Lord Kangxi: ""

Before he finished speaking, he was in a bad mood and gritted his teeth: "He dared to talk back to me! Heh, I'm so courageous. I really didn't expect that the fourth child would talk back to me for a woman one day." .”

If it's old nine, old ten, old fourteen or something, it's fine to contradict me for a woman, but how could it be the fourth?

The fourth child has always been cautious in his words and deeds, rigorous in his conduct, well-mannered and meticulous in his actions, obsessed with running errands, and has never been heard of him indulging in sex for pleasure.

Why is it him?

Thinking of it this way, Lord Kangxi felt that it was even more inconsistent and unreasonable.

Aunt Bihong gave him a very strange look.

Lord Kangxi snorted, and continued to talk to Aunt Bihong: "His harem is really shabby! I'm not saying that Mrs. Mu is not good, but it looks good. I'm not too satisfied with the fact that he canonized Mrs. Mu as his successor. , but that’s all. But he can’t just leave the Sixth Palace empty for the sake of one Mu family, just three melons and two dates, how decent is it?”

"Not to mention the inextricable relationship between the former dynasty and the rear palace, it is very inappropriate for him to do this. Heirs also have a great influence. At this age, there are only a few children, and I don't feel sad."

He never liked to meddle in the backyard of his sons, and it was not appropriate.

It is often just a point or two when the disturbance is extremely excessive.

Unexpectedly, the fourth child would reply to him, and it seemed that he had no intention of listening to his words at all.

In this kind of matter, he is not good at making any demands with a too strong attitude.

How can there be a strong way to control the son's backyard by being Ama? He doesn't have the face to speak tough, so he can only sulk here later

Master Kangxi was still complaining, but he didn't notice that Aunt Bihong was looking at her with an indescribable expression on her face.

"Yes," Aunt Bihong nodded, glanced at him and said quietly, "Compared to you, the emperor is really far behind!"

Lord Kangxi was taken aback for a moment, suddenly felt a little bad.

Aunt Bihong continued to say quietly: "At least thirty or fifty concubines and thirty or forty children must be brought in to make it happen!"

Lord Kangxi: ""

"Ahem, I, I didn't mean that." What's wrong with feeling a little guilty?

"I understand." Aunt Bihong smiled very kindly and meaningfully: "The more royal heirs, the more prosperous the better it is a good omen! The relationship between the front court and the harem is inextricably linked. Having a few more concubines will make the courtiers more happy." It’s a good deal to work hard.”

"Cough, cough, cough..." Master Kangxi coughed worse, and hurriedly changed his words: "Uh, I think the fourth child is doing well now, Hongzhang is very upbeat, and the other children are also good if they think about it, that's enough. The child taught It's like everything is strong, if you don't live up to it, what's the use of seventeen or eight?"

As for the concubines and concubines in the harem, don't even mention such things!

This is all black history

Seeing him like this, Aunt Bihong was a little bit dumbfounded, but also a little soft-hearted.

Did she really not care about those things in the past? No, I don't care.

However, calm down and think about it, this era is like this, and he did nothing wrong, besides, she is not his original wife, so what right does she have to settle these old scores with him?

The past has passed, so let’s not mention it.

Anyway, at this age, it's really boring to mention the past.

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