Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3016 This convergence is naturally inconvenient

Everyone inquired and inquired, and found that it seems that there has not been any particularly high-level dandies making trouble in the capital recently. So, where did this decree come from?

Longkodo was also a little surprised.

But he didn't think much of it.

This matter has nothing to do with him, he doesn't want to get to the bottom of it, since the emperor has issued a will, he will follow it.

But fourth master, like Mu Jin, has always protected his weaknesses.

Long Ke did not pay attention to Si Ye's words over and over again, and indulged Li Si'er again and again. If there was a ready opportunity, Si Ye would certainly not let it go.

So soon, it was rumored that Li Sier, the concubine of Master Longkodo in Tong Jia's mansion, made a fuss at Tongzhou Wharf and bullied others, so he was stabbed up, and the emperor made such a decree to be good. Check it out, and beat those noble and domineering dudes who are domineering on weekdays.

Someone asked again, this is not right, then Li Si'er is domineering, after all, even if he is not domineering, he can't do things like forcibly interfering in other people's marriages.

However, how could such a matter reach the ears of the emperor, and provoked the emperor to be angry and make such a decree?

Oh, it turns out that Li Si'er is so short-sighted, so it's no wonder that the family he provoked happened to be the relatives of the Mu family!

Everyone couldn't help laughing behind their backs, this Li Si'er is really capable, and the people who provoked him once or twice were all members of the Mu family.

What grudge does she have against the Mu family? It's all right if I want to jump in the queue because I'm so arrogant and domineering, but I still have such a vicious mind, I want to send people to the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion by patrolling the river

The masters on the boat were either women's relatives or children, and some of them were girls' families who had never spoken to each other. Li Sier's heart was vicious enough!

No wonder, how could the Mu family be willing to let it go?

Those honorable families can go anywhere on weekdays, but now it's all right, once the emperor's decree comes, who would dare to hit the muzzle of the gun?

You must restrain yourself.

This convergence will naturally make it inconvenient to do anything in the future.

So they all complained secretly to Longkodo, if it wasn't for him, it wouldn't have happened.

There is no one who spoils a maidservant and concubine like this

When Longkodo knew this, he was so angry that his head hurt.

Your majesty is so ruthless, this is intentional to make all the rich and noble families in the capital hate him!

And, this is just the beginning

We must know that not all dandies are conscious, otherwise they would not be dandies.

The reason why dandies are called dandies is that they are self-willed, domineering, overbearing, self-centered in eating, drinking and having fun.

Even if the emperor issued a decree to investigate, there would definitely be people who would commit crimes against the wind.

Besides, since the emperor made such a decree, he must catch a few typical cases, otherwise wouldn't it be too embarrassing?

So, the offender is yet to come

This kind of thing, Ninetowns Bingma Division can't get over it.

Confused, Longkodo went back to the mansion and went to Li Si'er and asked her about the Tongzhou Wharf.

When Li Si'er heard this, she became angry immediately, scolded Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zhang viciously, and said that the river patrol officer was not a thing, and she clearly ordered him to tie him up and send him to Shuntian Mansion. In the yamen, he was so shameless that he was obedient and obedient!

"Otherwise, hmph, that's good-looking! I'd like to see if the Mu family has lost face or if they're so smug all day long!"

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