Quadruple split

Chapter 1100 Water Depth

【what's the situation? 】

[What has he done? 】

[Where is my dagger? 】

Aramis blinked and stared blankly down at his empty hands, his light red vertical pupils filled with question marks, until the two crisp sounds of the dagger falling to the ground came from behind.

"Are you kidding me?"

Aramis, who finally reacted, turned sideways in disbelief. He first turned to look at his pair of weapons lying quietly on the ground, and then looked at the weapon with wide eyes. Although it was indeed capable of fighting, it was worse than him. The young man who was slightly different was completely stunned.

Although he was not too careless when he took action just now, and his mental state was relatively relaxed, Aramis did not think that he would be so careless that the buddy in front of him easily knocked away his two weapons and was beaten in an almost humiliating way. Kill the game.

But whatever Aramis thought, it happened.

He did get knocked off the weapon with ease.

Since no one seemed to interfere with this not-so-sacred duel, and Aramis was not so lax that he accidentally dropped his weapon, there seemed to be only one logical possibility left.

Just now, the one who had been properly suppressed and beaten by Aramis before. Although he had quick reactions and strong adaptability, but did not seem to have a lot of actual combat experience, 'Mo' made an inexplicable sound that Aramis could not even notice. The high-speed slash he received directly knocked away the two daggers in the latter's hands, and then he took the long sword back to his waist.

At once……

With a 'bang' sound, the battle was over very quickly.

Is this good?

This is good.

After all, if Mo, who could achieve this level, had the will, he could have directly wiped out Aramis' neck with that sword, or even made a cut on him casually.

The former just shot down Aramis' dagger, which can be said to be very martial.

You must know that in the first sparring session between the two, Aramis directly made Mo see blood.

But the crux of the problem is not here!

[I was not given any room to react. How could this guy be so strong! ? 】

Aramis, who thought he had figured out the strength of his NPC friend, was confused.

And he was not the only one who fell into chaos at the same time.

"You...um...don't let me..."

Mo, who was already a little dizzy due to a 'hangover' and was tricked into taking a sip of the water of life, looked at Aramis dissatisfied and said with a bit of tongue-in-cheek: "My words... it would be boring..."

"I'll let you sister."

Aramis murmured in a low voice, then laughed, picked up his [Pseudo Apocalypse] and [Pseudo Serious Injury], rearranged his posture, and turned on [Aura Shield] and [Enlightenment] at the same time 】These two skills can greatly improve one's stealth level and observation ability. He grinned and said, "Have you seen all this?"

"I am serious……"

Mo patted the long sword on his waist with some melancholy, and muttered unconvincingly: "It would be meaningless if you let go."

[Is it really just an accident? 】

Frowning imperceptibly, Aramis took a deep breath and smiled at the guy in front of him who clearly seemed to think that he had been 'instantly killed' on purpose: "Then I'm going to be serious this time~"

"Yeah, get serious."

Mo nodded vigorously, then staggered half a step in vain, trying to look prepared.

"Then let's get started."

After quickly announcing the start of the competition, Aramis immediately activated his [Stealth] skill, which had reached 'Level 6' with the bonus of his talent. The effect was infinitely close to that of a high-level thief. He instantly blended into the surrounding environment, and because of the sky The dark cloud that came from nowhere and covered almost two-thirds of the moon, his [hiding] speed was even two minutes faster than the previous times.


It is also an innate ability. Aramis immediately moved his position at high speed after he thought that his aura had been completely covered. He did not stop at the place where he disappeared for half a second, but quickly moved from the six o'clock direction with Mo as the center. At three o'clock, he leaned against a slender tree and held his breath.

[It smells pretty good. Is this tree blooming? 】

Using the method of actively distracting himself to reduce the other party's perception, Aramis carefully observed the latter's every move.

As a result, Mo's reaction was beyond Aramis' expectations. He...


Mo exaggeratedly raised his left hand, put it on his forehead and began to look around, searching unprofessionally for his lurking rival thief. As he walked, he shouted: "You... Hier... where have you been?"

