Quadruple split

Chapter 1084 Fishing

at the same time

Beaver Village, beside the beaver river, wooden bridge


Wearing a set of black leather armor that is quite different from the one he wore when hunting bears with Mo and Bodos. Although the attributes and defense power are somewhat unsatisfactory, the fashion value is quite high. At some point, the cat tribe half-orc squatted on the bridge. The thief casually pulled off his mask and smiled at the half-dragon girl next to him who had short gray-purple hair and seemed to be distracted: "Are you still fishing?"


The fisherman sitting on the pony, holding the fishing rod in his right hand and holding his chin in his left hand, was startled. His whole body shivered, and then he glanced at Ala, who was squatting next to him with a slightly unkind look. Miss glanced at him and said angrily: "What are you doing?"

The latter carelessly sat down with his legs crossed next to the fish basket next to the girl's hand, and said with a grin: "I'm not doing anything. I just came back from outside. Since I have nothing to do, I came to the river to cultivate my sentiments."

"Oh, that's good."

Because she had been seriously frightened a few days ago, she temporarily decided to stay in this town for a few more days. Unfortunately, the half-dragon girl who was targeted by Aramis nodded slightly, and then moved her little horse to the side. , giving the other party some space to facilitate him to 'cultivate his sentiments'.

There was no resistance, no discomfort, no indifference, it could even be said to be quite considerate. As of last night, the fisherman girl who had rejected Aramis twenty-one times in succession did not show any displeasure, but she also did not show any displeasure. What enthusiasm, just a very normal behavior.

But it was her attitude that made the president of the Yuanhuo Guild, who was always known for his "unscrupulous means to achieve the goal, go to any lengths to dig corners, filthy and unscrupulous, and the lowest limit comparable to the Mariana Trench", that is, in the vast majority of The ID in the game is Typing Warrior, and the man named Aramis in the Innocence is somewhat clueless.

She seems to be easy to talk to, but in fact she has no flaws. This girl is just like those peerless masters in martial arts novels. At first glance, she doesn't have much momentum, and her whole body is full of loopholes. But when you really come up with a move, you find that I actually didn't know where to start.

【It’s so weird...】

Silently complaining in his heart, Aramis skillfully took out a small horse bag from his luggage, and sat on it smoothly like the other party. Then, while whistling in tune, he took off a certain tube from his belt. Throw it hard——


Suddenly, a fancy fishing rod appeared in his hand.

Noticing that the other party was looking at him subconsciously, Aramis showed an implicit, excited, imperceptible, and very despicable smile, then skillfully assembled the fishing line and hook, and flicked it hard——

"Be careful."

Shifting her gaze from the proud curve at the corner of Aramis' mouth to his wrist, the girl issued a reminder after Aramis successfully hit his own cloak with a fishhook.

Obviously, she did it on purpose.

Then, because his face was covered by the cloak that was caught on the fishhook, Aramis struggled for almost two full minutes before he could straighten the cloak again. At this moment, he was clumsily untangling the tangled fishing line while looking at the man next to him. The half-dragon girl sneered and said, "Sorry, I'm still a beginner~"

"A layman to be precise."

The girl replied casually, then suddenly raised her eyebrows, stood up abruptly, clenched the fishing rod with both hands at the same time, and lifted it up with force: "Drink!"


Along with a spray of water that suddenly bloomed in front of the two of them, a rather large creature with a dark yellow body and black markings rose into the air, and drew a graceful arc and accurately landed on Ala. There was a dull 'dong' sound in the fish basket next to Miss.

Aramis, who was fighting with the fishing line next to him, looked straight.

"The black-spotted king snake eel is not very rare, but generally you cannot catch it in this kind of weather."

Sitting back on the horse, the skillful fisherman girl deliberately threw the pole a little slower than usual, and chuckled at Aramis: "You're lucky today~"

The girl threw the pole again.

Aramis, who was 'demonstrated' the correct way to throw the pole, didn't feel ashamed. He also threw the pole in a decent manner. It was very successful and did not catch his cape or hair.

ten minutes later

"Ahem, what is that..."

