Quadruple split

Chapter 1101 Night Talk

"What's wrong?"

Looking at the horrified Aramis, the half-dragon girl with long bangs but who did not donate the covered right eye frowned and asked in confusion: "Is there something wrong with what I said? ?”

Aramis: "..."

five seconds later


After finally confirming that the fisherman in front of him, who was holding a basket in his left hand and a pole in his right hand and with short gray-purple hair, was not an illusion, Aramis screamed like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Keep your voice down!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw this half-dragon girl with very good physical fitness, although she had no fighting power, quickly launched an elbow attack, and successfully knocked back the scream of Aramis, which was infinitely close to the violent marmot. He lowered his voice and said to Aramis: "Don't wake this guy up again!"

The latter curled his lips, tilted his head and glanced at Mo, who was being supported by himself and showing no signs of waking up at all, and hummed softly: "You do care about him."

"you do not say."

Yu Shang nodded, responded casually, and then asked Aramis seriously: "So, the water is quite deep, right?"

As a result, Aramis blinked in confusion: "Water? What water? Water of life?"

"Stop pretending, when did you think I was here?"

Yu Shang saw through the other party's attempt to get through at a glance, and said calmly: "Whether it was the whole process of you tricking him into drinking the [Water of Life], or the 'discussion' between the two of you afterwards, I have seen the whole process well. It’s a process.”

Aramis rolled his eyes and said succinctly: "Bullshit."

"The talent [Spectator], in addition to allowing me to fish well in more dangerous places, also has the additional function of almost erasing my own existence to almost zero."

Yu Shang shook the fishing rod in his hand and shrugged: "Although there are many restrictions, in terms of effectiveness, it is much better than your [Concealment]."

Aramis took a breath and said in shock: "So you were really here all the time just now? Right under the eyes of me and Mo?!"

"Not that close."

Yu Shang shook his head, raised his hand and pointed: "I'm probably standing... there."

Aramis turned his head numbly and looked at a short tree less than ten meters away from him. Not to mention that the place was definitely not far away. You must know that the last time he and Mo 'discussed', after turning on [Invisibility] The initial transfer location was next to that tree.

[So, the reason why I smelled the fragrance before was not because the tree would bloom or anything, but...]

Aramis narrowed his eyes, already believing 90% of Yu Shang's explanation. He even subconsciously took a breath, trying to capture the aroma he smelled when he stopped by the tree before.

And then he caught it.

Then he believed it all.

"What brand of shampoo do you use?"

asked Aramis.

"Are you a pervert?"

Yu Shang asked back.

after a brief silence

"I'll send this guy back first."

Aramis touched the tip of his nose and turned his head away awkwardly. His black cat ears twitched subconsciously: "If you have something to tell me, we'll meet at the bridge in a while. If you want to have a good look, This guy looks like he’s sleeping, so let’s go together.”

Yu Shang raised his eyebrows and asked casually: "What if I don't choose either?"

"Then I'll go fishing by myself for two hours, bye."

Seeing that the other party had no intention of following him, after saying this, Aramis walked with his ink in the direction of the hotel where the others were staying, walking smoothly and leisurely.

It’s not that this person’s mentality is peaceful, it’s that the physical growth coefficient of the thief profession is too low, and he himself is also a short and thin figure. Although his strength is at an intermediate level, he will not be unable to help him. Mo, but after all, the previous sparring sessions consumed a lot of his physical energy, so if he wanted to take Mo all the way from the river back to the hotel in the center of the town, he still needed to allocate his energy well.

fifteen minutes later

Game time PM22:17

Heli Town, beside the Heli River, in front of the bridge

"Well, I had expected it, but I didn't expect that she didn't come."

Aramis walked slowly to the end of the bridge carrying Mazza, stretched his body lazily, muttered something, turned around suddenly, and said loudly to the air next to him: "Maybe he actually came but because he wanted to see my reaction. Hidden!"

"Actually, I didn't hide it deliberately."

Yu Shang, who had his back turned to Aramis, glanced back at the former, casually swung a shot, and chuckled: "You are quite funny."

Obviously, although Aramis guessed the fact that 'Yu Shang is indeed waiting here', he did not accurately judge the latter's location.

You can't blame him for this. After all, from a combat perspective or a scary perspective, Aramis's prediction is definitely not a problem. If Porthos also has the talent of [Spectator] and tries to give Aramis a sap, he will definitely choose it. That location, but...

For a fisherman, the angle where Yu Shang is currently sitting is the best.

"If possible, I would rather you praise me with compliments such as handsomeness, intelligence or humor."

