Quadruple split

Chapter 1094: Business (III)

"God said——"

Fairy Graham raised her right hand expressionlessly, pointed at Mo Tan's heart and muttered softly: "Be fierce and resolute when selling stolen goods..."


Although he knew very well that the other party was just venting to scare him, and there was no way he could kill him directly because of a harmless joke, Mo Tan still raised his hands in cooperation and said with a smile: "Although I am not the Black Vatican Priest. Father, but Your Highness is right, we do have some relationship."

Feiyali snorted softly, and the gold coin between her fingers, which was almost independent of the main material world, trembled twice, gradually losing its divine light, and the power that had been forcibly poured and compressed began to flow back, along the path of the Saint of Wealth. The woman's fair and slender hands efficiently fed back into her body.

This is an operation that can only be achieved when oneself is in perfect harmony with the current power system, and the compatibility is so good that it cannot be improved. That is to forcibly restore the completed divine arts or magic back to the most primitive power, and then convert it into the original power. The 'recyclable part' of this power is separated and melted back into itself, effectively reducing losses.

It sounds simple, but in practice it is extremely difficult.

For example, as a member of the gods, Yuchen cannot 'recycle' any of the magical spells that he has completed or almost completed. Even if he has deliberately practiced them under Xia Lian's teachings, he will basically be able to use them in his skills. Completely losing control of it about a fifth of the way through.

The reason is that although Yuchen has a very high affinity for the divine power of dawn (and the divine power of darkness), her attainments in power control are terrible. To put it simply, she is just like the computer games decades ago, limited to the ability to control The skill panel only uses shortcut keys to cast skills, and the understanding of the magic itself is completely zero.

The main culprit for this result is that her mother has a career position as a 'top surgeon'. Yuchen herself has also longed to become an excellent doctor since she was a child, because she really cannot understand such things as 'no sutures are needed' Wounds can heal on their own', 'Even if a broken bone can be reattached with just a prayer', 'Holy light can simultaneously activate red blood cells, neutrophils, cytotoxic T cells, macrophages, regulatory T cells, and antibodies The functions of production cells, natural killer cells, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, sympathetic nerve cells, and platelets (*▽*).

As a quasi-doctor, although she is also a serious two-dimensional enthusiast, Yuchen is ultimately a firm advocate of materialism. She can accept that acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) can relieve pain and prevent myocardial infarction. But it is difficult to understand why chanting "God said XXX" can have the same effect, because it is unscientific!

And the game [Innocent Bound] is not very scientific in the first place...

Therefore, although this girl is extremely talented, she is limited by her own knowledge. It is difficult to escape from the position of 'player' and truly adapt to the power system of this world.

For another example, Mo Tan has four characters in the game and is mentally receptive in all senses. He is very adaptable to the power system of this game, but the role of 'Black Brahma' is very difficult for Dawn of Light. Although the two characters "Tan Mo" and "Mo" are very compatible with their professions, non-occult professions such as thieves and knights have inherent disadvantages in this regard. If you want to There is still a long way to go before being injured by one's own skills when fighting Liadrin as a 'Silent', and even further completing the feedback.

To sum up, whether it is an NPC or a player, only those who have professional counterparts like Fiyali and Futaba, who are very compatible with the power they control, and who also have extremely high talents can be at high levels. Just be able to freely control your strength.

"Actually, I am also a person who likes to joke."

Fiyali lowered her eyes and said calmly: "But Mr. Zelda, you'd better make less of those jokes that could easily scare us into making a fool of ourselves. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I won't be irritated anymore." Then send you off to rebuild your character.”

Mo Tan nodded obediently: "That's what you said."

"So, although you are not Hei Fan's father, you do have some relationship with him?"

Fiyali sighed tiredly and resumed the previous topic.

"That depends on what sense it is."

