Quadruple split

Chapter 1095 It’s been a long time, it’s been too long

【Who is coming? 】

'Myself' frowned, and then thought for a moment under the direct gazes of the two people in front of him. He pondered for about half a second before raising his index finger in confusion and poking his chest with a stiff expression.

As expected, the two began to nod vigorously, urging each other in a low voice.

[So, my name is ‘Xia Yuhe’? 】

He narrowed his eyes in displeasure, and unknowingly moved his limbs that could be easily controlled. He walked to the two of them with cautious steps, and pressed his body that was not straightened even lower.

"Don't call me that awful nickname."

Subconsciously, he raised his left hand and flicked the heavy head of the man in black. He protested dissatisfiedly with an unexpectedly pleasant voice and said lightly that even though he had lost his memory, he still remembered it clearly. Name: "Although the name Mo is a bit strange, since you have been calling me Mo for more than twenty years, don't change your name again."

"What's weird? Our names are obviously pronounced the same."

The young man in a white sportswear raised his head, raised his hands innocently and said, "Besides, I have never called you Xia Yuhe, at least not in person."

He has a face that is angular but not serious and rigid. Although his appearance is not handsome, the first impression is very good. His bright and clear starry eyes especially make people feel like they are bathing in spring breeze. , there is no one who doesn’t like him, from nearly a hundred old people to small children, that is to say, his ‘scandalous girlfriend’ who has appeared here frequently in the past year is equally lovable, and those uncles and aunts who are extremely resilient ‘matchmakers’ The offensive has come to an end.

All in all, this guy named 'Mo' is full of positive energy in terms of character, character, virtue and temperament, and he is also smart and humorous. He is extremely patient and often stays with those adults who are not around their children. The aunt chatted for two hours in the small community square. He was even more active when there were various charity activities organized nearby. His performance in school was also impeccable. Not only did he complete the credits half a year ahead of schedule, his attendance rate was even better. I was 100% worried about it, but you must know that it is a private university, and it is also the kind of private university that is not very strict. As long as the grades are good, it does not have high requirements for various hard data such as attendance and sign-in.

Obviously, as long as this guy who is loved by everyone does not grow crooked or darkened, he will definitely become a pillar of the country in time, the kind of person who can raise the average quality of the entire area.

As for the other one...

It's a bit hard to describe.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't know who it was at first. When people greeted you and asked your name, you were pretending to be cool."

The man dressed in black took off his sunglasses and mask, and said with a narrow smile: "What did you say in the end? Oh, right, 'whatever', right? In the end, you just became the boss cat of our family. , this is called self-inflicted evil, self-inflicted evil, do you understand, brother?"

This person has a face with soft lines and always filled with a hint of evil. He looks to be about the same age as the 'Mo' next to him, probably around twenty-three or forty-year-old. His figure is slimmer than the former, and his skin is also because of The relationship between lack of exercise and aerobic exercise is that he is much paler than the other person. His hair is a little long but does not look girly. His appearance is average to above average, and his temperament is erratic.

That's right, it's 'erratic'. To put it simply, there is no word that is broad enough to describe his extremely random temperament, but most of the time it doesn't lead to anything good.

Tan Mo, who also lives in the community not far away and is both a roommate and classmate with Mo, is completely different from the former in terms of reputation. Although he is not like a rat crossing the street, everyone yells at him, but Generally speaking, people with children at home will tell their children to stay away from this guy, lest they be led astray by this asshole who is either causing trouble or preparing to cause trouble.

A pair of 'percent signs' and 'division signs' were added to the cross of someone's church overnight, 'Good GieGie came here' was written with a marker on someone's underwear hanging on the balcony, someone's motorcycle A second kick was inserted into the car exhaust pipe, whose optical fiber speed was inexplicably limited to 0.38B/s, which vegetable seller in the morning market converted to Buddha and became a monk, whose child used his mobile phone to peek at his child at night During the movie, a mysterious force suddenly connected the sound to the home theater in the living room. Basically, the suspect could be directly identified as Tan Mo.

