the moment, but on second thought, it's all right, if she doesn't go today, she will definitely send someone to pester her tomorrow, so why not talk about it now so that she can clean up her back.

Sure enough, when she arrived at the Shoukang Palace, Concubine De asked about the Fourteenth Master eagerly.

Fourth master really has no interest in discussing with her how old fourteen is, this and that, he just told her that everything is fine with old fourteen in the north, and she will ask him about the details when he comes back.

If it's superfluous, fourth master really doesn't bother to say a word to her.

Concubine De was naturally dissatisfied with Fourth Master's answer.

But the fourth master looked like this, and there was nothing superfluous to ask, so Concubine De could only let the fourth master leave disappointed and unhappy.

Fourth master got up with a cold face and went straight.

Seeing this, Concubine De was so angry that she complained again.

Fourth Master didn't feel better until he went back to Yikun Palace and met Mu Jin.

If the other people were like this, Mu Jin would have complained and complained about the injustice long ago, but it was the fourth master's mother, and Mu Jin couldn't complain about his mother in front of him, so she had to interrupt with other words, talking about missing Thinking of the child's letter from Yunnan, several carts of souvenirs came with the letter, and there were many strange things in it. Fourth Master's eyes gradually softened, and he became happy again.

Everything went well in the north, as well as outside the pass and in the south.

There is a lot of sugar cane planting between Guangdong and Guangxi, but it has not yet formed a scale. Mu Jian'an and his wife went there and left a capable general to take charge. With sufficient manpower, material and financial resources, the results were very fast.

The sugar production between Guangdong and Guangxi can double or even triple this year.

Next year and the year after that, the scale will naturally double and continue to expand.

Thanks to the influence of Baigong Academy, Mu Jianan and Shi Fangyun attached great importance to skilled craftsmen, and specially sent people to search for them, and actually hired several skilled masters.

In addition, I brought over two experienced craftsmen from Baigong Workshop in machine tools, studied together with several master craftsmen, and already had an idea to improve the sugar extraction process. Now I am trying it. I believe that when the sugar cane is harvested, In the sugar season, improved crafting tools can be made.

You must know that Mu Jian'an and Shi Fangyun have given a lot of rewards. As long as they can improve the craftsmanship and improve one place, they will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver. They can divide it among themselves according to their respective contributions.

If he can take 10,000 taels from him, an additional 5,000 taels will be added as a bonus.

The eyes of several craftsmen and master craftsmen are almost red, and they will naturally rack their brains and try their best to find a way.

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