Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3598 The time is not yet ripe

Fourth master laughed, couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her face again, his big hand with well-defined bones gently stroked her face, "Good Jin'er, baby, you have solved a big problem for me!"

Mu Jin: ""

She understood in her heart, but her eyes were a little dazed and dazed. She looked at him with wet eyes, and there was a delicate and blushing charm at the corners of her eyes and brows, which was extremely seductive.

want to kiss.

Fourth Master's heart moved, he couldn't help but rubbed her affectionately again, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, you've helped me anyway. Darling, turn around and have a good time with Princess Luoyue and all the princesses and concubines. Talking about it, ask Shi Fujin and the others to help out, and we must persuade the princesses to come to Beijing."

"My side will also send word of mouth, and then ask people to lobby hard, and then get a group of little princes to come to Beijing!"

The fourth master hugged her, and his smile became more gentle: "The Mongolian princesses are used to being free and unruly on the grassland. When they first arrived in the capital, they will inevitably be unruly. Jin'er, I will trouble you to pay more attention Discipline must make them live comfortably and happily, but not make trouble."

Mu Jin cheered up, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the emperor, this matter sounds interesting, and the concubine will take good care of it. If you can't even manage this, the concubine, the empress of the Qing Dynasty, is also incompetent !"

Fourth master laughed, holding her face: "No, Jin'er is the best empress of the Qing Dynasty!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, hugging each other.

The fourth master passed on to several masters to discuss this matter with the dignitaries that day.

He didn't mention Sinicization, he didn't mention a single word.

It is too reckless to mention this at this time, and it is not the best time.

No matter what the tribes of Mongolia are, they also have their own customs. If they are directly asked to change them, they will inevitably encounter the most fierce opposition from all the tribes.

Then this thing is doomed to fail.

Therefore, when the time is not yet ripe, even to his own people, he will not mention half a word.

The fourth master only expressed his feelings, thinking that the exchanges between the Qing Dynasty and the Mongolian ministries were not enough. In order to promote the relationship between each other, he specially invited the little princes from the various Mongolian ministries to live in the capital for a while, so that everyone can make good contact.

This is a good story, and naturally no one objected.

Not only did no one object, but there was a lot of rainbow farts, all complimenting the emperor for his wisdom and martial arts. It is really a blessing for all the Mongolian tribes to show such grace to the Mongolian tribes

Afterwards, Fourth Master left Eighth Master, Tenth Master, Seventh Master and other masters to calmly order them to go down and talk to the little princes from various Mongolian tribes about the bustling, prosperous and attractive places in the capital. , it is necessary to make them yearn and envy

Ba Ye and others were a little puzzled, and they all thought that the emperor was a little too enthusiastic?

Is it so rare for the Qing Dynasty that the little princes from various Mongolian tribes go to visit?

Seems unnecessary, right?

Fourth Master didn't explain too much to them, he only ordered them categorically.

Ba Ye and the others knew what was interesting and left without asking any more questions.

A gust of wind quickly blew across Chengde.

The young princes and princesses of various Mongolian tribes are discussing and discussing, or asking people from the capital, eager to try.

Especially Fourth Master said that not everyone can go to Beijing this time, counting men and women from each tribe, at most two people can go.

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