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"It hurts, it hurts, Nanashi, I was wrong, please forgive me"

"You are really weak, Ichigo."

Still in the alley, Nanami was seen stepping on Ichigo's back with one foot, just 'gently' rolling back and forth twice, which made Ichigo scream in pain.

""Nana, I'm going to be trampled to death by you."

Ichigo was still yelling, and for the first time personally experienced the terrible power of Nanami.

At this time, he had recovered from the hollow state, and even his Bankai disappeared automatically. From his ragged appearance, it can be seen that he must have suffered a lot before, and was beaten badly by Nanami.

"Just let him go."

Finally, even Rukia couldn't stand it anymore and jumped down from the roof to plead for Ichigo.

"Humph, you actually dare to challenge my sister's authority, you are so brave, even Toushirou doesn't dare to challenge me now."

As Nanami moved his feet to put Ichigo up, he inadvertently revealed a little secret.

"Even Captain Hitsugaya was abused?"

Rukia covered her mouth, otherwise she would scream in surprise.

But on second thought, Rukia nodded.

It is understandable that others don't know Nanami's strength, but it is impossible for Toushirou, her brother, to know nothing.

It can only be said that the two siblings hid too deeply. Above the genius brother, the sister is actually the most terrifying one.

"Captain Hitsugaya, Captain Nanami, and all the vice-captains and officers in the present world, the permission to lift the restrictions has been issued, and the restrictions can be lifted."

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared in the ears of Nanami and his group.

"Oh, I forgot that we are still limited."

Rukia suddenly exclaimed.

In order not to affect the real world, when the vice-captain and the captain go to the real world, their spiritual pressure will be limited, and the degree is about half to eighty.

In other words, at this time, the strength of Tan Nanami and others is only one-fifth of what it used to be.

But even so, Tan Nanami seemed to be not affected at all. She almost killed the former captain of the 9th division, Tosen, just now.

Rukia looked at Tan Nanami stupidly, wanting to ask her how strong she was? Can only one-fifth of the strength be so terrifying?

But Rukia could see that Tan Nanami didn't want to say more. Didn't she say anything before? In the end, she could only shake her head and bury the shock in her heart.

Tan Nanami seemed not to hear that voice.

Well, after all, the battle here is over, and there is no need to unseal it.

Then she turned her head and looked in another direction:"The battle of others should be over, so I won't rush over. By the way, that idiot Toushirou will have to be disciplined after I go back....After training him, he was actually injured by a low-ranking Arrancar."

From the change in spiritual pressure, Nanami realized that Toushirou seemed to be injured, which made her very angry. This brother was still so troublesome, so she had asked him to practice Bankai well a long time ago. Really. Does he like to be a child so much? Or is it because of Hinamori Momo?

"Now, let's get back to the topic."

Retracting his gaze, Nanami turned to Ichigo who had quietly climbed up, and suddenly began to lecture him,"Ichigo, you are really unbearable."


Ichigo was stunned, thinking that Nanami-sister wasn't the type to continue to taunt someone after defeating them.

Uh..., maybe he doesn't know too much about the dark personality of Tanaka Nanami.

So Ichigo wondered what Tanaka Nanami was referring to.

"I mean, you are afraid of your own power, which is really hilarious." As he said this, he raised his hand to cover his small mouth and laughed without hesitation.


Ichigo looked at Tanaka Nanami with a frown on his face, and finally saw her dark side.

But this is still the lightest part, Tanaka Nanami's dark side is actually not worse than Unohana Retsu, otherwise Unohana Retsu would not always target her.

Dark people naturally understand dark people, so you can always see Unohana Retsu acting rudely when facing Tanaka Nanami, because he is afraid of being tricked by her.

For example, at the knee pillow meeting, Unohana Retsu still regrets it now.

No one knew that lily has another meaning before, so they suffered a loss....

""Ichigo, look what this is."

Looking at Nanami again, she suddenly took out a mask out of thin air with her other hand and blocked it in front of her, which scared Ichigo.

Rukia was prepared for Nanami's flash, so she didn't react much.

Ichigo subconsciously exclaimed:"Nana, how come you have one too?"...?"

At the end, Ichigo suddenly remembered that Tanashi Nanami was the captain of Soul Society, so it was better not to say such things, otherwise it would only bring her trouble.

Tanashi Nanami rolled her eyes. In fact, when she sent out the Void Flash, Soul Society already knew about it. It can be said that the 12th Division is monitoring them all the time to obtain the latest information.

But she didn't care, because Tanashi Nanami knew that after the battle of Karakura Town, even the Masked Corps would be accepted back by Soul Society, and one or two of them would be recruited back to be captains, so why should she care.

And she was indeed Aizen's enemy, and now Soul Society needed her power, so she had no scruples in her heart.

"Ichigo, little brother."

Nanami taught Ichigo earnestly for the first time, saying:"Whether it is the power of a hollow, the power of a god of death, or any other power, it is your own power.

Just like the knife in your hand, it will not hurt others by itself. Only when you swing it out can the blade break someone's skin.

Moreover, once you are afraid of your own power, it will only make your knife dull and even give rise to rebellion."

In Tan Nanami's opinion, Kyobaku's mischief was not necessarily because he really wanted to take control of Ichigo's body, but because Ichigo was unwilling to accept him, which made Kyobaku resist.

At this point, Tan Nanami suddenly thought of the plot of Naruto.

When Naruto stood in front of the real waterfall and faced the evil in his heart, the more he resisted and refused, the stronger and more difficult the evil Naruto became.

However, when Naruto chose to accept the other side of himself, the evil Naruto naturally disappeared.

The same is true for Kyobaku.

Ichigo is now too resistant to the power of the hollow, which makes him very disgusted and disappointed. This is the fundamental reason why Kyobaku keeps fighting with Ichigo.

So Tan Nanami told Ichigo:"How to use your own power depends entirely on your own will. It is you who control the power, not the power that controls you.

And if you even reject yourself, how can you accept others?"

Ichigo fell silent at Nanami's words.

Before, he was too afraid of becoming a Hollow, because he had been fighting Hollows all the time, so how could he be willing to become one?

But now it seems that it was this thought that made his power unstable.

"I understand."

Then Ichigo finally made a decision:"I will find someone to help me practice how to master the power of the Hollow."


Nanami slapped her head with her hand. Well, what she said was in vain.

Since you want to accept the power of the Hollow, do you still need others to train you? Can't you master it naturally?

It seems that Ichigo is still resisting in his subconscious.

But forget it, let him grow up slowly._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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