Mo Tan smiled faintly and said while shaking the ice water in his hand: "Based on the fact that you have already mastered a lot of information about us 'people from other worlds', let me be more straightforward. I am indeed To some extent, he has something to do with the 'Hei Fan Commander' who was very popular on the forum before, but this relationship is limited to 'our world', and I only know him unilaterally. As for this , uh, this is what we call..."

Fiyali interjected casually: "The realm of innocence?"

"That's right, in this place we call the 'Innocent Realm', which is the world that your Highness is familiar with, the half-elf businessman in front of you has no connection at all with the Black Brahma you know. .”

With a lot of truths and a few leading lies, under Mo Tan's performance with almost no blind spots, no matter how genius she is, Her Majesty the Saint, who is only in her early twenties, still didn't see any flaws, so...

"I kind of understand."

Fiyali nodded and frowned: "In other words, you just met in a place that to me can be called a different world?"

"Not necessarily. To be more precise, even in our world, I only 'know' him unilaterally."

Mo Tan gave a bitter smile, a hint of darkness flashed in his eyes, and shook his head: "Although it is not impossible to satisfy your curiosity, considering the cause and effect, it may take a long time to talk about it, and it is not something worth being happy about. Please allow me to stop here."

Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite. Although Mo Tan himself does not know the contents of the sutra between 'Tan Mo' and 'Hei Fan', and does not even intend to compile it, this does not prevent him from showing off. A look that combines entanglement, helplessness, distress, regret, regret, sadness, and dejection.

"That's fine. Anyway, my curiosity has been satisfied and I don't want to hear anything unpleasant."

She can't compare to Yu Chen's level of 'understanding', but in Feiyali's case, she hasn't reached the point of exposing other people's scars (at least she thinks they are scars) for her own gossip mentality. She just chuckled and sighed: " The world is really small.”

"I can relate to that."

Mo Tan also suppressed the sad expression before, and sighed, and then suddenly said sternly to Feiyali: "But, having said that, Your Highness, are Hei Fan and I really that similar?"

The latter was stunned for a moment, then carefully looked at the mysterious half-elf in front of him again, shook his head and said: "Actually, it can't be said that they are very similar. To be honest, I actually only identified him out of professional habits. The two of you are connected. If you look closely, you are not only completely different in temperament, but also in appearance. As long as your thinking is not too divergent or you can think in this direction, even if you know both of you at the same time, Maybe it’s hard to tell.”

[In other words, the main reason why Futaba didn't recognize me before was indeed the different style of painting. After all, the BLACK that the deadpan knew was the one she and I remembered when we played with the Marshall family in the Violet Empire. The gap between Hei Fan and Hei Fan is really too big; and for this rich woman who likes to use money to make breast pads, Zelda, whose style of painting is more inclined to Frank, is not so different from Hei Fan, so she has Doubtful...well, good...]

"Thank you very much, Your Highness. I know it with your words."

Mo Tan showed a complicated, weather-beaten smile that made Feiyali overestimate her real age outside the game by more than 20 years, and sincerely requested: "So, what about me in that world, maybe with someone?" Could you please help keep something of some relevance a secret? Whether it’s from the person himself or the people around him.”

Feiyali raised her eyebrows: "For example, His Highness Chen Wangyu of our Holy Religion?"


Mo Tan nodded, showing a rare look of weakness, and murmured very sincerely: "After all, once something is exposed, many things that are already complicated will probably become even more complicated, so even if you are forced to There are some reasons why I can’t lend a helping hand, at least I don’t want to cause that kid any unnecessary trouble.”

[Tsk, tsk, my special meow is so high! 】

↑These are the true words that echo in Mo Tan’s heart.

Fiyali blinked in confusion: "Is it possible that Hei Fan didn't live a very good life in your world?"

"In terms of living conditions and disposable wealth, it's really not that good."

"how about you?"

"I'm ashamed to say that... I feel free and carefree..."

"Why don't you help him?"


"Okay, okay, I won't ask."

