Quadruple split

Chapter 1040 Joining the gang

After a while, the strong man finally made a compromise. After his fellow catman thief carefully inspected the dead body of Bao Xiong, he walked forward impatiently and asked repeatedly as he walked: "What's going on?" What happened! What good thing happened!?"

"Well, there was a [Sword of Ashcandi Brotherhood], a [Chronicle of Dark Secrets], and a [Arch Magician's Torrent Staff]."

The cat-man thief, who was leaning over to examine the corpse of the explosive bear, stood up expressionlessly, then stretched out his little finger to pick out his ears, and said calmly: "It's been quite a harvest."

The strong man was stunned at that time and exclaimed: "Damn it! You are so awesome! There are things!"


The cat-man thief remained expressionless and shrugged: "It's my fault... I overestimated your intelligence."

The strong man pressed his partner's shoulders eagerly and said in a loud voice: "Is it your fault or not? Let's not talk about it. I am Da Hongliu! Where are you hiding my Da Hongliu!?"

"Watch your dog eyes and see clearly."

The cat-man thief sighed, pointed to the huge bear corpse next to him, and said dryly: "This is a bear, or a bear-shaped monster living in the advanced leveling area."

"So what?"

The strong man frowned and continued to ask persistently: "Where is my equipment?!"

"Under normal circumstances, unless we receive a system-approved mission like [Hunting Explosive Bears], the most we can get is bear skins, bear paws, bear whips, bear ribs, bear tenderloin, etc. thing."

The cat-man thief squatted on the spot and began to carefully skin the bear with his pair of sharp daggers. He said angrily: "You can't expect a pure natural and pollution-free beast-like elite monster to carry it on your back when you go out for a walk." Holding a sword, holding a book, and holding a staff in his mouth, just to give those things away after being attacked by greedy adventurers like us."

The strong man scratched his temples and said with a puzzled look on his face: "So what do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that under normal circumstances, a wild bear will not emerge from the corpse with a staff or sword or something like that after being beaten to death. Even if it has equipment, it can only be 'bear teeth'. It's something like an amulet, and it has to be polished by your hand."

Cat Man Rogue gave a straightforward answer.

The strong man curled his lips and said, "Hey, that's nonsense. I electrocuted a wild boar in the barren land back then. How could someone blow up a big shield for me?"

"I'm sorry, there are no shield-breaking wild boars for you to kill here."

The cat-man thief replied without looking up, and said calmly: "The Innocence of Innocence is a very logical game."

The strong man pondered for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly widened: "So this bear didn't burst into a big torrent at all!"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Bear can't explode equipment that can be worn by people!?"

"In fact, it may not be equipment that a bear can wear."

"So you were actually lying to me just now!"

"Yes, I'm already reflecting on it."

"That's all bear meat, bear whip and so on. Why don't you let me touch the body first!"

"got used to."

"Why do not you go to hell?!"

"Because you are unfilial. I am afraid that if I die first, no one will burn paper for me."

"You want to fight?!"


"Outside the game!"

"In no mood."


Because of some annoying, inexplicable, and weird reasons, the two started to quarrel like this, and based on the analysis of their expressions and demeanor when they were "quarreling", it seemed that they were already familiar with this level of strife. .

"Ahem, what is that..."

Mo Qing, who finally found a chance to interrupt, coughed slightly, and after successfully attracting the attention of the two of them, he smiled awkwardly: "By the way, I don't know your names yet."


The cat-man thief immediately let out a soft cry, jumped up and smiled awkwardly at Mo: "Sorry, sorry, I was just talking nonsense before, and I haven't had time to introduce myself. My name is Aramis, a mid-level thief, as you said. Seeing that he is a handsome half-orc from the cat tribe, the leader of the Fire Brigade, this is just..."

"My name is Portos, an intermediate shaman, an intermediate knight, and the deputy leader of the Fire Brigade."

Before Aramis said something unpleasant, the tall Porthos immediately introduced himself and grinned at the ink: "A highlander with a relatively large frame. Nice to meet you, buddy."

"Well, nice to meet you, but what is the brigade...?"

