Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3038 What kind of heartache and headache...... Heh

Chapter 3038 what heartache and headache

Why did he, an imperial physician, get involved in the battle between the harem and the princes?

Concubine Qi saw that he was pondering and didn't make a sound for a long time, and she panicked even more in her heart, "Qin Court Judge, what's--what's the matter with the third elder brother? You should tell me quickly!"

The third elder brother also panicked for no reason.

He seemed to feel that Qin Yuanjuan seemed to see through him, and when he heard what Concubine Qi said, he immediately frowned and moaned a few words of pain.

Now that it has been installed, it is natural to install it to the end, otherwise, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?

Besides, wouldn't it make people laugh!

Seeing this, Concubine Qi became even more anxious, and tears fell down again.

Mu Jin's eyes flickered, and she also looked at Qin Yuanjue: "Qin Yuanjue, how about it?"

Qin Yuanpan raised his head and glanced at Mu Jin. Their eyes met for only a moment, but Mu Jin seemed to see something in his eyes.

In fact, when Qin Yuanpan was secretly observing the third elder brother, Mu Jin's eyes also turned back and forth between the third elder brother and Qin Yuanpan.

Although the change in Qin Yuanjuan's expression was subtle, she still keenly saw it clearly.

This third elder brother is just like his mother-in-law, bad and low-handed

Now, Xiaodouzi had already inquired about the whole story from the people around Hongzhang, and told Mu Jin everything about it.

Mu Jin naturally knew in her heart whether Elder Brother San's injury was serious or not.

What a heartache and headache!

Hearing Concubine Qi and the third elder brother yelling "Your Majesty!" and "Ama Huang!", it seemed as if the fourth master was not there, how bullying I was as the imperial concubine, and bullied their mother and son into a miserable state Xiaobaicai, as if waiting for fourth master to come back to save her.

Just like the third elder brother who is rushing to die, they have to thank God that the fourth master is not in Beijing at the moment, otherwise, ha ha!

She couldn't even fool her with this little trick, but could she fool fourth master? What a sweet dream.

"It seems that this humble official is really not good at learning, ashamed, ashamed!" Qin Yuan judge sighed, spread his hands, and said in a heavy tone: "The imperial concubine, the concubine Qi, and the third elder brother, the humble minister is already very serious. After carefully examining the third elder brother, I didn't find any problems with the third elder brother's head and heart, so it's Wei Chen's fault."

"Wh, what do you mean?" Concubine Qi stood up abruptly, her face was as white as a piece of paper, her head was dizzy and black, and she almost fell down again, her voice tremblingly: "Qin court judgment, this, this is What's the meaning?"

The Qin court judge sighed: "I'm not good at learning, so I can't find out what's wrong with the third elder brother."

These words were a fatal blow to Concubine Qi.

She thought that the third elder brother's situation was very serious, that's why the Qin Court judge couldn't find out, and she was sad, angry and angry, staring at Mu Jin and screaming: "Mu Shi! I'm fighting with you! Ben Gong fights with you, woo woo woo"

Mu Jin expected that no matter how loudly she yelled, she would not be able to get close to her, so she ignored her for the time being, and looked at Qin Yuanjuan worriedly: "So, the situation of the third elder brother is very bad? This head Injury is not a joke, if the intelligence is impaired, wouldn't it be——, and the internal organs are all injured, wouldn't this, this body be broken?"

Concubine Qi cried so much that she finally fell down on the chair again, crying out of breath, scolding Mu Jin and Fourth Elder Brother while crying, she wanted to fight Mu Jin desperately, but she couldn't even stand up.

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