Even if Uncle Zhang upstairs has two pigs that are pregnant at his relative's house in the suburbs, he can go to Tan Mo to discuss it. Even if theoretically he cannot be responsible for the belly of the pig, but even if it really has nothing to do with him It would be a good idea to let him help deliver the baby. After all, this child has been very handy since he was a child. He has been able to untie people's underwear belts with one hand through vests, shirts and other things in the early years.

All in all, this is a person who, except for his close friends, will be extremely wary and wary of him to a certain extent, but they also know very well that this guy only needs to be serious about various matters including but not limited to delivering pigs. , are all very reliable and reassuring.

Not only that, as far as Mo knew, he had been interested in various electronic devices since he was a child, and now he casually took out a homemade bug (because he definitely didn't have the money to buy non-homemade products). Friends, in addition to the nickname "Kun of the Three Fantasy Gods of Bargaining in Donghuangmen, Dexin District", there is also a rather middle-class stage name "BLACK" online, who is a world-class hacker in the eyes of most people [ Black Sun] One-half of...

A person who is extremely unreliable, but in a sense extremely reliable.

To put it another way, it is a person who may not do reliable things, but is very reliable when doing things.

For example, as the initiator and biggest promoter of this tracking plan, Tan Mo's preparations are not incomplete. Not to mention the eavesdropping device in his hand that God knows when, he even used it from his own In his pocket, he found several knitted hoodies, black masks, and black sunglasses of the same style as his own. He urged in a low voice: "Put them all on, put them on! Let me tell you, who has just sent me a message?" , those two "Xiao" people are waiting at the entrance of the park. Now we have no way to turn back. Either we hide well and don't get discovered, or if the matter is exposed, we will be fed and drank soup by someone to set an example. , go on a three-way walk by the river together!"

Mo's face suddenly began to turn white visibly to the naked eye, then turned from white to green, and from green to purple. Finally, shivering, he took the pullover handed by the other party and put it on his head as if resigned to his fate.


The man named 'Mo', who also didn't express any opinions, shivered expressionlessly, silently put on the mask Tan Mo handed him, and then plugged in the sinful earphones. Entered the right ear.

Two seconds later, the bug was officially activated——

"Then what...Yuchen..."

Along with the imperceptible clutter, a familiar voice sounded close by.

Under the streetlight not far away, a young man who looked very ordinary from all aspects, with a medium to thin build, a medium height, a medium to upper average appearance, and wearing a medium to cheap suit was scratching his hair. The Qianying with her small mouth pouting and whose appearance could not be clearly seen because her back was turned to several people, said with a smile: "Actually, I have been..." for a long time.






"Really, the student union office is not for you to take a nap..."

Along with an imperceptible sigh, a warm aroma fell on his shoulders. It was very light, so light that if you ignored the temperature and aroma on it, it would be as weightless as an illusion.


He raised his head with difficulty, took the cup of warm coffee at hand and took a sip. He looked up sleepily at the slim figure wearing only a black top by the window. He smiled bitterly and touched the tip of his nose: "I'm sleeping again." Caught?"

"if not?"

The cold-tempered black-haired girl turned around, brushed away a strand of long hair from her ears, and leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window of the student union office on the top floor of the main building of Tanhua University. She frowned slightly and said, "I know the campus anniversary is very hard. But don’t try too hard, there are many things that others can do, right?”

He shook his head and lowered his eyes to look at the full pages of the budget table in front of him: "I can't say that. After all, this is the last term, and I still want to do everything as well as possible."

"Don't forget what Fu Jin does at home. She is no worse than you in this aspect, and since last year, she has handed over many things in her hands to her brother who is not very lovable. Gradually, I have devoted my energy to relatively easy overseas business.”

The girl named Ji Xiaodao also looked at the budget table in front of her and said with a slightly raised tone: "If you are willing to hand over these trivial things to her, I think she will be very happy."

