Quadruple split

Chapter 1086 Interlude (III)

Chapter 1079: Interlude (III)

Mo's story is not long, so even though Aramis is quite talented in telling stories, the story from the time he met the former to the present only lasts less than fifteen minutes, and it tells him almost everything he knows. In view of his In most cases, there is a relatively low limit, so the actual information revealed is not much.

To briefly summarize, it can be basically summarized that Aramis and Porthos picked up a person, that person was called Mo, a male, alive, with a good personality, and he was pretty good at fighting, but he is gone.

Even when Mo lost his memory, he dealt with it vaguely, revealing almost no valuable information.

Although he knew that the fisherman girl who was also a player had basically nothing to do with Mo, let alone the latter's enemy before he lost his memory, Aramis still allowed the proportion of 'nonsense' out of habitual caution. It accounts for nearly 90% of his narrative.

However, even though it was a large amount of information that was worthless in the eyes of Aramis, for some reason, the half-dragon girl (hereinafter referred to as the half-dragon girl) Yu Shang, who listened with great interest and even stopped catching fish, still learned from the opponent. I read some useful content in the conversation.

For example, the time and location when Mo and the duo from the Yuhuo Brigade first met.

For example, due to some unknown reasons or reasons that Aramis concealed, Mo's mental state seemed to have some problems. Not only that, he even lost his most basic sense of direction.

Interesting people, interesting things.

Unknowingly, the corners of the half-dragon girl's mouth turned up in a slight arc. Although it was very subtle, there was still an arc that Aramis was keenly aware of.

【Damn handsome guy】

Although Mo was not a handsome guy from an objective point of view, given that his temperament was indeed handsome, Aramis still bit the handkerchief in his heart.

Obviously, he was thinking a little too much.

As mentioned before, the reason why this half-dragon lady paid attention to Mo was entirely because he felt that the young man who had formed a partnership with Aramis was the same as the one who had a red dragon (a kind of red dragon) with him not long ago. A rare fish, with a market price of about 7,000 gold coins), it looks a bit like it, and it’s not an ordinary one!

However, the impressions they gave to each other were completely different, especially in terms of temperament. The contrast was almost astonishing.

The man who could turn the sky dark with a wave of his hand, and scare away most of Yu Shang's physical strength with just one look, could not help but shudder even if he just recalled it. Although it was just intuition, he relied on high-frequency hunting (fishing) all year round. Instinctively, she still made the judgment that "if that gloomy masked man is willing, I'm afraid he can kill me with just one look."

When Yu Shang met Aramis and others by chance in the town, he was almost frightened and dropped the phone, but he found that the boy looked very similar to the "gloomy masked man". If not counting the mask, he could be said to be the same person. I have no impression of myself at all, and the illusion that I can kill with my eyes has completely disappeared.

Although she just said hello briefly and only made eye contact once, she could not distinguish the "Mo" who rarely spoke, was kind to others, and had very bright eyes from the masked man she met before. The equal sign.

[But they look so much alike. 】

With his eyes slightly narrowed, Yu Shang raised his right hand and gently smoothed his hair, and "inadvertently" glanced at the source of the chill just now.

With the assistance of the active skill [Shark Eye], Yu Shang accurately captured two figures, one large and one small, in the distance. Although he couldn't see clearly, judging from their body shape, the two figures should be members of the Yuhuo Brigade. Bodos, the deputy captain, and the goblin who received the same invitation as himself and was tricked into joining the group not long after.

The former stood behind the slope, with most of his body exposed, while the latter sat on the former's shoulders.

Although he didn't see that 'Mo', based on factors such as Porthos' height and exposure, Yu Shang felt that even if Mo was standing next to the other two, he would probably not be visible from his own perspective.

She chuckled, feeling like things were starting to get interesting.

According to the information provided by Aramis, the location where they met the young swordsman named Mo was not far from the place where they were robbed of fish by the gloomy masked man.

