Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3048 the emperor will never make decisions for himself

Concubine Qi glared at her resentfully, gritted her teeth and said with a sneer: "Don't be too complacent, it's hard to say what the outcome will be, and I'll see if you have any excuses when the time comes!"

Mu Jin took a deep look at Hong Shi, and Hong Shi averted his eyes unnaturally in fright.

"I am also waiting for the result. It will be clear at a glance whether it is a thief calling for a thief."

Concubine Qi: ""

As soon as Mu Jin left, Concubine De looked at Concubine Qi with disgust, frowned and said: "You are too useless, it is clear that she didn't teach the fourth elder brother well, which is what hurt the third elder brother Injured, why did you let her go so easily?"

What a great opportunity! If you can't even seize this opportunity that comes to your door, you, an old man in the hidden residence, deserve to be worsened day by day in the palace.

Concubine Qi's face flushed slightly, a little embarrassed.

But she doesn't dare to hate Concubine De like Mu Jin. Concubine De is the emperor's mother after all, she has no status but her seniority is here.

If she dared to tease her, maybe she would slap her over.

And the emperor will never make decisions for himself.

Concubine Qi was aggrieved and said: "How could I expect her to be so cunning, and invited the Thirteenth Master and Prince Li here. These two masters have unusual identities, except for the emperor, no one can control them."

Perhaps they would still listen to one or two words of the imperial concubine's words. How could they listen to their own words, or even the words of the Concubine De?

Didn't Concubine De meet just now?

She showed her prestige to scold the thirteenth master, but the thirteenth master didn't even move his eyes and eyebrows, so what should he do?

Concubine De heard her implied irony, she was furious, and got up angrily, "I don't know what it is! Forget it, I don't care about your business! If you can't stand up on your own, don't blame someone riding on you!" Bullying on the head."

Concubine De said that Bi left angrily.

Concubine Qi was also furious, and her complexion suddenly became even uglier, "This, why did you lose your temper at Ben Gong? Ben Gong, Ben Gong"

Fortunately, she still respects her and looks towards her, she can't control the Mu family and the two masters, but she got angry with herself.

Concubine Qi looked at Hongshi, her eyes were red, tears were about to fall again.

Seeing her appearance, Hongshi couldn't help but feel a little headache, he said with some uneasiness: "Er Niang, you are also tired, go back and rest first! My son is also a little tired, and wants to lie down quietly for a while. "

Immediately, Concubine Qi was nervous and distressed, nodded her head again and again, expressed her concern, and left two eunuchs who waited carefully on her, and then went back to Jingyang Palace.

When Mu Jin returned to Yikun Palace, Hongzhang, who was suppressing his irritability to play with Jier, jumped off the kang and ran towards her: "Er Niang!"

Mu Jin smiled and held his arm, and pulled him to sit down together.

Facing his black eyes full of concern, he couldn't help feeling pity, and said softly, "Don't worry, Zhang'er, I'll leave this matter to your second uncle and thirteenth uncle to investigate, I believe they will be sure." It will be found out."

"Really?" There was a smile on Hongzhang's small face, and he seemed to be relaxed a lot. He nodded and said, "My son is relieved to have the second uncle and the thirteenth uncle go to investigate."

Mu Jin smiled, took his hand and comforted him a few more words, Fang softly asked, "Tell Er Niang, what's going on?"

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