Seeing helplessly that the girl next to him had lifted the pole for the third time and fished out a big fish from the water again, but he still had no harvest. Aramis coughed slightly and hesitated for a while before speaking: "Why do I …”


The fisherman girl, who had almost filled the fishing basket in just a few minutes, did not let Aramis finish. She directly answered: "In most cases, fishing requires bait. After all, even if everyone's brain circuit is not good enough, we need bait." Likewise, people won’t be interested in sharp iron hooks.”

Alamos was confused at the time, and he reacted for a while before asking: "So you already knew that I didn't catch the fish because I ran out of bait?"

"Well, it's quite obvious."

Casually hanging something that looked like a shrimp ball on the fishhook, the half-dragon girl nodded slightly, with a smile in her crimson left eye that was not blocked by her slanted bangs: "I thought you I just want to cosplay with a certain Taigong, and ask someone to take the bait or something."

Aramis twitched his lips: "No, I think you must have discovered early that I actually just forgot to hang the bait on it. Well, to be more precise, I actually didn't prepare the bait from the beginning."

"If it's just about cultivating one's sentiments, it doesn't really matter whether you can catch fish~"

The half-dragon girl whose game ID is fish... Yu Shang, whose camp is [Chaotic Neutral] and whose main occupation is level 45 [fisherman], shrugged and fished for the fourth time after catching the black-spotted emperor snake eel just now. He cast the rod, and in just a few seconds, he fished out from the water a bream that looked quite delicious and had a light red color all over.

The people of Aramis were almost stupid. Not only that, but perhaps because the system randomly turned him into a cat tribe orc, so driven by some unreasonable instinct, his vertical pupils that had no energy most of the time suddenly suddenly He became sharper, staring at the fish that must be delicious without blinking, until he sent it into Yu Shang's fish basket.


Yu Shang, who caught the snapper with his own hands, was also a little surprised. He tilted his head and looked at the fish basket at his feet and sighed: "This is the first time I have caught this kind of Picona snapper. I didn't expect that I could catch it in one go today." Get two first kills!”

Aramis took a deep breath and turned his head very seriously to look at the fisherman girl next to him. Although she looked a little cold at first (mainly because of her appearance), she was actually very easy to get along with: "What about that, Xiao Yu... "

"Ah? Don't call me that, my surname is not Yu!"

"Oh, that little Shang..."

"The word 'small' is a bit redundant."


"We're not close enough to call each other directly."

"Brother Shangzi, that 'Pikona Snapper' you are talking about, is it delicious?"


Yu Shang said nothing, but stared at Aramis with his left eye covered by bangs. The temperature inside was a bit low.

【Are you kidding me? 】

↑Aramis, who was momentarily blinded by desire, accurately translated the meaning in the other person's eyes.

"Ahem, I was just kidding."

Aramis sneered, and then stretched out his right hand to Yu Shang without shame: "Can you share some of the bait?"

Yu Shang nodded, put his hand into one of the seven or eight small pockets on his waist, took out a piece of bait and put it in the other person's hand: "Here."

Aramis: "..."

Yu Shang tilted his head: "What's wrong?"

Aramis: "..."

Yu Shang blinked: "If it's not enough, I have more here."

Aramis: "..."

Yu Shang frowned: "What's the problem..."


Accompanied by a scream that almost startled Yu Shang, the cat-man thief in front of her who had been frozen for five seconds suddenly jumped up on the spot and spun out, using Ignoring the furious screams, the rather handsome posture rolled in the air for at least four and a half weeks, and then crashed directly into the beaver river at the end of the bridge, without any splash! No splash!


Yu Shang was shocked at that time, stood up quickly and shouted softly: "That... is not... uh, what's going on with you!"

Gulu gulu gulu gulu...

A series of bubbles appeared from where Aramis disappeared.

[He shouldn’t be drowned, right? 】

Yu Shang frowned and stared at the bubbles that kept rising up, lost in thought.