[Tsk, I must have been distracted by thinking about the manuscript just now, so I was attacked by this kid. 】

Aramis twitched the corner of his mouth, then quickly put this suspicion behind him and continued to patiently observe Mo's every move.

Whether it is a thief or an assassin, including many professions in the ranger series, they are all positioned as hunters. From the beginning of my involvement in the game, I found it exciting to stab people with a knife, and it was cool to be invisible and invisible when walking on the tip of the knife. Aramis almost always plays this type of profession.

And in this process, his professionalism as a 'hunter' was naturally extremely high.

Be patient, calm and decisive.

Astute, ruthless, and cunning.

Bold, careful and precise.

If circumstances permit, Aramis can even remain motionless for 12 hours in other mental virtual games that are much more demanding than Innocence, just to find a suitable opportunity to take action. If he drinks less water before going online, he doesn't think too much about it. If you go to the toilet, it may take even longer.

The half hour that killed Mo's patience was not even a warm-up for Aramis. You must know that in a certain game back then, in order to wait for a bounty of more than 3 million game coins, the skilled man still dared to do it. Xinglong, who was doing a mission in the wild, went to the toilet and hung up. Aramis followed the opponent in a stealth state for six hours. After forcing the opponent into the toilet, Aramis successfully completed the close-up while avoiding the first-line elite group of the opponent's club. The strangulation of more than 20 people and the counterattack of Awakening Dragon, who finally came back from going to the toilet when the blood line dropped to 40%, successfully won the 3 million reward, causing a widespread sensation.

By the way, after the top brass of the Awakening Dragon club became angry and placed a counter-bounty on Aramis, he immediately went to Portos to beat him to death, and split the prize money totaling 1 million game coins with the latter, and became famous in the world. The channel openly shouted, 'Let the storm come more violently! ’

All in all, because of this incident, Aramis became a well-deserved "obscene person" in that game. He was worshiped by countless professional players and bounty hunters. He was extremely popular.

However, this time Aramis did not intend to fight another cautious and protracted round. It was not that he was impatient, but that Mo's condition was really bad. Although it was not obvious before, there were still traces of 'relaxation' that could be detected. The difference is that now the latter is really completely undefended. There are at least seven or eight fatal flaws that Aramis can see at a glance.

【This is really drunk...】

Shaking his head slightly, Aramis slowly leaned down and maintained a state of less than one and a half meters above the ground for 10 seconds. He successfully triggered the passive skill [Voldemort] and activated the ability to increase the damage of his next attack by 20%. Effect, then activate [Speed] and rush straight towards Mo who is still looking around.

At the same time, the latter suddenly turned around as if there were eyes behind his back, looked at Aramis who was still in the [hidden] state, and subconsciously raised the long sword in his hand.


The cat-man thief, who had already included this situation in his plan, sneered, exerted his strength with both feet, and jumped into the air with the support of [Soaring Leap]. He held two daggers behind his back and whirled down in the air, like a sword. A runaway gear with blades embedded in it.


Mo raised his head somewhat sluggishly, and his eyes were dazzled by the moonlight reflected on the edge of the [Pseudo-Apocalypse] blade in Aramis' right hand.

[It’s not over yet——]

Immediately afterwards, Aramis, who had only needed to take advantage of the situation to win, decisively gave up this perfect opportunity. At the moment Mo narrowed his eyes, he activated the [Clone Technique], leaving the figure whizzing down. In mid-air, the main body instantly appeared behind Mo using [Shadow Step]——

【cut off】

School of Cunning active skills

Mastery requirements: Have a thief profession, double-blade specialization \u003e level 35, dual-wield specialization \u003e level 35

Consumption/limitations: 450 acuity, dual-wielding daggers, using any skill that consumes \u003e200 acuity within 3 seconds, being behind the target


One period: Forced to enter [Level 9 Stealth] state, lasting 3.5 seconds, the first 0.5 seconds is absolute stealth state.

