Because Captain Zaraki suddenly ran away, the captain's meeting was no longer necessary.

What was the point of holding a meeting when the captains were not all present? The captain-general only gave a few simple instructions and then asked everyone to return to their respective posts....

"So soon?"

Naka Nanami hadn't finished talking yet, and he was sharing his feelings for Rukia with the girls, which not only caused the girls to be surprised, but also broke the heart of Asai Renji who was standing not far away and eavesdropping.

The goddess was kissed, but the object was not him. This feeling was very bitter, and he wanted to run over to duel with Naka Nanami.

But he knew he was too embarrassed to make trouble. After all, Rukia was captured by him and Byakuya Kuchiki, so how could he stop others from getting close to Rukia?

"Can girls really be with other girls?"

On the way back to the 10th Division, Rangiku kept pulling Nanami behind her and muttering to herself, she didn't expect Nanami to actually succeed, and at the same time she secretly became alert in her heart, thinking that she couldn't take a bath with her next time.

Uh..., it seems that they have never washed together? As mentioned before, it is impossible for Nanami to make another request on the basis of the lap pillow, and no one will give her that opportunity.

This time, she took advantage of Rukia's depression.

Moreover, Rukia didn't promise anything, and Nanami just wanted to use the fishing reel to establish this fact.

"If you guys keep chatting, I won't wait for you."

In front, Dong Shilang stood in the distance and turned his head. He couldn't stand these two people anymore. It was an emergency. Even the entire Jingling Court was alarmed. All the captains were busy setting up defenses, but the two of them acted as if nothing had happened. How careless!

"Then you go first."

But Nanami let Dong Shilang go first.


Dong Shilang was furious, thinking that since someone was leading the way for her, it didn't matter whether she was there or not, right?

"Very good."

In a rage, Toushirou really quickened his pace and left.

Anyway, Nanami and Rangiku wouldn't be of any use to him. If he really affected the work of the 10th Division by waiting for them, he, the captain, would be punished.

After returning to the 10th Division first, Toushirou began to make arrangements in an orderly manner, asking all team members to go to the guard posts of the 10th Division to set up checkpoints, and not to let any suspicious persons go easily.

After all the work was done, Nanami and Rangiku returned.

Toushirou was too lazy to pay attention to them, and was about to turn around and go back to calculate what else he had not dealt with, and then take a nap.

"Look up at the sky."

Suddenly, someone nearby exclaimed, and Nanami and the others quickly looked up at the sky, and Dong Shilang was no exception.

"What is that?

Rangiku couldn't tell what had suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Don't worry."

Then I heard Toushirou comforting him,"That spherical object shouldn't be able to pass through the Soul-Blocking Membrane."

The Soul-Blocking Membrane is a protective shield used to protect the Pure Soul Court, which can ensure that no one can invade the Pure Soul Court from the sky. It can only be entered from the four Soul Gates in the southeast, northwest, and northeast.

And there are four great guards at these four Soul Gates.

So, it is really not that easy to break into the Soul Court.

Of course, Ichigo Kurosaki and the others are not ordinary people.

For example, at this moment, when the spherical object formed by everyone's spiritual pressure that they were riding on hit the Soul-Blocking Membrane, it didn't take much time at all, and it can be said that the protective shield was broken in an instant.

This move scared countless Shinigami in the Soul Court, and even the captains were shocked.

That was the Soul-Blocking Membrane that had protected the Soul Court for countless years, and it was the first time someone could break through it.

"Perhaps it is the power of the Hogyoku."

In the 5th Division, Aizen Sosuke's eyes changed slightly, and then he returned to his previous gentle appearance, comforting his subordinates and telling them not to worry about anything.

Look at the sky again.

According to Shiba Ganju, this firework cannon has two parts of chanting, but under the interruption of Kurosaki Ichigo and others, he accidentally recited one part of the chanting twice, which was very embarrassing.

And now it has collided with the soul-blocking membrane, and the outer layer of spiritual pressure shield has been overwhelmed.

"There is no other way, everyone listen."

Then Ye Yi, who had transformed into a black cat, said to everyone:"Immediately pour all your spiritual power into the core of the spirit bead."

Following Ye Yi's instructions, everyone poured their spiritual power into the spirit bead. After the two forces fought for a while, they finally rushed into the soul-shielding membrane before the spirit bead shield was broken.

But after entering, they could no longer hold on.

Just when all the death gods below were on full alert, the sky suddenly changed. First, the spirit bead shield was broken, and then the few people who were exposed inside flew out in several directions.

"What's going on?"

Many people were wondering, could it be that they just barely broke the soul-blocking membrane?

Thinking of this, many death gods breathed a sigh of relief.

""Stay at your post."

The captains didn't need to teach them in person, the officers who served as squad leaders could take the lead, so the team didn't get into chaos.

But among them, there was a group of people who didn't obey orders and ran around in groups.

They were the death gods of the 11th Division. With a captain like Kenpachi Zaraki and an even more irresponsible vice-captain, it was conceivable that they couldn't be loyal to their duties. At this time, they all ran out to find those troublemakers first and then make contributions for their 11th Division.

Even their third and fifth officers were doing this.

""Hey, baldy."

Suddenly, someone on the side of the road shouted this, causing Madarame to step on the brakes subconsciously.

"Who? So big.���"

With a pair of angry eyes that were about to spit fire, Madarame looked up and found two beautiful women standing on the roof of a nearby house. The two women, one tall and one short, were Rangiku and Kaguya Nanami.

"Hey, baldy, have you seen Yachiryu?"

Nanami seemed not to notice the fire in Madarame's eyes, and looked around, muttering,"That girl's instincts are always accurate. She can always find me accurately. I really want to ask her to take me to see what travel disasters are like.""


Madarame Ikkaku was about to yell at him, but when he heard Yachiryu's name, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

Their vice-captain is not to be messed with, and Yachiryu has the best relationship with Nanami (except for Kenpachi Zaraki), so he just endured it.

"I'm so sorry, we were left behind by the captain and vice-captain." The one who was with Madarame Ikkaku was Ayasegawa Yumichika. Seeing that Madarame Ikkaku was irritated, he quickly answered first.

This guy had a beautiful face, looked like a woman, and loved beauty. Nanami couldn't help but persuade them to be together once, which really irritated Yumichika.

"I see."

Hearing Yumichika's answer, Nanami sighed helplessly:"Forget it, let that little directionally challenged kid play by himself. Rangiku, why don't we follow Baldy and the others? Maybe we'll be lucky enough to meet one or two travel disasters."

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