Quadruple split

Chapter 1039 Bear Hunting

"Uh, that..."

Although he was a little confused about the situation, especially whether the relationship between the two people was considered good or bad, Mo still stopped again, pulled out the sword from his waist with his backhand, and faced the blue-faced man in front of him. The cat-man thief said seriously: "Stay and help, he should be your friend, right?"

"I don't have a son like him!"

The cat-man thief turned back angrily and glared at the man in the distance, then gnashed his teeth and cursed.

[It seems that their relationship is really good. 】

Mo smiled slightly, not thinking that the young man from the cat tribe in front of him, who looked about twenty-three or four years old, was really the father of the bearded Highlander in his thirties not far away, so he simply thought that the other person was joking, and then Then he raised his long sword and turned around, staring at the monster [Bakuma] whose combat power had almost doubled after being enraged, and said with a somewhat bitter look on his face: "Don't worry, I am still a half-step high-level warrior." , I’m still confident that I’ll escape unharmed after rescuing your friend.”

"Half step to the advanced level?"

The cat-man thief narrowed his light red vertical pupils, remained silent for two seconds, shook his head slightly and said, "No, it's okay if you are a mage who focuses on attack or a warrior with enough battery life. A half-step high-level warrior." It’s probably impossible to deal with that beast that went into a violent state early.”

Mo shrugged, poured his not too dazzling fighting spirit into the long sword, coated it with a thin layer of hazy light and said in a deep voice: "I will think of a way, listen up, it will take a while I will go up and block that guy, and then you and your friends will run down the mountain immediately, and we will meet at the south corner of the mountain..."

"No, you're going to die, buddy."

The cat-man thief who didn't know when he tore up a magic scroll casually and used an intermediate detection technique on Mo shook his head and interrupted the former's words. He quickly answered before Mo lowered his face and was about to say a few harsh words: " It’s unrealistic for you to stop that thing by yourself, but if you add two good helpers, it’s not impossible to kill that beast.”

Mo was stunned for a moment: "Excellent helper?"

"I don't have time to explain, come on...I'm sorry I'm used to it, I mean I'll ask you to cooperate in a while."

The cat-man thief patted Mo's shoulder, and then suddenly jumped backwards. His slender body, which was not very slender, stretched out in mid-air like a real cat, and his hands were slightly supported on the ground. , flashing towards the 'playing' pair of humans and bears like a ghost.


The big man who was being chased to the ground screamed in surprise when he saw this, and screamed with tears in his eyes: "Finally your fucking conscience has been discovered!"

But I saw that this brother was two meters tall. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a strong back. He was wearing a set of armor that was very revealing. His muscles were taut, his chest was exposed, and he looked up. He looked three-dimensional. He is in his early ten years, with a thick beard on his face, a four-sided shield stuck on his left arm, and a wooden lance about two meters long in his right hand, with a little red stain on the tip. Huang, Huang was covered in black blood. As he ran, he shouted, "Are you sure you can handle this terrain?"

"Turn on you, I originally wanted you to lead him to a place with more complicated terrain to grind him, but I just met a loyal buddy, a half-step high-level warrior. If the three of us are together, this place will be fine. That’s enough.”

The cat-man thief explained quickly, then stepped out of the way, floating behind the strong man like a swaying tung leaf, squatting in the blind spot of the explosive bear's field of vision, holding sharp blades tightly with both hands. Their hands folded together: "Report the distance!"

"Visually measure twenty meters and make contact in five seconds!"

The bearded man half-knelt on the ground, thrust the shield on his left arm in front of him, and tightened his grip on the spear in his hand: "My shield is not very durable, I can only carry it for you two times at most!"

Mo You, who also rushed here quickly, noticed that although the movements of the strong man just now were quite large and seemed extremely random, if you take the perspective of the explosive bear, when this man performed the entire movement, But there was no trace of the thief crouching behind him.

"One shot is enough, you half-filled bucket."

The thief curled his lips, and then quickly gestured to Mo, who was running towards him.

The next second——

Boom! ! !

With a roar, the beast with red eyes, bleeding from the back, and iron-gray mane slammed into the shield erected in front of the strong man, leaving large cracks on it. At the same time, it also shocked the shield holder out of the [Internal Bleeding] state.