"Okay, I'll think about it."

Putting a huge red cross on the funding details reported by [Single Nobles·FFF World Destruction Society], he nodded absently and sighed softly: "How should I put it, not only the budget, but also with the school leaders. Regarding communication, the fireworks display last year was too big, if I still want to do it this year..."

"You are Director Mu's favorite student, and he happened to co-author a paper with Yuchen's mother last month that was very influential in the medical field."

Ji Xiaodao shrugged and looked calmly at the red marker in the hand of the man behind the desk: "Leave such small things to him. In terms of discipline, I will ask the people from the Discipline Department to keep a closer eye this time. "

"The focus is on Tan Mo and Mu You."

I pondered for a few seconds and tapped my forehead in distress: "Others are fine, but the main reason is that if no one is watching, I'm really afraid that they will burn the school down. We will graduate in a few months. This kind of It’s not like they can’t do it.”

"Muyou, put it aside, you live with Tan Mo..."

Hearing those two names, even Ji Xiaodao couldn't help but his eyelids twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Can't you explain this kind of thing yourself?"

"If my personal explanation is useful, I will naturally be happy."

Throwing away the marker in his hand, he shook his head vigorously, then said with a straight face: "Also, don't use such an ambiguous term as 'living with Tan Mo', we are just four people sharing a house."

Ji Xiaodao let out a soft 'ha' and said nothing.

"Then, it's up to you to send people to keep an eye on the two of them."

Willfully dumping a huge mess on the other party, he smiled apologetically: "Thank you for your hard work, my Minister of Discipline."

"Each other."

The girl walked over slowly, took the school uniform jacket that belonged to her from her shoulders, and said with a slight curve at the corner of her mouth: "My Lord Chairman."

After a long, but not unbearable silence...

"Let's go get something to eat together?"

The other party extended an invitation to lunch as usual.

"Well, wait for me a moment."

Since there was no reason to refuse, he immediately started to pack up the information and files on the desktop. It only took him half a minute to sort them into their proper places. He stood up and said, "I'm almost done here."

"Very well, lead the way. We're going to eat at San Canteen today."

The woman in front of me made a very excessive request.


Due to some unspeakable reasons, I have been studying here for more than three years and have been to the three cafeterias no less than 400 times. I fell silent.


After putting on his school uniform jacket again, the Minister of Discipline and Discipline, who once had a rare joke, shrugged and extended his hand to himself: "Let's go."


Although he understood the meaning of the word 'let's go', and based on the context, he could also infer that the other party wanted to take him to a place for lunch, but he still fell into a daze in front of the delicate hand wearing a fingerless glove. .

What did she want to say?

Why don't you open the door instead of...

"Hold hands."

Without giving herself a chance to continue thinking, the girl announced her intention in an understatement. Well, maybe it wasn't an understatement... If you look closely, you can actually see that her ears are slightly red.


I fell into a deeper confusion, although it was not something that required confusion at all.

"Well, hold hands. After all, you get lost too easily."

She rarely concealed her smile and said knowingly: "Of course, if you don't want to, then forget it~"

[I’m not the only one who gets lost easily...]

Although I had thought about it in my mind, I knew very well that the important point of the girl in front of me was not to allow her to get lost easily.


An unprecedented touch came from my fingertips.

It was completely different from what I imagined. Not only was it not cool at all, it could even be said to be quite warm to the touch.

Then, he gave up thinking.

He let the other party lead him as if there was no one around, and walked towards the door of the office.

Behind the door is an endless starry sky.

And in the very center of the starry sky, on the platform where he didn't know when he was standing, a vague back figure was standing not far away.

He turned to look at his right hand, which was unexpectedly empty.

And at the same time, the feeling of loss of being late arose in my heart...

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The figure from behind slowly turned around and stared at him without blinking——

"It's been too long, too long, too long."

Chapter 1088: End

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