Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3049 Empress Mu Jin is afraid of breaking out in a cold sweat

Hongzhang thought for a while, and then said slowly: "My son is practicing riding and archery at the Jianting as usual today, and was planning to ride the horse for a few laps when he saw the third brother coming. The third brother called his son After speaking, I commented on my son's horses, and he even said that he wanted to teach him how to ride a horse! Later, he went down to the side of the arbor, saying that he wanted to see how his horse was riding."

"I didn't think too much about it. He wanted to see it. Just as I was about to get on the horse, Xiao Cong suddenly went to Erchen and told Erchen that you miss Erchen, and I specially ordered the imperial dining room for lunch. Made Erchen's favorite crispy pigeon and crispy lamb chops, and asked Erchen to go to Yikun Palace for lunch, Erchen naturally nodded in agreement, and said a few words to her, and asked Erniang and Ji'er."

Mu Jin nodded, that's right, she did send Xiao Cong to find her son today and asked him to come over and have lunch together.

"I saw Xiao Cong leave, and then I was ready to ride the horse. For some reason, I suddenly had a feeling that the horse seemed, seemed to be different from usual, but what was it? The son-in-law couldn't see it for a while."

"The third brother seemed to be a little impatient waiting, so he yelled loudly and asked Erchen whether he was still riding or not? If he didn't ride, he would leave first. Erchen was going to take a few laps, naturally If he wanted to ride, he answered him. Who knows, who knows, just as Erchen raised his feet and was about to step on the stirrups, the horse suddenly went berserk, Erchen was startled, and as soon as the rein in his hand was loosened, it galloped neighing and galloping I went out. I rushed into the arbor and almost trampled on the third brother."

Recalling the thrilling scene, Hongzhang's face was still a little pale, and he said in a trembling voice: "Emiang, my son was really, really frightened at that time. Fortunately, fortunately, the crazy horse didn't step on the third brother."

Otherwise, blood will be splashed on the spot!

Mu Jin was also worried, if Hong Shi was seriously injured, disabled, or even died, it would be useless even if the truth of this matter was finally found out. His son will still be implicated and stigmatized.

"Don't be afraid, it's all over!" Mu Jin patted his back lightly, and said softly: "Your third brother just sprained his foot a little bit, and the court judge Qin went over to see it, and he needs to rest for a few days That's good. Besides, this incident is not your fault, so the horse must have been tampered with."

Hongzhang nodded, he also thought of it.

He said again: "Fortunately, fortunately, Er Niang asked Sister Xiaocong to talk to me for a while, otherwise I would have ridden on it long ago, wouldn't it be, wouldn't it be?"

Mu Jin also broke out in a cold sweat from fear, what a fluke!

If it wasn't on my own whim, thinking of crispy pigeons with shiny skin, crispy skin and tender meat, I would suddenly become greedy, and thinking that Hongzhang also liked this dish very much, I would send Xiao Cong to invite him for lunch. It's really hard to say what the result will be.

Mu Jin smiled and patted Hongzhang's hand lightly, comforting her softly: "This shows that you have great fortune and destiny, and you have the blessings of your ancestors, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Whenever you encounter troubles, you will naturally turn evil into good fortune." , Die Chengxiang! Well, let's forget about this matter, your second uncle and thirteenth uncle will definitely investigate and find out."

Hongzhang felt much more relieved, he smiled at Mujin and nodded, thought for a while, but couldn't help but said again: "Emiang, is there someone trying to harm me?"

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