Quadruple split

Chapter 1085 Interlude (II)

"Yah! Dinner!"

With a loud cheer, Aramis stood up suddenly, tried his best to lift the premonition in his hand, and pulled out a large pile of innocent algae from the bottom of the river.

Yu Shang, who was sitting next to him and fishing leisurely, raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "I didn't expect you to be a vegetarian."

"My special meow..."

"However, the practical value of this kind of algae is not high. If you must eat it, I personally recommend adding more salt and marinating it with vinegar."

"I'm not……"

"Also, if you can, it's best to eat near the church. With luck, you may be able to be rescued."

"wait a moment……"

"Don't underestimate food poisoning. I saw a post before. I heard that the poster accidentally ate a very poisonous dish. If it weren't for his extraordinary talent, he would have been sent away."

The Dragon Lady fisherman, who had a slightly cold appearance but a good-looking smile, shook his index finger at Aramis seriously, then gently raised his right hand, and pulled an aquatic creature of unknown species but beautiful appearance from the river. He dragged it out and put it into the fish basket next to him.

In half an hour, Aramis caught a total of two pairs of boots, three lumps of waterweed, and a bellyband. He gritted his teeth and said dryly: "I didn't mean that! I'm not a vegetarian, but the feeling just now made me think there was a fish biting me." hook!"

"I know, it was just a joke."

Yu Shang blinked the eye (the one that was not covered by bangs), and then stopped talking to Aramis and continued to indulge in the fun of fishing freely, with a comfortable and peaceful expression.

at the same time

Not far from the Beaver River, a low slope

"Obviously I was rejected without any reservation~"

The silver-haired fairy, who looked like she had stepped out of a fairy tale picture book, smacked her lips, spun around in mid-air, and then sat firmly on a rather broad and heavy shoulder. She spread her little hands and looked at the thick-looking girl next to her. His head sighed: "That guy Aramis is too persistent."

As a highlander, Porthos subconsciously raised his arms to make the goblin on his shoulders sit more comfortably, and then made a funny expression: "It's not so much persistence, but rather that the bitch has always been..." He is the kind of character who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals.”

"play hard?"

Mo, who was standing next to the two of them, was a little surprised and said curiously: "I think Aramis is just inviting the half-dragon girl normally, and we heard a little bit of the conversation just now, and we didn't see how dead he was. Stalking.”

Porthos rolled his eyes: "So, you two don't know that bitch well enough..."

Wu Nian gently moved the back of Portos' head with his little hand, tilted his head and asked, "How do you say it?"

"Invitations that have failed over and over again, and I even try to understand other people's preferences in order to have a common language."

Portos smacked his lips and said leisurely: "In the end, although he came into contact with fishing with impure motives, he really started to become interested in the profession of 'fisherman' after being rejected again. In the process, even The shadow of his childhood did not deter him, which is enough to show that this man has gradually changed from wanting to get close to the girl through fishing with impure motives, to loving the fascinating activity of fishing from the bottom of his heart... You are Do you think so?"

Wu Nian nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, yes, isn't it?"

Mo frowned, and a hint of understanding suddenly flashed in his eyes. When he looked up at Aramis again, his expression suddenly became strange.

"of course not."

Sure enough, Portos shook his head at the same frequency as Wu Nian nodded, and whispered: "Let's put it this way, at least as far as I know, although that bitch is very resistant to spiders, the shadows of childhood are real. , but he overcame this problem many years ago, and there is no way he could become this bad because of a few stunted spider baits."

Wu Nian was immediately surprised: "Eh?"

[Is it really a lie... So I thought he was exaggerating when he fell into the water, but it was not an illusion...]

Mo still didn't speak, but sighed a little in his heart.

"Let's put it this way, the reason why that guy gives you the illusion that he no longer insists on attracting people and actually becomes interested in fishing for one reason or another is actually just because of what I just said. He feels that this is the only way to get the half-dragon to join the group."