Ten seconds later, just when she sighed softly and was about to go into the water to fish someone out, Aramis, who had completely turned into a drowned cat with completely zero fashion points, suddenly emerged from the water and crawled with a bad dog. Shivering, he swam ashore and curled up in a ball.

"What's wrong with you?"

Helplessly lifting up the fishing basket, Yu Shang trotted over to Aramis, who was curled up not far away, carrying the fishing rod: "Are you scared by the bait?"

Aramis, who was holding his knees and trembling, suddenly raised his head after hearing this and said angrily: "Which normal person would use a spider as bait!!!"

"A lot of people."

Yu Shang gave the correct answer calmly, then looked back with some regret at the 'baits' scattered on the bridge, which were thrown away by Aramis in panic, and shook his head regretfully: " What a waste, this kind of earth spider specially used for fishing is not cheap."

Aramis was furious: "The evil way!"

Yu Shang curled his lips: "It's rare but strange."

"It's so weird to think of using spiders as bait! Those are spiders! Would anyone really be willing to eat that kind of thing? Who would die for those scary things!"

"Is there anyone who doesn't know, but there are many fish that like earth spiders? Fishing rods, hooks, and baits are all used for fishing, not for catching people."

"But! But that's a spider!!"

"It seems that you are very prejudiced against spiders..."

"That's a demon that shouldn't exist in this world at all!"

"I have heard of the term 'happy spider'."

"Humph, I can tell you haven't experienced the feeling of having a crab-sized spider on your chest as a child."

"Normal people wouldn't experience this kind of thing, right?"

"That's really a scarier feeling than death..."

"So that's it, psychological shadow?"

"No, it's not me who's wrong, it's the spider."

"Yes, yes, it's all the spider's fault."

Yu Shang casually took out a towel from his bag and threw it on Aramis' head. Then he stood up and walked towards the bridge again. He said without looking back, "You should go back early."

Aramis looked at Yu Shang's back intently, then took a deep breath, spent about half a minute drying his face and hair, and then strode back to the bridge and heavily emptied his face. Ma Zha sat down, gripped the fishing rod and gritted his teeth and said, "It's not over yet!"

Yu Shang, who was sitting next to him, shook his head, shrugged and said, "It's useless. Didn't I just say that?"

"Why is it useless! You can't just use the same monster bait!"

Aramis gritted his teeth angrily and reached out to Yu Shang again: "Give me some normal bait. If you don't have any, it's okay if it's not normal. As long as it's not an evil creature, I can buy it! Please!"

Yu Shang sighed, ran his slender index finger across the small bags filled with bait at his waist, and said calmly: "As for bait, I do have a lot. Even if your ability to accept is relatively poor, you will probably find something suitable. of."

Aramis clenched his fists, shook them, and said seriously: "I have a strong ability to accept things, but I can't stand spiders!"

"The problem isn't the spiders."

Yu Shang did shake his head slightly, and the corner of his mouth turned up in a playful arc: "I have already mentioned the problem just now. Fishing rods, hooks, and baits are all used for fishing, not for catching people. .”

Aramis exclaimed softly at that time: "Ah this..."

"I'm just a passing fisherman out of interest. Although I can't say that I have no interest in adventurers and the like, I'm not very motivated."

Yu Shang smoothly hung up the bait and swung the rod, and after lifting a ball of algae, he glanced at Aramis with a smile in his eyes: "So, I'm sorry."

The latter blinked and asked in confusion: "Wait a minute, how did you guess that I also planned to invite you to join the adventurer team this time?"

"You just said 'ye', right?"

Yu Shang covered his forehead helplessly and complained: "After you invited me more than twenty times in a row, you suddenly came to fish on a whim to cater to my preferences. The motivation behind it is absolutely clear."

"Uh, so you still insist on not joining the gang for now?"

"Yeah, and 'temporarily' is redundant."

"Okay, then in order to make up for my wounded heart..."


"Hurry up and give me some normal bait."


"Hmm, if the adventurer team doesn't join us, it's not too much to give them some bait, right?"


Chapter 1077: End

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