The cold aura just now, although far less oppressive than the fish-grabbing man's when he turned around to see through his presence, was surprisingly similar in feeling.

Not only that, since the two members of the Yuhuo Squad, Bodos and Wu Nian, also appeared here, Mo, who was said to have a ridiculously poor sense of direction and would lose himself if he left people, should not be able to leave the group.

As long as these factors are connected in series, no one with an online IQ will think that these are all pure coincidences.

Yu Shang obviously has no problem with intelligence.

So after thinking about it for a while, she got interested.

It is true that if Mo were replaced by the gloomy masked man she met before, Yu Shang would definitely choose to run away wisely, but if it was Mo who seemed relatively harmless now, she would still not accept such a degree of death. Would you mind doing it?

That's right, despite her profession as a fisherman who is quite uncontested in terms of temperament, this girl is actually the kind of character who doesn't take it too seriously when it comes to watching the excitement, and will commit suicide as long as she can't. To put it bluntly, She is just a fun woman who likes to play with fire.

Although Aramis did not call Mo Duo as he thought, the lack of call does not mean that he is not interested, especially in the current situation where his life does not seem to be in danger, the half-dragon lady still wants to explore it. The relationship between Mo' and the gloomy masked man.

On the one hand, she wanted to figure out how that person discovered her at that time. After all, since acquiring the talent of [spectator], Yu Shang has never been discovered by any being when this thing is activated. Among them There are not even many fish that are as powerful as high-level Warcraft.

On the other hand, she was still bitter about the fact that the gloomy masked man casually took away her trophy worth seven thousand gold coins, the treasure of Zhenlou, the 'Red Dragon', which she had gone through all kinds of hardships to catch.

That's right, this guy who seems to be aloof but a little autistic, with a hint of amusement in his autistic, and a little bit of a middle-aged man hidden under the amusement is actually quite vindictive.

All in all, although he still hadn't figured out what he was going to do, Yu Shang still made a decision based on his death instinct, which was definitely not a wise decision -

"Well, I changed my mind."

Gently flipping her bangs, the half-dragon girl who rarely showed two eyes at the same time glanced at Aramis and said leisurely: "Okay, I agree."

Aramis was stunned for a moment, then he coughed slightly and asked with a slightly red face: "Then can I call you Xiao Shang Shang from now on?"

"You think I agreed to something weird?"

Yu Shang, who no longer played with his bangs, smiled, and then played with his two pigtails. Before Aramis was about to say more saucy words, he answered: "The Adventurers in the Fire Team, right? I'll join That’s it, but you’d better not really count me in, just make up the numbers, I have limited interest in things other than fishing.”

Aramis rolled his eyes and said dryly: "If the person who invited you to join the gang was not me but Mo, you would have been a part of the gang for a long time by now."


Yu Shang frowned slightly, first shook his head subconsciously, and then nodded vigorously: "Well, that should be the case."

Aramis's expression suddenly fell, and half a second later he picked up the fifth weed he had caught today, and said angrily: "Thank you, Brother Shangzi, for your face!"

"Please just call me by my name."

Yu Shang lazily dragged a fish out of the water that Aramis couldn't recognize at all, but his intuition told him that it must be delicious. Then he stood up and showed a refreshing and bright smile, and smiled: "Then from now on Please give me more advice, captain."

After counting himself, this group of people has been able to officially apply to register as an adventurer team. Yu Shang is not ignorant of this level of information, and after the team is established, a fisherman like himself who has almost no combat effectiveness can only As a non-staff member, you just need to ensure that you are still 'registered' before the next enemy joins the team.

"Okay, Yu Shang, the Yuhuo Brigade welcomes you."

Aramis did not continue joking, but just exchanged the fishing rod to his left hand, and then extended his right hand to Yu Shang: "Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Aramis, a thief, and my alignment is lawful good. Can I add you as a friend?"

Yu Shang did not shirk much. He shook hands with Aramis naturally, nodded and said: "I am Yu Shang, a fisherman who is passing by. I am a thief. My camp is good and neutral."

