Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3014 This, she really can't comfort

Mu Jin was a little ashamed to say that it had been more than a year since the beginning of the relationship between the Mu family and the Nian family, and it was still going on forever.

Mu Jin really didn't understand what Li Si'er was thinking?

It's not fun to find her family. Could it be that she thinks her family will swallow her anger?

Has her son recovered from his leg injury? Do you want to come again for a while?

"It's that Li Si'er, hey, don't be angry, those shrews in the market have a heart smaller than the tip of a needle, and they don't want to play tricks when they get the chance."

Just as Mu Jin said something at the beginning, fourth master's expression darkened.

The fourth master sneered: "I'm not angry with those shrews in the market, I just want to see that my uncle doesn't take my words seriously at all!"

Otherwise, they wouldn't still let Mrs. Li do all the messing around outside.

Mu Jin: ""

This, she really can't comfort her, she can only sympathize

Mu Jin simply told the fourth master what Yanmao Yan said, and the fourth master was furious when he heard it, "Tong Jia's family is really a big family, this shelf is big enough, others can line up, but their family can't? No?" Are they so scheming and vicious in order to harm others?"

"This means that it was your family who bumped into you by mistake. If you are an ordinary family with an upright temper but no background, wouldn't you be imprisoned for nothing?"

"Then Li Si'er is so courageous as a concubine! The officials patrolling the river and the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion belong to their family!"

Fourth master became more and more angry.

There are many things about the use of privileges among the nobles, but they are all tacit and turned a blind eye, and they must not be brought to the table.

Not to mention being pointed out by fourth master.

It will be different if you have a golden mouth and jade teeth.

"The concubine is also annoyed that Li Si'er is endless. Your majesty, don't be angry. I will find a chance to teach her a lesson later." Mu Jin smiled softly while holding the fourth master's arm.

This made fourth master dumbfounded, he was staring at Long Kedo, not Li Si'er.

"Jin'er doesn't need to take action on this kind of thing, just ask someone to do it. It shouldn't take much trouble to clean up that kind of idiot."

The fourth master smiled casually, and didn't take Li Si'er seriously at all, and said: "I will make a decree tomorrow morning, ordering the river officials to rectify this unhealthy wind, and the boats that come and go will be handled by me according to the rules. Line up honestly, if anyone dares to disturb the order again, don't blame me for not giving face."

Mu Jin smiled: "Your majesty is wise, this kind of thing should be dealt with from time to time, so as not to cause a big incident one day, it would be bad."

Ordinary people are not without objections to the behavior of the noble family, but it's just that the arms can't twist the thighs.

if not? Is it possible to head-to-head with others?

But if it continues in the long run, it will only fuel the arrogance of the nobles and make them go too far.

And ordinary people will always have a day when they can't bear it.

Once the grievances flare up, the consequences can only get worse.

It is indeed a good thing if you tap and tap from time to time.

The fourth master's heart moved, and he had already turned several thoughts, he put Mu Jin in his arms and said with a smile: "Jin'er is absolutely right."

He has already planned in his heart that tomorrow's decree will not only order the river officials to take care of the rules, but also issue the same decree to Shuntianfu Yamen and Jiucheng Bingmasi to rectify and clean up the unhealthy atmosphere in the capital.

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