Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3455 Can't turn back time

It's really weird to mention the past.

Time cannot turn back.

She just needs to think about it, in the end, is he willing to give up the top power he has for her, willing to accompany her to wander the world, and the two of them happily spend the rest of their lives happily, that's enough.

However, what she can't get, if someone gets it, she will be happy for that person.

And she must not be a stumbling block on the road to success.

"You know everything well, don't you?" Aunt Bihong didn't bring up the topic of "concubine" with Lord Kangxi, and said with a smile: "Your family has a successor, and there is an excellent and qualified heir. A hundred unworthy sons are strong. As for the affairs in the harem, as long as they can handle it themselves and don’t cause any public grievances, then forget it! You can teach him a lesson when he can’t handle it. , isn’t that justifiable?”

What else can Lord Kangxi say? Of course, you have to nod your head and say yes, "Well, you are right, that's all, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and I don't bother to care about him! In short, this country is entrusted to him, and he can manage it properly. There are successors, and I can be considered worthy of my ancestors!"

The only person he has let down for half his life is right in front of him. In the past, it was because of various reasons, complicated personnel, and the fetters of the country. There is nothing he can do about it. Now that he has nothing to worry about, he can only just stay with her.

Master Kangxi's gaze was a little gentle, and he held Aunt Bihong's hand and said, "After the marriage between Qiukui and Lao Ba, where do you want to go? How about we go to Mongolia? Speaking of which, besides Back then, Yu Jia personally conquered and quelled the rebellion, and I haven't even been to Mongolia on purpose!"

Aunt Bihong smiled and said, "Let's go to Mongolia in two years. I wanted to tell you a long time ago. Let's go all the way south, just as the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. When we get to the south, how about going to Nanyang with the boat?"

In fact, she wants to go to the West more, but she doesn't know whether it is safe or not at the moment, and it is a bit too risky to take him with her.

Think about it, Xiyang can take it easy, and it won't be too late to make arrangements after Lord Yongzheng completes the matter of banning the sea.

Lord Kangxi was stunned, going to Nanyang?

She really didn't stop tossing her heart at all!

"Forget it, let's go quietly." Master Kangxi smiled helplessly.

It is impossible to refuse, but no matter what she says, he will never refuse in his life.

Nanyang is just Nanyang, Nanyang is also very good, he has only seen a few scraps and half claws in books, it is very interesting to see it after thinking about it.

Aunt Bihong chuckled and said, "That's natural, how dare you beat the gongs and drums if you don't go quietly? Your sons and ministers have to tear me alive!"

The Supreme Emperor is also the Emperor, how dangerous it is to send the Supreme Emperor to the sea!

Hailang doesn't know who is too emperor and who is not too emperor.

When a wave comes over, that is the real dead body!

Lord Kangxi also laughed when he heard this, and said: "They dare not, whoever dares to disrespect you, I will cut off his head."

Aunt Bihong: ""

Are all you emperors so self-willed? Sure enough, the power in hand is terrible!

After Fourth Master and Mu Jin returned to the palace, they made some minor adjustments to the wedding of Eighth Master and Qiukui, and it was another round of intensive arrangements.

At the beginning of March, the wedding day finally arrived.

This wedding, because of the attention of the empress and the emperor, has already attracted the attention of thousands of people.

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