Feiyali waved her hand pretending to be considerate, dismissed the holy words called [Business Confidential] around her, stood up and extended her right hand to Mo Tan: "Then, I will let Otto go to the time and place of the next interview. inform you?"

"Three days."

Mo Tan shook his head, and did not hand over the initiative to the other party, but said firmly: "Three days later, at ten o'clock that night when the [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition] ends, I will come here to find you. "

"What if I'm not here?"

"Then I'll go out and turn left to go to the Gold Coin Merchant Guild and talk to them."

"...Are you sure you turned left?"

"Don't worry about the details."

"Can't you be as humble and easy-going as before?"

"Haha, we are talking about business."

"What if you didn't come?"

"Then let's make an appointment at another time."

"Okay, I'll be ready~"

"Please show mercy when the time comes."

"Each other."

Game time PM21:58

City B, Dexin District, in a park

"That's not good……"

In the field of vision, a young man wearing a white sportswear and a peaked cap was squatting behind the dense green plants, earnestly persuading the man next to him, who was wearing a black jacket, black shoes, black pants, and a black mask, with a piece of paper stuck on his face. The figure in sunglasses said earnestly: "To be honest, it's really inappropriate for us to do this. It's not appropriate at all. The matter is between the two of us. Tell us that it's because of a good relationship. In the end, you have to do some stalking. This If Hei..."

"Shut up."

The man who covered himself tightly and almost completely blended into the darkness carefully poked out half of his head to observe, and at the same time impatiently shouted in a low voice: "You kid, don't say you are not interested, if you really If you do what you said, you won’t come with me, so be quiet!”

"I'm not interested! I'm just afraid that you'll mess things up!"

The young man in white sportswear defended himself in a low voice at the same volume, gesticulating and saying: "Speak for yourself, if there is anything that can end smoothly after you get involved, who has finally made up his mind? You have to …”

"Fuck! Hide it for me!"

Before the other party could finish speaking, the man in black, who was looking around and tinkering with a gadget in his hand, let out a low shout, suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the former to squat on the ground, and said angrily: "That bitch She turned around just now! Don’t you know how sharp she is? How dare you wear all white? Squat down!"

The seemingly good-tempered sportswear man also started to speak in a rude tone: "I'm warning you, you can't beat me..."

"Ha, I know, if you can, just give me an uppercut."

As a result, the man in black didn't take it seriously at all, and just sneered and said, "Would you like to guess how loud I will scream then?"

"You are so shameless!"

"Stop talking nonsense, when will I show my face?"

"Yes, then you dare to give her to someone who is underage..."

"Go away, she is indeed a washboard, but she is only one year younger than us, one year younger! I have not broken the law!"

"She doesn't have an ID card. Who can prove that you didn't break the law?"

"You...don't force me!"

"Okay, you come back with me now, and I promise not to call the police and report you for attacking minors."

"You can't be so heartless!"

"You can go to the streets and ask around, and ask who of us has no conscience in everyone's eyes."

"You can't compare with a serious person!"

"You still know that you are not serious."

"I...shh! Suppress your words! The channel is on!"

The man in black suddenly clapped his hands in a large but gentle motion and exclaimed.

Sportswear was stunned for a moment: "What's right?"

"Communication channel."

The man in black pulled down his mask and grinned, stroking the small black box in his hand that was connected to three right-channel headphones, and said with a bad smile: "I put a microphone in that guy's pocket before he went out. The effective range is five kilometer."

The sportswear became popular at the time: "You are so immoral, hurry up..."

As a result, at this moment, the man in black suddenly took a breath of cold air: "Wow! I have to confess my love right from the beginning! So exciting!?"

"Give me some headphones now!"

Sportswear compromised.


The two people looked back at "himself" at the same time and waved together. The one dressed in black even shouted happily——

"Come here quickly, Xia Yuhe!"

Chapter 1087: End

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