Mo subconsciously shook hands with Portos, who was holding out his claws, and asked curiously: "Is it an organization similar to a mercenary group? You are so awesome, you are actually the chief and deputy leader."

"Well, this should be regarded as a kind of mercenary group, but it is rarely fixed in one place, so let's call ourselves a brigade."

When the other party was obviously an NPC, Aramis did not reveal much about the 'Brigade' setting added to the system after the update a few months ago. Instead, he laughed, then put his arm around Mo's shoulders and asked Porthos said: "This is Brother Bro, a half-step high-level warrior. He is a very nice person. He is even willing to lend a helping hand to a trash with a bad personality like you."

"Hello, Bro. My nephew is not very good at talking. Please be more considerate."

Portos shook Mo's hand hard again and said cheerfully: "I was able to kill this beast this time, er, I mean the beast lying on the ground, thanks to you. In this way, we will clean up this thing later." Understood, we only need one violent crystal core, and the rest can probably be sold for dozens of gold coins, so it’s all yours, okay?”

"Ahem, actually my name is Mo, although I chose it for myself..."

Mo touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, then turned his gaze to the dead bear that had just breathed its last. He shook his head and said, "One more thing is that I don't think I should share this 'trophy' equally with you."

Porthos blinked his eyes twice, and then rubbed his beard excitedly: "Wait! Are you a rich man! Don't you care about these three people? That's great. If you are a brother, you really can't see it. If you eat these broken skin and rotten meat, we two brothers will have to do it..."

"you shut up."

The cat-man thief named Aramis interrupted his companion angrily, then slightly narrowed his vertical pupils and looked Mo up and down: "Although it is not ruled out that 'a rebellious rich kid runs away from home to sharpen himself' Possibility, but according to my observation, brother Mo, you must be living a very tight life, right?"

"Yeah, indeed."

Mo nodded and admitted readily: "I'm not a rich man. Although I won't starve to death, it's basically just that I won't starve to death."

Aramis shrugged: "As expected, then I think you should accept this well-deserved trophy, instead of trying to make yourself look fat. You have done a lot just now, man."

"That's what I say, but I can probably guess that even without my help, you two should be able to kill this explosive bear, even if it is in a violent state, it is not easy to deal with."

Mo smiled brightly, his eyes swept over Aramis and Portos calmly, and said softly: "Although I realized it only belatedly, if I hadn't appeared, I would have mastered the skills of thieves and engineering. The Aramis brothers should have set up a trap in the shallow forest not far away. After the Portos brothers lured the explosive bear there, they would then use the geographical location to start hunting. If you think about it this way, it was actually me who caused trouble for the two of you~ "

"Uh, this..."

Aramis and Porthos immediately exchanged a look, and both fell into silence.

After a few seconds, Aramis slowly regained his pretentious attitude, raised a cynical arc at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Okay, I must admit that I underestimated you, Mo. brother."

"Very keen insight, very suitable for being a RL or responsible for human resources work."

Portos smacked his lips, muttered casually, and then said with a grin: "But... uh, Brother Mo, have you ever considered how much the two of us would have to pay if you didn't suddenly appear to help?" How about taking care of this explosive bear?"

Mo immediately understood what the other party meant, frowned slightly and said hesitantly: "What do you mean..."

"Although it is just a rough idea, based on the analysis of the combat power displayed by this explosive bear, even if the two of us are indeed more than 80% sure to deal with it, it is only a combination of potions, poisons, engineering props and magic scrolls. A lot more consumables like this will be used.”

Aramis gently wiped his right hand from the dozen or so small bottles on his belt, and said clearly and crisply: "With your cooperation, all these expenses have been saved. This is an undeniable fact."

Mo opened his mouth, but for a moment he couldn't think of anything to refute. Of course, this was also related to the fact that what Aramis said made sense and left no room for refutation.

These two people are very powerful, but if they are not themselves, with their upper limit of strength that is less than the mid-level peak, it is still very difficult to easily deal with a explosive bear in a short time, especially a violent explosive bear. This is an undisputed fact.