And at this moment, the thief who was originally squatting behind him suddenly walked around from behind the strong man who was forced to lean back. He tapped the latter's shoulder with his toes, and then he was like an out-of-control top. It whirled and slashed towards the face of the forcibly stopped monster. The daggers overlapped on the chest made two staggered slashes like crescent moons in mid-air, leaving a pair of bloody slashes on the bear's face. 'Tattoo'.


The strong man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, struggled to get up from the ground and shouted: "Are you blind?"

"The wound is too shallow! It needs to be repaired twice!"

The thief who landed behind the explosive bear gritted his teeth and swung the dagger back, deepening the wound behind the opponent that was always bleeding, and said loudly: "Give me a relatively safe air output environment!"

The strong man took a deep breath, let out a roar that could temporarily increase his physical fitness by 20%, then inserted the wooden spear in his hand upside down on the ground, and slapped the handle hard: "[Earth Protection], [ Crystallized Rock Formation], [Earth Binding]!”

As a dim yellow halo flowed from the spear, the cracked shield on the strong man's arm was instantly covered with a layer of crystal clear rock shell. Not only that, the right foot of the explosive bear was also not easy to break. He trembled perceptibly, and his majestic figure suddenly froze.

"Damn it, your position is stuck!"

In the blink of an eye, the strong man who released three skills flew forward, and the shield on his arm hit the ribs of the explosive bear like a war hammer, abruptly interrupting the latter's movement to turn around and slap the thief.

"You are calling out the name of a move when you use it, you are really hopeless!"

The cat-man thief, who had temporarily gained a safe position for a few seconds, curled his lips, plucked the sandpaper-like mane on Boom Bear's back and quickly climbed up the opponent's body, kneeling on the broad shoulders to his left He stabbed his eyes sharply, then kicked off his legs and escaped with one blow.


The strong man who was pressing against the explosive bear was shocked at that moment and cursed angrily: "Didn't you say you have to make up for it twice? What do you mean by just stabbing me and running away? Sell me?!"

"I can stab him with a knife, but the skill CD can't change it."

Landing firmly behind his companion, the cat-man thief put his hand into the bag on his waist and said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't forget there are more than just two of us."

The next moment, a blast of war energy surrounded by scorching flames exploded in the sky, interrupting the strong man's voice of 'huh? ' At the same time, he accurately cut open the scarred left eyelid of Bakugo.

Mo Lingkong, who was late because his speed was far slower than that of thieves of the same level, jumped into the air, followed by the sword energy that was more than fast but slightly less powerful, and quickly repaired Bakugo's left eye after it was finally successfully breached. With one sword, he stabbed the opponent's undefended eyeball.

"Get out of here, silly!"

The cat-man thief shouted loudly.


The strong man understood immediately, and immediately rolled away from the target he had just desperately resisted.



Accompanied by a heart-rending roar, Bao Xiong, who was blind in one eye, completely fell into a deep and irrational rage, wildly waving his hair-cut and blow-dry hair that had not been repaired for who knows how many years. Claw, creating a massive round of indiscriminate AOE (Area of ​​effect, a skill that can act on multiple targets and take effect within a certain range) on the spot.

"My mother..."

The strong man stood up in embarrassment and swallowed in extreme fear. If he hadn't rolled away in time, even if he had [Earth's Protection], even if he was holding a shield blessed by [Crystalized Rock Formation], he would probably be optimistic at best. Half a life.

Taking advantage of Explosive Bear's madness, the cat-man thief didn't even look at his almost-torn partner. He quickly walked up to Mo who pierced the monster's eye socket and quickly jumped off its face and grinned: "Really nice fit, man."

"Thank you. Actually, I didn't understand your gesture just now..."

While Mo replied casually, he watched vigilantly at the Explosive Bear not far away who had stopped struggling in vain and seemed to be preparing for a larger-scale massacre. He said in a deep voice: "But I failed to cause fatal injuries to that guy. Now it's getting even more violent, ugh! What is this!"

"Dung bombs, a good find from a good store."

The cat-man thief smashed a gray ball with an unspeakable taste at his feet, and then smashed one at the strong man not far away. He grinned and said, "The eyesight of bears is generally not very good. , even this kind of Warcraft should be no exception. We have just disabled one of its eyes, so even if it completely angers this thing and further increases its destructive power, it can basically only rely on hearing and smell to capture us. It’s also a big loss.”