Porthos rolled his eyes and without hesitation sold Aramis, who had perfectly deceived Wu Nian and almost deceived Mo. He complained: "It sounds like he has a strategic vision, but in fact he is just a bitch." It’s just, well, although he doesn’t mean any harm, he may do anything outrageous before he is truly regarded as a partner or friend.”

"Actually it's not bad."

Mo, who realized that his previous 'accidental encounter' with Aramis might have had some kind of 'deliberateness' in it, smiled and turned his gaze to Aramis, who was still wielding a fishing rod to fight with algae and wood chips, and chuckled: " At least he didn’t mean any harm.”

"That's the case most of the time. The premise is that you don't offend him. This person's pettiness and vengeance can be described as crazy."

Porthos shivered with lingering fear as he spoke, then casually changed the subject, glanced sideways at the goblin on his shoulder and asked: "By the way, little goblin..."

Wu Nian hit Portos with the white paper in his hand and said angrily: "It's a goblin! Goblin! Not a monster!"

"Oh, goblin."

Porthos, who seemed normal as long as Aramis was not around, nodded and asked curiously: "Why do you want to sit on my shoulder all the time?"

Wu Nian casually scribbled on the book while replying casually: "The view is good."

"No, I am still a big man after all."

Porthos touched the tip of his nose helplessly and said with a wry smile: "Although I think it's okay, don't you, a little girl, feel embarrassed?"

Wu Nian gently scratched his chin with a quill, turned his head and glanced at Portos: "Aren't you married?"


"Aren't the children going to school soon?"


"The family is harmonious and also seriously henpecked, isn't it?"


"I only like playing games, because I rarely go out unless I'm working, so I'm already a little fat, right?"


"That's fine then."

Wu Nian clapped his hands seriously.

"What kind of thing is enough?"

Porthos scratched his head in confusion.

"All the reasons for embarrassment are gone."

Wu Nian chuckled, and said very cruel words to Portos with a smile on his face: "Face reality, uncle, although you are indeed a man, you are no longer in the category that would make girls like us feel embarrassed. "

Porthos: "..."

He didn't know why, but he suddenly had the urge to lift this girl off his shoulders, put her on his knees, spank her butt, and yell at MMP.

As a result, when I think about it carefully, this mentality of subconsciously caring for or teaching young people as little brats seems to be nothing to be embarrassed about.

So he became even more depressed.

As for Mo, who was not evaded by the two but did not understand this kind of conversation very well, just stood there quietly, with an expression on his face that was quite comfortable and even a little enjoyable.

Although there were only two of them, Wu Nian and Boduos had a lot of fun and chatted lively.

If Aramis were there, the scene would definitely be more lively.

It's fun and a good feeling.

Because he has lost all his memories from a year ago, and has been mostly alone in the past year, Mo's understanding of words like 'companion', 'friend', and 'bond' is limited to bardic stories. I realized it only happened in the past two days.

He knew very well that whether it was the duo of Aramis and Portos, or Wu Nian, the elf girl whom he had just met, or the half-dragon fisherman who had been entangled by Aramis for several days, with There are some subtle but crucial differences between them. When chatting, they always subconsciously say some words that they don't understand or find difficult to accept, but this does not make Mo feel uncomfortable.

It feels good to not be alone.

Although I don’t hate being alone, after all, I have been like this for the past year.

But if the two are compared together, Mo still prefers the current atmosphere...

Some are noisy, some noisy, but it makes people feel that they are still alive.

[The mercenary group... seems to be getting more and more lively in the future. Aramis and Porthos, their old friends, will also join soon...]

Mo unconsciously tapped the scabbard on his waist and suddenly began to look forward to the future.


It can allow me to bid farewell to the loneliness that has lasted for a whole year, dilute my attachment to past memories, and create a future where I am no longer alone.


No longer, only yourself, alone?