Stage 2: Under the stealth state brought about by Stage 1 of [Severance], physical damage is launched to the target's back, with a very high probability of causing stun.

Stage 3: After successfully putting the target into a stiff state, you can use two daggers to strangle the side of the target's neck at the same time, causing a large amount of physical damage that ignores defense, and the critical hit rate is constant at 100%. If the total basic attributes of the target are less than your own, then There is a medium probability of triggering an instant death effect.

[Note: Hello GieGie, my sister wants to leave some marks on your neck, won’t you be angry? 】

This is the most powerful damage skill that Aramis has so far. If he can perfectly complete the third level, even if he has not made any big mistakes but is just a very wealthy leader of the bandit group (male gender, mid-level strength) Peak, single, unfortunately encountered Aramis and Porthos half a month ago) will also be instantly killed.

Of course, Aramis never thought about actually scratching his neck with ink from the beginning. He had already mastered this skill to its peak, and he had already planned it. As long as he successfully played the first two sections, and then canceled the skill, he would Just put the dagger next to Mo's neck.

This kind of operation may be difficult for players who can only fight through skill commands, but for people like Aramis who basically force themselves to "slightly understand" every new skill they get, it shouldn't be too easy.


Aramis, who successfully appeared behind Mo with the help of [Shadow Step], activated the first stage of [Severance] without thinking, forcing himself into a level 9 stealth state that even epic level experts could not easily detect, and at the same time he jumped in the air. He stood up and tried to press down Mo's shoulder with his knee, then crossed his dagger in front of the latter's neck and tried to force him hard.



The body that should have been flying into the breeze was pushed back to the ground by a piece of plain metal. Aramis, who was still in the [Hidden] state, widened his eyes in shock and stared at the person who had turned around to face him at some point. , but no half-figure of Mo was reflected in his eyes.

It was natural that no figure was reflected, because at this moment Aramis was difficult to detect by people of the same level of strength, so the fact that Mo couldn't see anything was normal.

But if he really didn't see anything...

[How should I explain the sword on my shoulder? 】

The corner of Aramis's mouth twitched twice as he was 'pressed' back to his original position by the opponent's gentle swing of his sword as soon as he stood up, and he was completely confused about the situation.

Because it was the blade of the sword that was pressing heavily on his shoulder, Aramis was not harmed at all, at least on a physical level.

However, there is no doubt that he was still in a very complicated mood at this moment after being defeated miserably by Mo's hands again.

"You boy."

Aramis sighed, helplessly released his hiding state, then casually pushed away the sword on his shoulder, and said to Mo with a dry smile: "It's really hidden..."

"Well...you've let yourself off again."

But the other party took two staggering steps back and said with some displeasure: "Didn't I just agree to get serious...?"


Mo didn't even finish the sentence completely before he fell limply to the ground and snored slightly before Aramis had time to worry.

"Fell asleep?"

The latter was startled at that time. He rushed to Mo who smelled of alcohol and said in shock: "Really asleep!?"

As expected, Mo, who had already started snoring, showed no reaction.

"What's going on with this guy?"

Aramis scratched his hair tangledly, then leaned over to pick up the ink stand that had fallen on the grass, and sighed deeply: "I always feel that the water is so deep..."

Glancing at the side face of his temporary partner who had fallen asleep, Aramis frowned in annoyance.

If according to the development in many works of art, when Mo wakes up tomorrow morning, he will 100% forget what happened just now, and I am afraid that there will be no way to replicate his miraculous skills.

So, is it better to pretend not to know, or is it better to ask the question?

Aramis was deeply troubled.

As a result, just before he hesitated for a few seconds...

"Tsk, tsk."

The half-dragon girl standing next to him smacked her lips and nodded in agreement: "The water is indeed quite deep."

Aramis sighed: "Yes, it's so deep."

Yu Shang nodded: "Yes, it's really deep."

Aramis: "..."

Yu Shang: "..."

Aramis: "!"

Yu Shang: "?"

Chapter 1093: End

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