Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3599 Princess Luoyue is elated and grateful

You must know that there are more than 20 tribes from Mongolia who came to worship this trip, even if each tribe chooses two people, plus their entourage, that is quite a huge crowd.

What's more difficult is that their identities are all noble, and they are used to being free and uninhibited. Who knows if they will cause trouble and run amok when they arrive in the capital?

It is not so easy to manage.

This first batch of candidates cannot be too many.

With restrictions, each department became even more enthusiastic.

In some tribes, several people were attracted to each other, and there were disputes and competitions because of this, which made this trip even more rare, precious, and very honorable.

Princess Luoyue went to see Mu Jin soon, and sincerely expressed that she was going.

Fourth Master asked Eighth Master and others to publicize the temptation of the capital, and Mu Jin was not idle here, and also spread the word among the female relatives.

Princess Luoyue was the first to express her opinion, and Mu Jin was very happy.

With a smile, she assured her that when she arrived in the capital, she could learn art from a teacher and ask for advice at will.

Princess Luoyue was elated and grateful.

Paul also insisted on going.

He was worried about his elder sister, for fear that her elder sister would be bullied, especially that her elder sister would be tricked by that evil third elder brother.

Therefore, no matter how much his mother and grandmother persuaded him, he refused to change his mind and decided to go.

In the end, King Horqin made a decision and agreed to let Paul accompany him, which made Paul very happy.

Accompanying and protecting my sister is one thing, but on the other hand, he also wants to experience the bustle and bustle of the capital city.

At the age of half a year old, it is the age when the curiosity is the strongest and the blood is the most impulsive. If there is no chance, it will be fine. With such an opportunity, how can you let it go easily?

Once Princess Luoyue and Paul's side were confirmed, the rest of the ministries were confirmed one after another.

No one doubted the close relationship between the Horqin tribe and the Qing Dynasty.

Since the princess and the little prince of the Horqin Department have all gone, then this must not be a bad thing!

One or two followed suit, and of course the third and fourth went there without any doubt.

Since everyone else is going, why not go at home? just go! Anyway, so many people are going, no matter what happens, it is impossible to suffer

Things went fairly well.

None of the 20 or so tribes who came to worship was missing.

And everyone followed in the footsteps of the Horqin Ministry, each going to a little prince and a little princess.

The fourth master, Long Yan, was very happy.

Everyone was beaming during this mutual exchange, which imperceptibly promoted the relationship between the two parties; even the whole atmosphere became much more harmonious and cordial.

In the last two days of hunting deer, the fourth master took Mu Jin to play for a while. Under the flattery of everyone, the hunting ended successfully.

After a few days of singing and dancing, the Mongolian ministries set off one after another.

The little princesses and little princes who went to Beijing did not go back, but just followed.

Each person should only bring one confidant to go with him, Fourth Master has an order, there is no shortage of servants in the capital, so there is no need to bring so many people there.

In fact, I don't want too many people to cause trouble.

When they arrived in the capital, they were ordered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to choose and choose, and each of them would be accompanied by one or two steady and well-behaved servants.

Otherwise, if something serious happens, no punishment will be appropriate.

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