[Player: Aramis (chaotic neutral) applies to add you as a friend]

[Player: Yu Shang (chaotic neutral) applies to add you as a friend]

The two heard the system prompts almost at the same time, and then invariably showed friendly smiles full of affinity, and secretly made up their minds to stay as far away from the guy in front of them as possible.

at the same time

Academy City, Central District, Arena


Mo Tan sighed deeply, leaned back on the soft armchair of the judges' bench, and stared with complicated eyes at the high platform that had just been 'pieced' together by several epic-level earth magicians not long ago and also expanded. .

On the left side of the high platform, which is as big as two football fields, Bai Changzhi, who is sitting sideways on a snow-colored horse, is concentrating on eating snacks, destroying at least five kilograms of snacks at an extremely terrifying speed before the referee announces the start of the game. Almost exhausted.

The long sword named [Wu Shuang] still hung behind her, covered with snow-white linen.

Behind her, a total of forty-nine top students from the Paladin Knight Academy lined up, driving their horses to form a triangular assault formation.

But perhaps because these students seem to have little motivation, this formation, which was originally fierce and fierce in countless battle formations, now makes most knowledgeable people frown. The reason has been mentioned just now. Simple To put it simply - loose and loose!

A sense of laziness!

Among the 'knowledgeable people' mentioned above, the expressions of those who can immediately judge what the Holy Lance Knight Academy wants are basically similar to Mo Tan.

Of course, we can't count Lamorlock, who would glance back at Mo Tan every few minutes. After all, the latter basically had the same expression from beginning to end, which was squinting his eyes happily.

【I always feel like it’s not a big or small trouble. 】

With one last glance at Lamorlock, who had just turned his head to chat with others, Mo Tan smacked his lips, and then turned his attention to the new competition venue that was forcibly integrated after the first round of the individual competition.

On the left is the Paladin Knight Academy, which is considered both a new friend and an old friend in a sense.

On the right, there was a group whose name Mo Tan couldn't remember. Judging from their clothes, they should also come from a certain academy in Academy City.

Different from the latter's rigorous attitude of launching the Trident Assault Formation immediately after the referee left the field, the vast majority of people in the Paladin Academy still did what they were supposed to do, and even forced themselves from the inside after a few mistakes in movement. Disintegrated his own triangle assault formation.

At this moment, including Mo Tan and many big guys who rushed to see Mu Xuejian after receiving the results of the individual competition, they all turned their attention to Bai Changzhi without thinking, wanting to see what she could do in the team competition. Something went wrong.

Mu Xuejian did not disappoint everyone and started to charge directly in front of everyone.

Although he doesn't know how to control a war horse, after all, the latter ran away, so it shouldn't be a big problem if he said he was 'riding a horse'.

As for the description of 'charge', the problem is actually not that big. You must know that the speed of Mu Xuejian's horse at this moment is almost comparable to that of the enemy who has already set up a battle formation and started to charge in a group - the unknown college representative. group.

At first glance, the difference was not obvious, but Mo Tan's palms were already sweating now.

Almost at the same time, Lamorlock also suppressed the smile on his face, and rarely opened his eyes that were usually narrowed into two crescents.

As if they already knew what to bring, the two of them began to wait silently.

The distance between the two parties, or rather Mu Xuejian, and the students from the unknown college opposite him became shorter and shorter, and they soon appeared in each other's field of vision.


A huge golden slash appeared in the center of the field, directly engulfing the person who was at the front as the tip of the spear, creating a blank space filled with mourning victims.

[Buddha Sword·Buddha·Kasaya Cutting]!

Pointing to the sword, Mu Xuejian directly sent away nearly half of the opponent's number in just one face-to-face move, tearing the Trident Assault Formation into pieces.

"Oh, I really want to end it as soon as possible."

Slowly sliding off the horse's back, Mu Xuejian sighed helplessly and stretched out her slender white hand to the hilt of the sword.

Chapter 1079: End

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