Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3015 This is too dishonest

The two talked for a while, and Mu Jin was not so angry anymore. She glanced at the double-skin milk that she had just used for a few mouthfuls. After all, she was a little bit reluctant, and said with a flattering smile: "This is a presentation just made by the small kitchen of Yikun Palace. The Shuangpi Nai that comes up is very tender, smooth and refreshing, very sweet, do you want to taste it too, Your Majesty?"

Fourth master didn't know that Mu Jin always liked to have people make such small desserts, and seeing that the appearance was not bad, he nodded his head and said "Yes".

Mu Jin was very happy, raised her head and called out, "Mother Yan,"

"No need," the fourth master said with a smile: "Jin'er rewards me with a couple of mouthfuls, it's enough, Jin'er don't be reluctant."

Even if Mammy Yan offered him another bowl, he would probably only take a couple of mouthfuls.

Mu Jin's pretty face flushed, "How can a concubine be so stingy?"

The old man was expected to be unwilling to do it himself, so Mu Jin had to take the initiative, picked up a porcelain bowl and fed it to him with a silver spoon.

Fourth Master tasted it, turned his head and said to Nanny Yan: "Next time, don't make such cold things for your master, it's too cold."

A woman's body is delicate, and his family's Jin'er is so pampered, even more delicate, how can the internal organs bear such a cold feeling?

Besides, he was still waiting for her to give him another little brother, so his body naturally had to be well maintained, and things that were too cold were definitely not usable.

Mammy Yan quickly responded.

Mu Jin hurriedly said: "The concubine doesn't need to use it like this on weekdays, except for today and today, who knows that if you use it once in a while, your majesty will be bumped into you."

Fourth Master laughed, and pinched her face, "You still want to hide it from me?"

Mu Jin smiled, "The concubine dare not?"

This is too insincere. If she said she dared not, fourth master wouldn't believe it.

Mu Jin fed fourth master a mouthful, and was about to feed herself by the way, but fourth master cut off halfway, and without looking at her wide-eyed and dumbfounded expression, he told Nurse Yan: "Make another bowl, let it cool down a bit But, don't make it like this again."

"Yes." Nanny Yan hurried down.

It was obvious that this bowl of Mu Jin could not be tasted in one bite.

Mu Jin felt a little regretful, so she had to wait helplessly for Nanny Yan to fetch another one.

In fact, she has divine spring water to recuperate her body, so she doesn't care if it's ice or not, and it doesn't matter if she has a few more sips. It's just that fourth master watched it closely, so he had to give up regretfully.

If you want to use it next time, you must find out when he summoned the ministers in the Hall of Mental Cultivation or the Government Affairs Office.

However, Mother Yan also disapproved of her using such a cold thing, I'm afraid she might not be willing to prepare it for her next time.

Fourth master looked at her small appearance, a little pitiful, couldn't help laughing, but also a little pitiful and distressed, he couldn't help hugging and hugging her for comfort and comfort.

When Mammy Yan came in with the newly made double-skin milk, Mu Jin panted lightly, and snuggled softly into Fourth Master's arms, barely having the strength to do anything else.

In the early morning of the next day, fourth master really made his order like that.

Many officials with ordinary backgrounds naturally gave their support. They have long been disgusted with those domineering and reckless nobles. It's just that the atmosphere is such that no one can say anything.

The emperor is indeed wise, and made such a decree.

Those people should have been rectified long ago.

It's too outrageous to make trouble on weekdays!

After the dynasty was dispersed, many officials came to their senses. It is unlikely that the emperor would make such a decree for no reason. Did something happen?

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