Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3001 double happiness

Anyway, they can do whatever they want, the cost is all paid by Mu Jianan and his wife, don't worry about their waste, as long as they can make good things!

Thanks to Baigongfang, after all, the couple are in charge of many things in Baigongfang, and they have a deeper understanding and feeling than anyone else in this regard.

The advancement of technology and the invention of new tools are really worth the cost, and the benefits brought about are not at all comparable to the seemingly large cost.

Just like the glass, the emperor poured a lot of silver into it before tossing it out. At that time, some people secretly laughed at the emperor who was still the king of the county at that time.

The results of it? Once the glass was made, all costs were recovered in less than three months.

Although in the past two years, even well-to-do families can afford glass wind lamps, oil lamps, and a few glass windows, but the profits are still very rich because they have seized the market.

Mu Jian'an and Shi Fangyun returned to the capital in mid-May, and the arrangements for the south had already been made, so they basically had nothing to do with them, and they just had to wait until October to have a look.

Mu Jianying and his wife left for the Northeast, they were somewhat uneasy about Mrs. Luo, it would be more convenient to stay in the capital.

Who is the imperial concubine in the palace too eye-catching, even the Mu family is stared at by countless pairs of eyes, and accidents may happen if they are not careful.

Once something happened, Madam Luo and Mu Jianyun alone would be a bit weak.

Besides, Mu Jianyun will take the path of a noble civil servant in the future, and the Mu family would not want him to mess with anything.

Unexpectedly, less than a month after Mu Jianan and Shi Fangyun returned to the capital, Shi Fangyun was diagnosed with a happy pulse by the doctor's pulse diagnosis, but within a few days, Nian Xinmei also had a happy pulse.

This can be regarded as double happiness, the whole Mu family is overjoyed, and Mrs. Luo is also smiling. Because the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law went outside the customs, the heart that was always not very happy was finally relieved.

When the news spread to the palace, Mu Jin was also overjoyed, so she asked Nanny Yan to prepare a lot of gifts and sent them to Mu's house.

She was quite worried about her sister-in-law and younger siblings, especially Nian Xinmei, who was still young, and she was not just kidding when she gave birth.

Then I asked Madam Yan, who was going to deliver the things, to whisper a word to Mrs. Luo in private. The two young ladies will check their pulse regularly. will be tough.

The family is not short of money, even rare nourishing and expensive things can be obtained. Mu Jin is worried that her mother is too happy, so she keeps feeding her second sister-in-law and younger siblings.

Mrs. Luo was amused, she had given birth to four children, how could she not know this? Her little girl has really grown up, she even knows how to worry about this, she is worthy of being a mother.

This day when Fourth Master returned to Yikun Palace, Mu Jin was so excited that she couldn't help laughing and told him about it.

Fourth Master rolled his eyes when he heard this, and then subconsciously looked at Mu Jin's still flat belly.

It made Mu Jin subconsciously cover her lower abdomen with both hands, and glared at him: "Your Majesty, what is this for?"

Fourth Master was overjoyed, stretched out his long arms, pulled her into his arms and sat down, lowered his head and kissed her hard on the cheek, and said affectionately: "Jin'er, be good, don't worry, we will get pregnant too."

Mu Jin: "" Who said she was in a hurry? No!

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