Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3039 means that he is useless

Qin Yuan judge sighed, but did not make a sound, it is not wrong for the imperial concubine to understand so well.

Anyway, he would rather admit that his medical skills are not good, and he will never let the third elder brother lead him by the nose.

Mu Jin looked at the third elder brother sympathetically, as if he was looking at a guy who had a brain problem and turned into a fool, and sighed: "Third elder brother, don't panic, even if the body really hurts the foundation and the head is broken, you will still be injured." Prince, in this life, you don’t have to worry about clothes and food, and you can’t escape the glory and wealth!”

Concubine Qi roared in her heart, it was all your son's fault that my son became like this, you still add fuel to the flames, do you have the face to say it? But the sound of crying was choking, and he couldn't swear a word.

Mu Jin looked very guilty and sighed repeatedly.

The third elder brother Hongshi's complexion changed drastically, and his whole body was icy cold.

What would it mean if, if news spread that his head was broken, his internal organs damaged, his body ruined? It means he is useless!

It is absolutely impossible for Huang Ama to pass on the country to a physically disabled son.

Even his elder brother, the inner emperor, has three sons in total. If he is abolished, wouldn't it be a waste of money for those two brothers?

Do you still expect Huang Ama to vent his anger on him and punish his other healthy son severely? impossible

No, it can't be like this, absolutely can't be like this!

The third elder brother was so angry that he almost vomited blood! So why is he making all this fuss? Dig a hole for yourself and jump, and finally bury yourself?

"Qin, the court of Qin judged," the third elder brother was so stunned and angry that he had to slap himself at this moment, otherwise he would not be able to make it through!

"I-I don't feel much pain now. Maybe it's because I was too nervous and had an illusion just now. It's hard to say. Please ask the Qin court judge to give me a pulse diagnosis."

Now, not to mention that Qin Yuanjuan and Mu Jin were sure that the third elder brother was just pretending just now, even the imperial physicians Liu, Liang, Yan, and even Li could not help but feel a little suspicious Come.

The third elder brother tried to calm down with embarrassment on his face, "Qin court verdict, please."

"Yes, since this is the case, I will take the pulse of the third elder brother carefully, and the third elder brother relax, there is no need to be nervous." Qin Yuanpan nodded.

Although he looked down on the third elder brother for making troubles like this, the third elder brother is the prince's elder brother after all. If it is true that he has a headache and a heartache and the hospital is helpless, the emperor will be furious and investigate when the emperor returns.

It's better to round this thing up.

Mu Jin also had the same thought in her heart.

Otherwise, when the fourth master came back and asked, Hongzhang would be wrong to some extent, and it would not be good to spread the word.

Otherwise, how could Mu Jin let San elder brother go so easily if she tried to harm him so badly?

Concubine Qi on the other side froze when she heard the third elder brother's words, her eyes were fixed on this side, she stopped crying, and she secretly begged the gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to bless her

Qin Yuanju didn't fool around, but took the pulse seriously and carefully, and finally said: "I think it's because the third elder brother was too nervous just now, so he had the illusion, your head and internal organs are fine, if there is, then it's really slight The minister is incompetent."

"No, no, no!" How dare the third elder brother plant Hongzhang's head at this time? Wash yourself first!

Hearing these words, he shook his head like a rattle drum, "Who doesn't praise your medical skills in the judgment of the Qin Court? If you say there is no problem, then it must be no problem. I must have had an illusion before."

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