An exclamation suddenly hit him diagonally above him. Mo, who had entered a trance state for no apparent reason, turned around and found that the goblin sitting on Portos's shoulder suddenly threw the white paper out after screaming. In the process, A page in the middle had been burned to ashes in a puff of flame before the book hit the ground.

"what's the situation?"

"Sister Nian, are you okay?"

Porthos and Mo looked at the silver-haired goblin who was curled up on the former's shoulder with concern at the same time, with a look of shock on his face.

After a few seconds of silence, Wu Nian shook his head vigorously, then lightly jumped off Bodos's shoulder, fluttering his translucent little wings that were always falling off, and landed in front of his white book, and picked it up. Weirdly said: "I just used a skill when I was idle and wanted to write some thoughts about our adventurer team, but as soon as I started writing, the page suddenly started to burn."

"Write something?"

"What skills were used?"

Mo and Portos looked blank.

"I haven't written anything yet. Didn't I tell you that the page was on fire as soon as I started writing?"

Hanging the white paper back on his waist, Wu Nian spread his little hands and shook his head: "The skills are not easy to explain. The effects and notes are very confusing. Let's discuss it again when we have the opportunity. I have only learned it for a few days, and the result was the first time I just learned it. The book was set on fire in just one try.”

Mo frowned slightly and said with some worry: "Although I don't know what exactly is talking about it, Sister Nian, you'd better be careful. I heard that things related to advanced mysticism are not safe. You are like this I think this thing is quite high-end.”

Porthos nodded immediately: "Second."

"Actually, it's not a big problem, but..."

Wu Nian, who was frightened for a moment, rubbed his nose and finally nodded: "Okay, what you two said makes sense. I'll pay attention to it in the future."

at the same time


The half-dragon fisherman girl who had been gloating about Aramis' harvest of fishing plants suddenly coughed lightly and asked the former who turned around immediately: "That black-haired human dressed as a swordsman, I remember he is your partner, right?" ?”

Aramis's shoulders slumped at that moment, and he said unhappily: "Huh? Don't tell me you are interested in that boy? I am not responsible for introducing the person!"

"I have no plans to fall in love yet."

While Yu Shang carelessly stroked the fishing rod in her hand, she slightly narrowed her only one exposed eye and said softly: "It's just... I always feel that that person looks familiar."

"look familiar?"

Aramis was a little confused.

"Yeah, looks familiar."

Yu Shang nodded slightly and answered sincerely but not at all.

In fact, this girl had already guessed that——

'The human man who often hangs out with Aramis and the gloomy man who broke himself out of the [spectator] state not long ago and then took away a fish from him, just looking at it can make people shiver. It feels like the masked man! ’

but! Although both the figure and the outline of the lower half of the face are very similar, the difference in temperament between the two is so great that it can be called an abstract difference. This is why Yu Shang was not frightened when he first glanced at someone. The core reason for crying.

As a result, just as he arrived, the fleeting cold breath suddenly made Yu Shang shiver.

Looking back, she caught Bodos, Wu Nian and Mo Dun, who were looking here not far away.

The suspicion that had faded came to mind again.

The beaver river is rich in fish species and is a great place. I would like to stay here for a longer time if possible.

That gloomy masked man is too scary. If that guy is really here, you have to pack your things and run away!

Yu Shang, who had these two thoughts in his heart at the same time, finally started to verify it after thinking for a short time. To put it simply, he wanted to consult the person next to him.

"What's his name?"

"Well, my buddy's name is Mo, he's quite a weird one."

"Is he also a player?"

"No, he is an NPC, so you should give up. There will be no results for you."


"I was wrong! Please put away that bag full of sins!"

"Then, tell me about that Mo."

"What if I said 'no'!"

"Then don't talk about it."

"Okay, actually, the first encounter starts with an unlucky bear who had his anus exploded with a big wooden stick..."

Chapter 1078: End

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