Mo understood immediately, put down his hand covering his mouth and nose, and said with difficulty while enduring the bad smell: "So...are you trying to confuse...ahem, confuse its sense of smell?"

"That's probably what happened~"

The cat-man thief licked the corner of his mouth, inserted the dagger back into the leather sheath on his waist, and then stuck a small light crossbow on his right arm and loaded two on it. You could tell it was handmade. Detonator: "Next, you two just need to make sounds from a distance to attract its attention. Before it completely uses up its energy, I will be responsible for strengthening its injuries!"

"I see."

Because time was tight and the logic of the other party's plan was quite clear, Mo did not put forward any opinions. He just subconsciously looked at the man not far away who did not come to join the two of them. Instead, he rushed toward the wooden spear holding the wooden spear. The strong man in the opposite direction said: "Do you still need to tell that person about your plan?"

"Hey! Thief Sun!"

Then I saw the strong man suddenly let out a roar more than ten meters away from the explosive bear, and at the same time flicked his middle finger.

Suddenly, the Explosive Bear, which was temporarily losing its target under the influence of the dung bomb, was trying its best to sniff with its nose and roared at the strong man who was taunting loudly.

"Don't worry, he probably knew what he should do from the moment I threw the dung bomb."

The cat-man thief shook his pair of black pointed ears, then raised his hand and fired two detonators at the explosive bear that had its back turned to him. After causing a small explosion, he silently fired two detonators at the other one. It swept away in a certain direction at a very fast speed without making any sound.

"Ha, this level of trust and understanding... tsk tsk."

Mo couldn't help but laugh, then smacked his lips and sighed in a low voice: "I'm really a little envious."

After saying that, he took a deep breath (and choked on the smell of dung bombs), then imitated the strong man who didn't know whether he was a knight or a shaman, waved to the explosive bear, and said loudly: "Hi ! Thief Sun!"

As a shameless person, he still didn't add the middle finger after all.

five minutes later

"about there!"

The bearded man whose physical strength had dropped to less than 30% clapped his hands vigorously, then inserted the long spear that could play the role of a totem pole on the ground again, and said loudly: "Follow my rhythm! Warrior friends, prepare to fight head-on." , bitch, you’re here to cover me!”

Mo, who had just completed another 'taunt', was slightly stunned, but the cat-man thief not far away realized it immediately, quickly put away the short crossbow and picked up two daggers again.

"Let's make some big noise first!"

His hands passed over the gun body, and in an instant, he gave instructions to the strong man who had activated the two buffs of [Earth Protection] and [Thorns Halo] at the same time, both Cat Thief and Mo.

A homemade sonic bomb was thrown directly into the air by the cat-man thief with his bare hands, and after a brief delay, it made an extremely harsh explosion, successfully causing the monster, which had gradually begun to pant and began to decline in movement, to fall into chaos.

"Now! Warrior friends, rush into the space inside its upper arm!"

The strong man pressed down his hands with all his strength to perform [Earth Binding Technique] and issued instructions again.

Mo, on the other hand, raised his sword and charged without thinking, running straight into the arms of the explosive bear.

"Bitch! Apply slow poison and wrap it around your back!"

"Brother warriors, move clockwise at a constant speed!"

"I have my chain lightning ready, you two are ready to run!"

"Eat my Professor Yang's flaming red lips!!"

"Brother Warrior, you did a great job. You bitch, you need to hit your upper back with a last-minute hit! Just remember to break the neck! The skin of this thing is valuable!"

The strong man issued instructions one by one in an orderly manner, and after he said, "Follow my rhythm," the cat-man thief who was originally responsible for leading the battlefield and interspersed the entire siege system did not say a word, as if he had directed the hunter himself before. Just like the unconditional cooperation of the strong man when killing, the transition from dominance to support was seamlessly completed.

Finally, five minutes later

With a mournful cry, the completely powerless Explosive Bear took his last breath.


"Wahaha! Fresh corpses!"

"Don't touch it. You piece of trash with an ugly face, dark hands, and a weak heart. Stay away from the body!"

"Fuck, that vampire cloak last time was just an accident, I've always had little red hands!"

"Hong Nima, I haven't seen a dagger in half a year since I started working with you, get out!"

"Damn, I'm obviously here to fight this bear, you can't just kill the donkey!"

"If you want to save face, are you worthy of being a donkey?"

Chapter 1032: End

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