Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3050 In short, Mu Jin doesn't believe it

"But, who would have the guts to harm me? I'm Huang Ama's son!"

When Hongzhang said this, his tone was very proud.

He has always admired his Huang Ama very much.

Mu Jin felt slightly sour when she heard this, and sighed secretly.

Xin said that because you are the son of your Huang Ama, there are so many people with ulterior motives who want to harm you.

"This - Er Niang doesn't know either. So you have to remember what Er Niang told you. You must be on guard against others. Apart from Huang Ama and Er Niang, there are also Sisi and Ji'er. You should stay safe." Be careful, especially people outside, who should be more careful. When you are older, you may understand who you should believe and who you should not believe!"

Hongzhang was a little confused when he heard that, but Huang Ama and Er Niang would not harm him, he was still clear about this point, and immediately said with a smile: "I only know that trusting Huang Ama and Er Niang is enough."

Mu Jin smiled, "Good boy"

In this palace, who else but Hongshi would want to harm Hongzhang?

What a coincidence, Hong Shi was there right then? Anyway, Mu Jin didn't believe it.

It's just that Mu Jin didn't want to tell Hongzhang these words, and she didn't even want to let Hongzhang know the truth. He was too young, and these words were too cruel.

Although their brothers have never been close, Hongzhang also knows that he is not compatible with him as the third brother and is a competitor, but competition and insidious and despicable attempts to murder one's life are two different things.

The Thirteenth Lord acted resolutely, and Wu Zuo really found out after examining the horse's body that the horse had been poisoned with drugs that would cause mania, and then it lost control.

The drug's efficacy and side effects were strong, so the horse died quickly.

The two assistants even told the Thirteenth Master and Prince Li that fortunately they came early for the autopsy, if it was at most an hour and a half later, even if they did the autopsy again, nothing would be found

When the Thirteenth Master and Prince Li came, someone was about to pull this dead horse out to deal with it.

It was Thirteenth Master who ordered someone to stop him.

It was the horse that suddenly went crazy and almost killed the third elder brother. Since he died suddenly, how could he just pull it out and deal with it without checking it out?

At that time, Lord Thirteen felt a little strange. But I didn't think too much about it. After all, what insight can the eunuchs in the palace have? It is not surprising that this was unexpected.

But thinking about it now, I'm afraid it may not be

I'm afraid they are in a hurry to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces, so that there will be no proof in the end, right?

At this moment, the expressions of Thirteenth Lord and Prince Li became a little dignified.

Judging from the situation they have at the moment, someone prescribes the drug, and the one who wants to harm it at the beginning is the fourth elder brother, right?

If something happened to the fourth elder brother riding a horse, everyone would naturally revolve around him, who would have the time to care about a horse?

At that time, the horse will naturally be pulled out and disposed of without anyone noticing.

The Thirteenth Lord immediately interrogated the eunuch in charge who was going to transport the horse out for disposal.

At first, the eunuch insisted that it was just a "routine matter". After all, the horse was dead. Wouldn't it be bad luck if he didn't deal with it quickly?

The Thirteenth Master was too lazy to talk to him, so he directly ordered the torture.

He grew up in the palace since he was a child, because he didn't have the protection of his mother, Huang Ama had too many sons, how could he take care of him? He has tasted the warmth and coldness of human relationships early on, especially the warmth and warmth of human relationships given by eunuchs, big and small, and he knows best how cunning these people are.

Move to the new book, the new book of 11 is in pk, please sisters go and vote for 11, I love you!

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