"So, you have to at least take what you deserve. This is the rule in the industry."

Aramis patted Mo's shoulder, and then continued to return to the bear carcass to start the 'dismemberment operation'. He quickly peeled off the almost undamaged bear skin, and in the process, he peeled off the more valuable bears. Teeth, bear claws, and various internal organs that could be used as materials for alchemy or medicine were dug out and arranged in categories, with smooth movements.

"We hack the violent crystal core, and convert everything left into money and divide it equally between the three of us."

Porthos carried his huge wooden gun that doubled as a totem pole and stared fiercely into Mo's eyes: "Don't refuse. Not to mention the gangster next to me, I don't have the habit of taking advantage of others."

Now that everyone has said this, Mo Ye did not continue to insist on it. Moreover, as Aramis said before, he was very tight on money, so he smiled and nodded: "Thank you both very much." Now, let’s go together to this small town not far to the west of the mountain in a while. If I remember correctly, there should be purchase stalls of the Adventurer’s Guild and many chambers of commerce there.”

"We think so too~"

Porthos laughed, spread his hands and said, "Although you said west and north, the town is actually in the east."

"Ah! Sorry, my sense of direction has never been very good."

Mo laughed a little ashamedly, and said helplessly: "It's easy to get lost..."

Porthos sniffed: "You are so... so humble."

"Seriously, man."

While Aramis disemboweled the explosive bear, he shook his head and sighed: "If you weren't kidding me just now, this sense of direction basically means goodbye to the profession of adventurer."

Mo's face turned slightly red, and he smiled bitterly and said: "So in most cases I rarely take on missions that require leaving the town. I usually take on tasks such as finding pets for people, and occasionally I take on some short-distance caravan escort missions. , I can also have a companion when I return."

"That's it..."

Aramis nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "In other words, are you the kind of lone wolf adventurer? The kind who doesn't have fixed teammates or partners?"

Mo scratched his cheek, nodded and replied: "That's probably the case. It may be because my personality is not easy to get along with, so I haven't met a partner who is willing to form a long-term team with me since I entered the industry."

"Really? I think Brother Mo has a pretty good personality."

Aramis said something seemingly casually, then turned to glance at Mo: "Speaking of which, do you want to try hanging out with the two of us?"


Mo was immediately stunned and reacted for a while before saying in surprise: "With you two?"

"Yeah, for example, joining our [Battle of Fire] Brigade or something, haha, even though we have the title of captain and deputy captain, there are about thirty people registered. In fact, except for me and Portos, The other members are basically in name only, and it’s no different than they don’t exist.”

After slowly putting the bloody bags in front of him into his luggage, Aramis casually threw the [Secondary Violent Crystal Core] dug out from the bear's head to Portos, stood up and grinned at Mo: "Three It's easier to get along as an individual than alone. If you stay with me, at least you won't have to do odd jobs in crowded places because you're worried about getting lost."

"To put it bluntly, in fact, this guy just thinks that you have good character and decent strength, and he just wants to recruit you as a tool."

Portos, who casually stuffed the crystal core into his bag, let out a long sigh and said quietly: "I was deceived in the same way back then."

"No, you just have decent strength. There is no such thing as 'character'."

Aramis blushed like Porthos, then smiled and extended his right hand to Mo: "What do you think?"


Mo hesitated for a moment, and after realizing that he couldn't find any reason to refuse the other party's invitation, he smiled and held Aramis' hand firmly: "It's an honor."


"Welcome to join~"

“A leisure and elderly care team in the literal sense~”

"New and old birds are treated equally~"

"Krypton Man Gan Emperor is all-encompassing~"

"Winning the title of the strongest unorganized online guild for fifteen consecutive years~"

"The president once died in the [Fire of War] Bardo, where the boss Awakening Dragon~"

"The first elite group has won more than 50 competitions in 18 large-scale games~"

“I beat the first-line teams of major studios and clubs several times~”

“I have been beaten down countless times by the front-line teams of major studios and clubs~”

“Harmonious and loving~”

"Guild on Fire~"

"Ah bah, the Fire Brigade~"

Chapter 1033: End

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