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However, unlike the smooth battle here of 鑢七实, the battles of others were much more difficult.


It was more than a struggle, it could be said that they were at a complete disadvantage.

According to Toushirou, the enemy before them could not be defeated without Bankai, but once they did, their Bankai would be taken away in an instant.

"Tenjo Sora."

Rangiku's voice rang in the ears of all captains and some people who had mastered Bankai, warning everyone that the Quincies did not seal Bankai, but took it away.

Near the First Division, looking at the confrontation between the captain-general and Yhwach, Chojiro Suzuki tried hard not to roll his eyes, thinking that his previous warning was in vain?

It was not in vain, just like Toushirou said, although they knew that Bankai was useless, the opponent was something they could not deal with without Bankai.

They had no better way...

"Damn arrogant guy, you dared to kill Lijie and Yaskin, I want you to pay the price."

Look at Qishi.

After Lijie and Yaskin were both killed, Gerard fearlessly came up, roared and jumped high to pounce on Qishi.

"The Miracle Star?"

Qishi turned his head to look in the direction of Gerald, with a nice smile on his face, but the words he said were not very pleasant:"I think it's the Joke Star."

As he spoke, he moved his lotus steps lightly and went forward instead of retreating. When he passed by Gerald, he saw a shadow passing by Gerald.


Gerard looked down and found a bloody hole at the position of his heart.

"How is it possible?"

With an expression of disbelief, Gerard fell to the ground, and at the last moment he was still muttering to himself:"How does she know my weakness?"

"Guess what?"

Behind him, Qi Shi walked forward without looking back, swinging a star-cross emblem in his hand.

It was a star-cross emblem that Qi Shi dug out from Gerald's body. It was because of this emblem that Gerald could be strengthened indefinitely and even immortal.

Qi Shi naturally had other ways to kill Gerald, but it was just a waste of time, so he used the simplest and most direct way to kill him.

"Wait for me."

Behind him, Rukia had already started chasing, but only now did she catch up with Nanami.

"How about it? Do you want to take it as a trophy?"

Nanami handed the bloody star cross emblem to Rukia.

"No, it's not my trophy."

Rukia declined the offer, she didn't want someone else's trophy.

"We are who we are, why should we be so clear about it?"

Nanami suddenly came closer and gave Lucy a kiss.


Rukia was startled, mainly because Nanami's action was too sudden and too inappropriate.

Nanami smiled happily, but there was a little more sadness in his smile that only appeared at parting.

"Let's go."

Before Rukia could protest, Nanami said,"It seems that Toushirou is in trouble. Let's go over there and take a look."

Rukia snorted unhappily, but could only endure the scolding for the time being and wait until the war was over before speaking again....

By the time Nanami and Rukia finally arrived at the 10th Division, Toushirou had already started fighting with his opponent.

"What a mess, Dong Shilang."

Nan Qishi was not in a hurry to help. She was already here, so she was no longer in a hurry. Instead, she found a big rock nearby and sat down, looking like she was watching a show.


Dong Shilang sighed helplessly. What on earth was she doing here? Was she here to laugh at him?

However, with Qi Shi sitting not far away, Dong Shilang was indeed relieved.

And he could guess that Qi Shi must have rushed here as fast as possible because she was worried about his safety.

"So, have you dealt with the opponent?"

Dong Shilang raised his knife and faced the enemy cautiously, asking without turning his head.

"Of course, who am I?"

Qishi laughed proudly:"Not much, probably one, two, three, four, five..., eight people"


Doushiro was so surprised that he turned his head to look at Tanaka Nanami. He knew she was strong, but she shouldn't be that strong, right?

It had only been less than five minutes since the Quincy's massive invasion, and his Bankai had just been taken away, while Tanaka Nanami had already killed eight enemies. What a difference!

"You said you killed eight of our compatriots?"

Opposite Dong Shilang, the Quincy wearing a hooded cloak named Cang Du also asked in shock.


Jian Qishi nodded nonchalantly:"It seems that there are three guards among them? They are called Yaskin and Lijie or something like that. That big fool seems to be called that."


Cangdu took a breath of cold air.

Compared with their Stern Cross Legion, the Royal Guards are of much higher status.

Let's compare it this way. When Youhabach was able to go to the Soul King Palace, he only brought the Royal Guards and a limited number of two or three people. The rest of the people, including those in the Stern Cross Legion, were killed by him with the Holy Spirit.

In other words, people like Cangdu are just consumables of Youhabach and can be used to improve his combat effectiveness at any time.

Only the Royal Guards are more important, but only a little bit.

Of course, to be so valued, they also rely on their strength to get to the top, so Cangdu was shocked and even questioned in his heart, why didn't his Majesty Youhabach count Nanami as a special combat force?

How could he know that Nanami was one of the special combat forces, but this news was only known to a limited number of people, and he was not qualified.


Nakashi saw that Cang Du was already afraid, and couldn't help feeling bored.

She once said that the battle scenes she cared about didn't necessarily have to be of a high level, but one thing was that both sides had to at least put their heart and soul into it.

And now, Cang Du was already afraid, and even began to move back, so what was there to watch?


Kill him."

"I've been trying to do it."

Dong Shilang said with shame that he had been trying to kill the other person, but it was impossible to kill him.


Nanami mumbled something about Dongshilang, but he didn't hear it clearly. Judging from his mouth shape, it seemed like he was talking about a useless younger brother. When he wanted to ask again, Nanami was already standing there holding Cangdu's head.

"Your Bankai was taken away by this thing?"

From Cangdu's body, Nanami found a star cross seal, and he could see with just a glance that Toushirou's Bankai was sealed inside it.

"Take it to Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi for research."

He threw the cross star to Toushirou, and then called Rukia,"Let's go, Rukia, something seems to have happened to your brother, we have to rush to save him."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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