Except for Nanami, no one knew what had happened in Ichigo Kurosaki's inner world.

Kenpachi Zaraki just felt that Ichigo had become a different person after he hadn't seen him for a moment.

And when Ichigo stood up again, his spiritual pressure was greatly enhanced, and it was incomparable to before.

"Where are you going? Our battle has just begun."

Ichigo said


Zaraki didn't mind that Ichigo just said one sentence to cancel out the fact that he had suppressed him before, because he really felt that since the enemy had not fallen, the battle was not considered a victory, even if he had the upper hand before, it was useless.

Moreover, he didn't care about these insignificant little things. Now he just looked at Ichigo, and the disappointment on his face had been replaced by expectation.

"You are very confident, and you dare to stand up again."

Zang Mu said

"Of course."

Ichigo suddenly came to Zaraki from a distance, and after replying to him, he swung his restored Zanpakutō and chopped Zaraki.

Zaraki opened his eyes wide. He didn't even react just now. It can be seen that Ichigo at this moment is indeed different from the one before he fell. Something must have happened to him.

Not daring to be careless, Zaraki responded instantly, holding the long sword that he had just carried on his shoulder and chopped Zaraki's head.


Ichigo dodged Zaraki's attack and stabbed Zaraki with his backhand, leaving a third wound on Zaraki.

Don't forget that before Ichigo fell, he had also injured Zaraki, so this was the third time he had injured Zaraki.


This time it was Zaraki's turn to step back, not to get out of Ichigo's way, not because he was scared by Ichigo.

"It feels so good."

Without caring about the pain and blood spurting out of his body, Zaraki was still laughing, and he heard him say:"I didn't expect you to bring me so many surprises, Kurosaki Ichigo, I recognize you."

As he spoke, Zaraki suddenly raised his hand and pulled off the blindfold on his face.


Suddenly, a more violent and powerful spiritual pressure beam emerged from Zaraki.

The spiritual pressure beam was so exaggerated that it seemed to go straight from the ground to the sky, as if it wanted to poke a hole in the sky.

"How is it possible?"

Ichigo was frightened by Zaraki again. He didn't expect Zaraki's spiritual pressure to increase so much. It was almost twice as strong as before.

"Nana-chan, are you okay?"

On the rooftop, Yachiru was concerned about Nanami, fearing that she would not be able to bear the pressure brought by Zaraki's spiritual pressure.

"It doesn't matter."

Nanashi smiled very reservedly, but secretly complained in his heart that such a little spiritual pressure was nothing.

After the spiritual pressure beam gradually dissipated, Zaraki looked at Ichigo and kindly explained for him:"This was made by the Technology Development Bureau. It is a monster that can absorb spiritual pressure without limit and continuously. I just wear it so that I can meet more opponents to fight.

And if it's you, Kurosaki Ichigo, even if I try my best to fight, you should be fine, right?"


Facing Zaraki's expectation, Ichigo no longer hesitated and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.


Suddenly, a more powerful spiritual pressure beam shot up from Ichigo's body, which was exactly the same as the previous one.


Zaraki showed a satisfied look:"You can still increase your spiritual pressure at this time? It's really interesting."

"Of course."

When the spiritual pressure light column slowly dissipated, Ichigo looked at Zaraki with a firm face and said,"Because I am borrowing the power of Zangetsu and fighting alongside Zangetsu, and you are just one person."

"Zangetsu? That's the name of the sword."

Zaraki nodded:"Well, let me see the power of you and that sword."


With a roar, Zaraki stopped talking nonsense, kicked the ground hard, leaving a big hole, and rushed towards Ichigo again.

Ichigo also came over without hesitation.


In the middle, the two men collided heavily, and the two knives chopped at each other.

Then, they pushed each other away with all their strength, and then swung their knives at each other's bodies fiercely.

"Ding, ding, dang."

Suddenly, there was a series of metal-clashing sounds here, and when the two were fighting, some of the swords accidentally damaged the surrounding buildings, and soon this place was turned into a ruin.

"It's so satisfying, Kurosaki Ichigo."

While fighting frantically, Zaraki was still shouting happily. He hadn't felt so good for a long time, and hadn't met an opponent who could fight him so fiercely for a long time.

It's conceivable that in this Soul Society where captains are not allowed to unseal their Zanpakutō privately, Zaraki would never meet an opponent, unless he went to Hueco Mundo, or ran to provoke other captains without paying attention to the Forty-Sixth Chamber and the Captain-General.

So he was really happy to meet Kurosaki Ichigo today.

Ichigo had a different feeling.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

Ichigo gritted his teeth, the determination on his face slowly disappearing:"No matter how many times I hit him or how much damage I inflicted, I obviously have the upper hand, but no matter how hard I cut, he just refuses to fall. Is he really that belligerent?"

As if sensing that Ichigo's heart was shaken again, a figure appeared from his spiritual world behind Ichigo.

"Ichigo, do you believe me?"

Zangetsu, still in the form of Yhwach, asked Ichigo

"Of course."

Ichigo responded without hesitation:"I will give you all my power, you can use it, and I hope you can also lend me a hand."


Tohwa Zangetsu agreed, slowly raised his hand and held the hilt of his Zanpakutō together with Ichigo, and said:"His Zanpakutō is wailing, but he himself can't hear it.

People who don't trust each other fighting together will only weaken their combat effectiveness.

And those who only believe in their own strength will never understand.

Ichigo, let's decide the outcome with one move."

No one knew why Tohwa Zangetsu said so much, maybe he just wanted to gain Ichigo's trust, or maybe he had other purposes, but at least for now, he was willing to help Ichigo.

And Ichigo would naturally believe in Tohwa Zangetsu.

Nodding, Ichigo looked at Zaraki who was once again running towards him with blood and scars all over his body. Led by Tohwa Zangetsu, he held the sword with both hands and chopped forward fiercely.



Zaraki stood in front of Ichigo in a daze, with an expression of disbelief on his face for the first time.

"The sword is actually broken?"

Zaraki looked down at the sword in his hand. This sword had accompanied him through countless battles, but he didn't expect it to be cut off by Kurosaki Ichigo here today. Could it be that what he said before about being willing to believe in the power of Zanpakuto was correct?

"The winner has been decided."

Only then did Nanami finally stand up on the roof of the only intact building nearby, indicating that this wonderful battle was over. Yachiru also stood up and jumped down first, catching Zaraki with his young body before he staggered and was about to fall.

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