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Seeing that Nanami had easily blocked all of his attacks, Sasuke nodded in satisfaction.

If a jonin couldn't even handle his attacks, then there was no value in him continuing to follow her.

"Come again, come again."

Just then, Nanami shouted for them to continue, and Sasuke was really rude, and took out another shuriken and threw it at them.

"Sasuke, it's my turn."

Naruto was not happy about it and joined in, yelling as he rushed up from the other side.

Uh..., he rushed up?

"What are you doing here?"

After collecting all of Sasuke's shurikens, Naruto was lifted upside down by his clothes with his other hand, and she was speechless.

She was a jonin, and a mere genin dared to face her. Wasn't that too presumptuous?

"I'm not that stupid."

Naruto, who was caught by Nanami, suddenly laughed.


Five more Narutos suddenly appeared from behind, hitting Nanami's back with fists or kicks without mercy.

It turned out that Naruto took advantage of Nanami's time to catch Sasuke's shuriken, and seeing that her eyes were not on him, he quietly formed a seal and created several shadow clones.

"I have already discovered it."

Nanami shook her head. Not to mention her, even an ordinary jonin should have discovered it.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Turning around, the three little guys couldn't see what Nanami did, they only saw Naruto's shadow clones all turned into white smoke and disappeared.

Not all of them turned into white smoke, one of them fell in the distance and groaned in pain.

"Don't tell me you're not the real one."

Nanami paused, looked down at Naruto in his hand, and wondered if the guy lying in the distance was the real one?

"It seems that is the real one."

The shadow clone is innocent and feels sad for the real one. If he had known earlier, he would have let the real one be caught by Nanami-sama.


Sasuke and Sakura couldn't help but complain.

They were surprised by Naruto's ability before, but they didn't expect that he, the last in the school, could master the Multiple Shadow Clones, a ninjutsu that they had never even heard of.

At least for now, Multiple Shadow Clones is still a forbidden technique.

As a result, Naruto really didn't take the compliment, and was kicked away by Nanami in the blink of an eye, and his real body was seriously injured.

"You kid."

Naruto was so dumbfounded that he rushed over with his shadow clone and was relieved after checking. Naruto was just knocked unconscious and was fine.

"Let's stop here today."

Because of Naruto's condition, Nanami lost all interest instantly.

She mainly wanted to see what the strength of Sasuke and Naruto was like, and Sakura didn't expect it at all.

As a result, Naruto was already lying down, and Sasuke's condition was over, so there was naturally no need to continue.

"Then we'll go back first."

Sasuke nodded coldly and turned to go back.

He also felt disappointed. He had wanted to try out the new ninjutsu he had recently mastered.


However, Nanashi called the two of them and said,"You have to send us sisters home first, and then go back."

Don't forget that she is a person with poor directions, a super poor direction.

Sasuke and Sakura were helpless, thinking that the two siblings were both top-notch.

With Nanashi, Naruto naturally didn't need to go to the hospital again, and it was better to be at home than in the hospital.

And their home was bought by Nanashi during the years when he was a ninja. It was not only big, but also very comfortable, which was much better than the relief house where Naruto lived before.

Naruto didn't wake up until the evening.

It can be seen that Nanashi's kick was still very heavy.

"What happened to me?"

After waking up, Naruto still looked confused and was about to lose his previous memories.

Nanami smiled awkwardly. It was a mistake before. He didn't notice that Naruto had switched the position of his real body and shadow clone. He thought he was holding the real body in his hand.

In order to divert Naruto's attention, Nanami deliberately said:"Rest early today, we will start taking missions tomorrow."


Naruto's eyes lit up, and he was so excited that he forgot about the previous things and kept asking Nanami what mission they were going to do.

"You will know tomorrow, so be prepared"

Then the next day, Naruto got up early in the morning and made so much noise that he woke up Nanami as well.

"Are you looking for death, you bastard brother?"

The low pressure around Nanami who didn't sleep well was so strong that even Naruto, who was much more nervous than others, shuddered.

"Really, what's so good about a bunch of crappy missions?"

Nana muttered, turned around and fell back to take a nap.

But Nanami-sama, you seem to have forgotten that you wanted to play a trick on Naruto last night, and now you've revealed all the spoilers.

Naruto was dumbfounded, what do you mean by a bunch of crappy missions? What does that mean?...

"Okay Naruto, let's go to the Hokage Building."

After another nap, Nanami recovered and smiled as she called Naruto to go to the Hokage Building to take on the mission.


Naruto agreed weakly, no longer as excited as before, only a bad premonition on his face.

As expected, Nanami finally accepted a task to help Team 7 find a cat in the Hokage Building.

"What kind of crappy mission is this?"

Naruto couldn't help but want to curse, then suddenly remembered, no wonder Nanami-sister said a bunch of crappy missions, it really is a crappy mission...

But there was no other way. As the leader of the team, Nanami had already taken over. They could only accept their fate and go find the damn cat.

"What kind of mission do a bunch of little brats want to do?"

Nanami could see through the disdain in the hearts of the three children.

It should be two. Sakura didn't think this mission was boring. Instead, she hoped that the mission would be as simple as possible, just like going on an outing with Sasuke.

""Sister Nanami, come down and tell me."

Naruto raised his head and shouted angrily.

At this time, they had already arrived at a forest, and Nanami had already run to a big tree and sat there leisurely, leaving Naruto and the others to complete the task by themselves.

""Huh? I can't hear you."

Nanami covered his ears with his hands and pretended to listen, which made Naruto so angry that he jumped to his feet.

After all, it was just catching a kitten that ran away from home, and the difficulty was not too simple.

So before nightfall, Naruto and his friends successfully completed the first mission in their lives.

In the next few days, Nanami found them many small tasks that were not difficult or dangerous, such as helping others to weed, or clearing garbage in the stream in the back mountain, or helping people walk their dogs, take care of their children, etc.

Wow, this kind of small task is simply all-encompassing and there are countless of them.

After all, Konoha Village is known as the first ninja village, and the population is still very large, so there may be various places where ninjas need help.

Finally, Naruto's patience was worn out, and Sasuke had long been impatient.

Then one day, they still broke out._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei

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