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"Third-generation grandfather, please don't give us such tasks anymore."

That day, Naruto completely exploded, holding a task scroll in his hand and slamming it hard on the Third-generation Hokage's desk.

When there was no particularly important work, the Hokage would come to the task distribution office every morning to sit down, at least that was the schedule of the Third-generation Hokage.

Then, when Nanami brought the Seventh Team to receive the task, he followed the routine and picked up a D-level task for them.

Ninja tasks are generally divided into S- level and S-level.、A.B、C、There are five levels, including D, D, etc.

Normally, S-level missions are hard to come by. Only when it is related to the country can it be listed as an S-level mission.

Under normal circumstances, even the Jonin is only doing A-level missions.

Then the Chunin is doing C and B-level missions.

Genin can only receive D and C-level missions.

And new Genin like Naruto who just graduated from school can only receive some D-level missions at best, and not even C-level missions.

But today, Naruto is determined to resist.


The third generation smiled kindly, and was not angry because of Naruto's offense. After all, he knew the truth about Naruto's life experience, and naturally would not embarrass the son of a hero because of such a small matter.

Then, the third generation explained the above things about the mission to Naruto, probably because he knew that he would not be willing to learn these things in school.

"Stop treating me like a kid who can only play pranks."

Naruto was dissatisfied with the teachings of the Third Generation.

""I'm sorry, Sandaime."

Tan Nanami apologized without feeling sorry at all, patted Naruto on the head with his hand, and said:"I think it would be good for them to grow a little bit, after all, I am with them."

Tan Nanami's words still carry weight.

The Sandaime looked at Tan Nanami deeply, and then smiled with relief:"Since you are so aware, Naruto, then I will leave this task to you. Bring the client here as well."

As the Sandaime had someone bring the client over, an old man who was holding a bottle of wine and was drinking in broad daylight, reeking of alcohol, walked in.

"He is the client, Mr. Dazna.

The third generation introduced the client.

"What's going on? They sent four little brats?"

The client, Dazna, seemed very dissatisfied with the ninjas sent by Konoha Village to protect him.


Nanami raised her eyebrows, tilted her head, squinted her eyes and asked Dazna with a smile:"Your so-called 'four little devils' don't include me, do you?"

As she spoke, she pulled out a long knife from her sleeve with a 'swish' sound.

"Wait, Nanami-sister, this is our client."

As Nanami's younger brother, Naruto has known her personality for a long time. He knows that Nanami-sister is very scary when she shows this kind of smile, so he quickly stood in front of her and repeatedly reminded her that this is their client and she should not kill the target she is supposed to protect.

"Really, please don't say things that would easily make people want to kill you."

Then, Qi Shi slowly put away the knife and said with a smile,"Don't worry, I was just kidding."

"It's not a joke at all."

Everyone in the room was sweating and silently complaining in their hearts.

"Well, now that the mission has been determined and received, let's get ready to go."

According to the description of the commission, this mission requires Nanami and her team to protect Dazna until he completes the construction of a bridge.

Theoretically, this is the mission.

But Nanami knew it in her heart. She thought that this should be the plot of Wave Country. Then as long as Zabuza, Haku, and Lord Cardo were killed, the mission would be basically completed, right?

Haku is pitiful?

Nanami knew.

Zabuza is also a pitiful person?

Nanami thought to himself, I guess so.

But so what? Can't we kill them just because we know they are pitiful?

What a joke, are Quincies not pitiful? Are Hollows not pitiful?

If you really want to count carefully, in fact, among the Quincies and Hollows, many people are not guilty of death, such as Grimmjow? For example, Bumby?

But for Nanami, as long as they are enemies, there is no time when she can't kill them, otherwise it can't be that they deserve to die, right?

No matter if you are a cute aluminum kid or a cute blue kid (I called you that on purpose, no typo)...), as long as they are enemies, there is only one way to go, death...

In the afternoon, at the gate of Konoha Village

"Let's go."

After everyone gathered, Naruto shouted excitedly

"Why are you so excited?"

Sakura was startled by Naruto and yelled back in dissatisfaction.

"Aren't you excited?"

Nanami glanced at Sakura out of the corner of her eye. She was obviously very excited as well, but she targeted Naruto just because he was the one shouting. What a disgusting child. With preconceived notions, she had always looked down on Sakura. It was a pity that Naruto, that idiot, didn't listen to his sister, just like that idiot Toushirou.

In contrast to Nanami's dislike for Sakura, Naruto cared a lot about Sakura. He even ran over to explain to her that this was his first time leaving the village, so he was so excited. He said a lot of things.

"This kid."

Qi Qi said to himself that there was no hope, and he could not help but put his hand on his forehead and shook his head.

"Hey, is that kid okay?"

Dazna couldn't help but complain. It was the first time for the new kid to leave the village. He was too worried.

"Don't worry."

Nanami comforted,"After all, I am still here as a jonin. As long as you don't commit suicide, you won't die."

As she spoke, she secretly pinched the cuff of her left hand with her right hand.���, and asked:"You...Do you understand me?"

""I understand."

Dazna nodded quickly, thinking that this experience would be unforgettable for him, because this ninja who protected him actually threatened him. Oh my God, isn't it too dangerous?

"Well, let's hurry up."

Nanami smiled with satisfaction, and then called the three little guys,"The Kingdom of Waves and the Kingdom of Fire are not far away. It will take a day or two to walk there and you will almost reach the seaside. Then you can take a boat to the Kingdom of Waves. If you hurry, you can arrive tonight."

As she spoke, she subconsciously pointed in a direction.

"That one."

Seeing the direction that Jian Nanashi pointed, Dazna hesitated and hesitated, and finally couldn't help but remind him:"Master Jonin, you are pointing in the wrong direction, that's the one."

Jian Nanashi froze for a long time before he laughed out loud under the gaze of the three little ones:"I was just joking, yes, this is the right way"


Naruto thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind. With a sad face, he suggested:"Why don't we go back? We haven't walked far yet, and we all remember the way."

Is he afraid that they will all be lost?

Well, if Nanami really leads the way, there may really be such a danger.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Qishi scolded angrily:"The mission has been accepted and the client has been brought out. There is no reason to go back. Just follow me without any worries."


Behind him, Sasuke quietly approached Sakura and said to her in a friendly manner:"I will remember the way, and you should remember it too."

There is no other way. They can only worry more about such a team leader. As for

Naruto, the idiot, he would not consider so many things at all._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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