Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3002 When the fourth master mentioned it, how could Mu Jin not be moved

"The concubine is just happy for her natal family, what's the rush?"

The fourth master smiled and said: "Yes, yes, Jin'er is not in a hurry, well, I am not in a hurry, but I still hope that Jin'er can conceive another one. If Jin'er conceives another one, I will make you a queen. No one can find any reason."

At that time, even if someone challenged him, Fourth Master could confidently call him back.

For the Tian family, spreading branches and leaves is the most important thing, and the imperial concubine is happy again and again, which shows that she has deep blessings and is worthy of being a queen, and no one can deny it.

Mu Jin was slightly startled, she didn't expect that fourth master would always keep the matter of her becoming a queen in mind, her heart suddenly became sweeter, and the light in her eyes became more gentle.

To be honest, even she herself has long forgotten about this matter.

After all, in her opinion, as long as there is no queen in the palace, she is the biggest.

Since she is already the biggest one, what does it matter if she is the queen?

Especially after seeing Concubine De make countless things because of her status as a queen mother, she insisted on tossing away the mother-child relationship with the fourth master. Regarding things like "title", Mu Jin It's really not that persistent.

How could Mu Jin not be moved by Fourth Master's mention?

At first, the fourth master glanced at his lower abdomen and felt a little awkward, but instantly became obedient and soft, snuggling up in his arms, with the corners of his lips raised uncontrollably: "With the words of the emperor, the concubine will be satisfied." Already!"

The fourth master smiled and looked down at her: "It's not enough to be satisfied, Jin'er still has to work hard."

"Chen Qie——" Mu Jin wanted to say, "How can Chen Qie work hard alone?" The words came to his lips and he swallowed again, "Oh!", "Chen Qie will, Chen Qie will definitely work hard!"

Trying to regenerate a little elder brother for you, like a childbirth machine without emotion, thinking so self-deprecatingly, Mu Jin couldn't help but laugh.

Fourth master: "Well, I will work hard with you"

Mu Jin's face flushed, and she raised her eyes to scold him. No matter what she said, he might have been waiting for her here, right?

Seeing that she was hesitating to speak, and unable to speak, fourth master could not know what she was thinking? He couldn't help laughing, and before she could get angry from embarrassment, he held her face, lowered his head and kissed her.

It was night, fourth master was working very hard with the beauty in his arms. When Mu Jin thought of what he had said during the day, she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, but she made him too manipulative to resist, so half-pushed and half-assed, on the contrary, it aroused him a little more interest, and the two of them quarreled for most of the night before they rested.

Fourth Master really loved her, he worked hard, worked hard as always, but he never forced Mu Jin on his son.

Fearing that she would feel nervous about this matter, the next day she hugged her and comforted her for a while. Mu Jin was so moved when she heard this, hugged him and kissed him again and again, wishing she could melt into him.

She said in her heart that if she treated her like this to him, she would be willing to give him two, or even three more children.

She took the initiative to entangle her, and fourth master could not have wished for it, and the two got better and better.

Since Shi Fangyun was pregnant, the couple's original plan to go south in September or October was naturally cancelled.

Shi Fangyun is pregnant, of course Mu Jianan is worried about traveling far away.

Mu Jian'an informed fourth master that he had arranged for someone to be there, so please rest assured.

Ask for a monthly pass for the new month!

In addition, the new book still asks for recommendation tickets and collections

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