"You are finally here."

At the gate of the First Division, Nanami and the other sister met Rangiku who was waiting outside.

How could the vice-captain go in first when the captain hadn't arrived yet? And even if Rangiku wanted to go in, she couldn't.

""Let's go."

Dong Shilang rolled his eyes, not wanting to bother with Rangiku, and took the lead to walk into the gate of the First Division.

There is a facility in the First Division that other divisions do not have, that is, the captain's meeting room.

It is easy to imagine that, except for the First Division with the captain in charge, other divisions have no qualifications to hold captain's meetings, so naturally there is no need to build one.

Next to the captain's meeting room is a vice-captain's meeting room.

There is nothing much to say about this, it is just a place for the vice-captains to wait for their respective captains, it is not important. There is no need to think about it next, Dong Shilang went to the captain's meeting room, and Rangiku led Nanami to the vice-captain's meeting room

"Why is she here?"

As soon as she entered the door, someone looked at Nanami.

After all, she was only the third seat, not the vice-captain, and she was not qualified to come here normally. Dong Shilang didn't bring her, and she herself was not annoying.

But today was different. Dong Shilang was naturally worried about leaving Nanami alone at home, and others couldn't keep an eye on her unless Rangiku was at home with her.

It was a pity that Rangiku had already run away.

"I don't need to tell you who this person is."

Before Nanami could figure out who was causing trouble for her, Rangiku spoke up for her and said,"Nanaami-chan is Captain Hitsugaya's sister. If it weren't for her taking care of me, I think she would have been the vice-captain of the 10th Division. Many captains do this."

"So, let's not talk about the qualification issue anymore. It's boring. If it doesn't work, you can go to the captain to complain."

A few words made the man speechless.

Qi Shi finally saw who the man was and couldn't help curling his lips. His disgust was revealed without any concealment.

"I thought it was someone else, it turned out to be Vice Captain Omaeda, whose family is all noble vice captains."

Nana is not someone who will be bullied, and just a casual reply made Omaeda extremely angry.


Pointing at Nanami Kagami, Ōmaeda was at a loss for words. What could he say? Their Ōmaeda family had indeed been vice-captains of the Second Division for generations, and everyone knew that.

This kind of treatment is generally considered an honor. Can you imagine how many captains and vice-captains there are in the entire Soul Society?

But it made people feel uncomfortable when it came from Nanami Kagami's mouth, and she was indeed qualified to despise Ōmaeda. After all, their brother became the captain at such a young age, and the youngest captain in history. Not only is this record unbreakable now, it is estimated that it will never be broken in the future.

Looking at the other vice-captains, some were laughing, and some were speaking up for Ōmaeda. After all, all those present were vice-captains, and Nanami Kagami's words almost overturned a whole group of people, so it was understandable that it would cause public outrage.

"I don't have time to argue with you guys."

Qishi rolled her eyes. There were so many grown men in the room. What was there to talk about?

She turned around and walked straight inside. She squeezed in a seat next to Nie Yinmeng who was waiting quietly.

"Long time no see, Yinmeng-chan."

Nanami started chatting with Yinmeng on her own.

"It’s only been a few days."

Nie Yinmeng reminded Nanami coldly and rigidly that it was only a few days since their last regular meeting. Nanami didn’t care and continued to find topics to chat with her. Later, she greeted Ise Nanao who arrived last, and called the sisters Kotetsu Yuune and Kotetsu Kiyone over. Together with Rangiku and Hinamori Momo who she dragged over, they were about to hold a small female death god association. The

13th Division does not have a vice-captain yet, so Kotetsu Kiyone, the third seat, was allowed to take turns with another guy to serve as the vice-captain, otherwise she would suffer the same treatment as Nanami.

"This bunch of female shinigami."

Some people were complaining in their hearts, thinking that these female shinigami were a little too arrogant, and actually ignored the rules.

But after all, they were only vice-captains and could not make decisions for the captain. They could only helplessly watch them chatting happily there. Only Nanami Tanaka rolled her eyes from time to time and was not very sociable.

Speaking of which, Momo Hinamori was also helpless. She didn't know why Nanami Tanaka just hated her so much, even if she took the initiative to show her kindness, it was useless. You said she didn't offend him. If you really say Nanami Tanaka is a little different from Toushirou, That kind of feeling, maybe he is jealous of her childhood sweetheart, that is understandable.

But it is not the case. The other members of the Female Death God Association have basically communicated with each other and noticed that the way that Tanaka Nanami looked at them was a little strange, just like when those male death gods looked at them.

In other words, Tanaka Nanami only has a sister-brother relationship with Toushirou, and has no thoughts in that aspect.

Moreover, Tanaka Nanami covets other female death gods, but only treats her differently.

In the end, Hinamori Momo also let it go. At most, she will have to meet Tanaka Nanami less often.

Without mentioning the situation in the vice-captain's meeting room, let's look at the captain's meeting room.

There has only been one travel disaster incident recently, and Ichimaru Gin hasn't caught the travel disasters yet, nor has he killed them, so it's obvious that this incident was caused by that group of travel disasters.

"Captain Ichimaru Gin, it is because of your inaction that the travel disaster has caused this kind of thing again. How do you plan to apologize?"

The captain of the fifth squad, Aizen, deliberately made trouble for Ichimaru Gin. Only when he and Ichimaru Gin showed a hostile relationship could people not doubt their true relationship.

"Thump thump thump..."

Suddenly, no one knew what happened to Kenpachi Zaraki, he turned and ran away.

Kenpachi Zaraki was too lazy to hang out with them, he might as well go find Ryoho and chop him up.

Yachiru naturally understood the character of his captain, so he had not been in the vice-captain's meeting room before, otherwise it would not have been Rangiku's turn to help Nanami. With her feelings for Nanami, she would have definitely stepped in at the first opportunity.���She went up.

Yachiryu was not good at other things, but she was really good at giving nicknames and titles, especially when it came to making people angry.

At this moment, Yachiryu, who had been waiting outside, jumped down as soon as Kenpachi Zaraki rushed out, landed steadily on his shoulders and hung there, and asked,"Xiaojian, Xiaojian, where are you going?"

She even gave Kenpachi Zaraki a nickname, and it was called Xiaojian....

"Go find the travel disaster."

Zaraki Kenpachi grinned.

"Got it, I'll lead the way."

Yachiru was not surprised at Kenpachi Zaraki's answer, and he even took the initiative to lead him. It seemed that Kenpachi Zaraki didn't know that Yachiru was a person with poor directions, and he actually dared to agree.

Or maybe it was because he himself was also a person with poor directions. Anyway, they were both poor at directions, so it didn't matter who led the way.

Compared with the two of them, Nanami Kagami was much worse, at least she would never dare to run around.

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