
"How could it be?"

The battlefield below was changing rapidly. Just a moment ago, Kenpachi Zaraki was chasing Ichigo Kurosaki everywhere, just like a cat and a mouse.

But now, due to Zaraki's carelessness, he was cut by Ichigo when he passed by him.

Yachiru on the roof couldn't help but exclaimed, shocked by Ichigo's change, but there was no worry on his little face, because Zaraki hadn't shown his true ability yet.

Not to mention Nanami, she would not be surprised by any amazing performance shown by Ichigo.

Back to the sidelines

"I hit him, I can finally hurt him, this way, there is still a fight."

Ichigo was secretly happy.

He was really scared by Zaraki before. The chaotic and violent spiritual pressure like a giant beast not only put him under great pressure, but also made it impossible for him to hurt the opponent. There was no fight at all.

Otherwise, even if there was a little hope of fighting, he would not run away.

But now, he can finally hurt Zaraki, and he can't help but rekindle his fighting spirit. He wants to end the battle here as soon as possible, so as to rescue Rukia and take her and everyone who came with her back to the human world.

Look at Zaraki again


Zaraki lowered his eyes, glanced at the wounds on his body casually, and suddenly showed an even more excited grin on his face:"It seems that you are really good."

If Ichigo was too weak, he would just feel bored and make this trip in vain.

But now, even he was inspired to fight.

"Since you can cut me, I won't show mercy anymore."

Laughing loudly, Zaraki rushed towards Ichigo again as if nothing had happened.

"This guy."

Seeing that Zaraki's speed was not affected at all, and the look in his eyes did not waver at all, Ichigo knew that the other party would not back down, just like his teammate, this was a battle of life and death.

"Come on then."

Shouting to encourage himself, Ichigo did not advance but retreated to meet him.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding.

Suddenly, the two of them started fighting again, and it was even more intense than before. Fighting face to face, every second was full of life and death crisis. As long as one of them was distracted, the other would leave a serious wound on his body.

But even if they were concentrating, they would inevitably get hurt.

For example, at this moment


When Ichigo swung his sword towards him, Zaraki suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the back of his heavy sword, twisted it hard, and then stabbed the long sword in his hand forward quickly.


Ichigo groaned, and his body was carried by Zaraki's huge power, and he fell down unbalanced.

But he would not fall here. When Zaraki's attack was approaching, he quickly jumped up with Zaraki's power, dodging the attack and kicking Zaraki's hand that was holding the sword.


After landing, Ichigo turned around and was about to face Zaraki again, but was shocked to find that Zaraki was no longer behind him.

"Ding Ling."

Suddenly, a crisp bell sounded from behind, and Ichigo subconsciously raised his sword to block his back.


Zaraki had come behind Ichigo without him noticing, and he was swinging his sword with the intention of chopping off Ichigo's head, but he unexpectedly blocked it.

"Not bad."

Seeing Ichigo once again rushing forward a few steps with his own strength to distance himself from him, Zaraki did not continue to chase him, but stood there and praised Ichigo:"You have very good concentration, you are completely different from just now, you can even hear the ringing of the bell."

This is referring to Ichigo's previous escape, because he was too anxious to leave his powerful enemy, and he didn't even care about the enemy's position, and he was very embarrassed.


Ichigo was stunned. It was only then that he noticed that there were some small bells hanging on Zaraki's hair. He couldn't help but secretly criticize his aesthetic sense. Such a rough old man actually wore such small things.

It was not that Ichigo's observation ability was not good enough, but he was only focused on Zaraki's terrible spiritual pressure before, so he didn't notice his dress. It was Zaraki himself who reminded him that he discovered it.

"The bell and the eye mask are worn for the purpose of fighting happily."

Zang Mu expressed his intention to wear these little things. He did not wear them to dress himself up, but to deliberately reduce the difficulty here, otherwise he would not be able to easily meet an opponent who could fight with him.

"Damn it, you actually underestimated me."

Ichigo finally understood what Zaraki meant, and couldn't help getting a little angry, and said:"So you think that when fighting with me, there is no need to release your Zanpakutō, right?"

Zaraki raised his eyebrows, raised the sword in his hand and pointed it at Ichigo, saying:"My Zanpakutō has no name, it is not sealed, this is its true appearance, in other words, I have indeed been using my Zanpakutō to fight you."

Zaraki has always been a man of his word, he didn't want to hide anything, nor did he want to deliberately belittle Ichigo.

Ichigo pretended to be relieved, and sneered:"I see, I'm relieved, if your Zanpakutō is just like this..."


The sudden change interrupted Ichigo's speech. He saw that Zaraki, who was standing far away a second ago, was now standing in front of him. If Ichigo hadn't subconsciously raised his knife to block Zaraki's sword tip, he would have been pierced through the body.

"In this case...So what?"

Zaraki looked at Ichigo coldly, seeing through his thoughts, and said:"You want to say, 'In this case, you can beat me if you try harder'?"

Ichigo was silent. This was what he meant by the words that were interrupted just now.

"I see you underestimated me."

As he spoke, Zaraki exerted force on his hand, and with a crisp sound of"crack", Zaraki's Zanpakutō pierced through Ichigo's Zanpakutō, and even Ichigo's body was pierced through.

"You dare to relax your spiritual pressure when fighting me, you are too contemptuous."

Zaraki said that the reason why Ichigo was suddenly killed by him in one move was that Ichigo was relieved, which caused his concentration to drop again. He could originally resist Zaraki, but now he was easily pierced like a piece of paper.

"It's just that he found one or two winning points and then relaxed. Such a result is really boring."

Zaraki looked at Ichigo slowly falling down with disappointment, then turned around, threw the bloody long sword on his shoulder, and walked away.

"Nana-chan, let's go too."

On the rooftop, Yachiru thought the battle was over here, and was about to pull Nanami down to leave with Zaraki.

"Let's wait."

Nanami shook his head and said calmly,"The battle is not over yet, or rather, the excitement is just beginning."

As if to confirm Nanami's words, Ichigo, who had fallen to the ground, stood up again, and his injuries were temporarily healed.

"Where are you going? Our battle has just begun."

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