Aramis twitched the corner of his mouth, sat on his horse and took out fishing gear from his bag and hummed: "Rather than use the word 'very fun'."

Yu Shang tilted his head, and casually pulled out a fish from the river. Although he didn't know what it was, Aramis probably couldn't catch it anyway, and stuffed it into the fish basket. He blinked and said, "Then... it's pretty cute?"


Aramis looked gloomy and gritted his teeth and said, "You are playing with fire."

Yu Shang threw the pole again: "So?"

Aramis sneered: "Playing with fire will make you wet the bed!"

Yu Shang casually threw a handful of bait into the river with a calm expression: "The game cabin is waterproof."

Aramis: "..."

Damn it, the game cabin is leaking water!

Even Aramis, who had a rich reserve of flirty words, couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, let's stop talking here."

After a while, Yu Shang was the first to break the silence. While putting the fish he had just caught into the fish basket, he smiled and said, "I know you didn't call me here because you wanted to chat or fish."

Aramis, who has had absolutely zero harvest since he started swinging the rod, twitched the corners of his lips and said dryly: "But I see how fast you lift the fish..."

"Just fishing, don't worry about it."

Yu Shang shrugged and changed into a new fish basket.

Aramis: "..."

one minute later

"All right."

Aramis sighed softly and said in a deep voice: "Then let's have a good chat."

Yu Shang nodded: "Okay."

"Please tell me how I can get those fish to bite like they're possessed."


Even though Yu Shang had excellent mental qualities, Aramis broke his guard and a mouthful of orange juice spurted out from his mouth.

"Yeah, just kidding."

Aramis stopped when he saw that, and smiled before the other party got angry, and then said seriously: "I originally thought that you joined the gang because of the lust of Mo Na, but now it seems that is not the case."

Because both of them are smart people, Yu Shang didn't ask any nonsense like 'how to meet', and just wiped his mouth and said angrily: "Yes."

"Heh, let me guess."

Aramis, who had been unable to catch any fish, simply put away his fishing rod, turned around and faced the half-dragon fisherman next to him, and asked in a very determined tone: "Have you met Mo before?"

Yu Shang frowned, and after pondering for a moment, he finally shook his head and said hesitantly: "I'm not sure."


Aramis blinked in surprise and asked curiously: "It's not that I haven't seen it before, but I'm not sure?"

"Yeah, I'm just not sure."

Yu Shang nodded slightly and shrugged: "I know what you are thinking. It is probably a guess that Mo and I have dealt with each other before, but that is not the case."

This time, Aramis shook his head and waved his hand: "You are thinking too much. In fact, Mo Na kid told me and Portos that he only has memories of one year from now, and the memories before that It's completely blank, and given the premise that he is an NPC, as a player, you cannot be an 'old acquaintance' with him."

Yu Shang blushed for a rare moment and glared at Aramis, "Do you blame me?"

"Blame me, blame me, blame me for not being honest with you before."

Aramis raised his hands in surrender with a high emotional intelligence, and smiled flatteringly at Yu Shang with a calm face: "Then, can you tell me the story about you and Mo?"

"I was driving the [Spectator] to look for fish spots. It was getting dark while walking, and then I saw a gloomy masked man who felt very unpleasant. Then I was discovered by him, and then he robbed me. My fish ran away, and then again and again, and then at dawn, it was gone."

Yu Shang had no expression on his face and finished the story in one breath, saying, "And that gloomy masked man is not necessarily 'Mo', so don't tell me and Mo's story."

Aramis, who was sitting upright and pretending to be a primary school student, finally realized what he was doing and said in surprise: "Is this gone?"

"No more."

Yu Shang nodded vigorously, spread his hands and said: "To put it simply, I bumped into a strange person a few days ago, and he left within a few minutes. How can the entire love-hate entanglement of hundreds of thousands of words be revealed?"

Aramis said 'hmm', and then continued to ask: "That gloomy masked man looks a lot like Mo?"

"It looks similar, but I can't be sure."

Yu Shang answered without thinking, and then added: "And their temperaments are too different."

"Well, if the temperament is much different, then the similarity between Mo and the gloomy masked man is just looks?"

"You could say that."

"So why are you not sure? Is it because they look similar but are slightly different?"

"No, because of that gloomy masked man..."

"What happened to that gloomy masked man?"

"With a mask."


Aramis suddenly felt stupid, so he quickly changed the subject: "Well, that is to say, you decided to join the gang because you were curious about whether Mo was the gloomy masked man?"

"No, I'm actually not curious at all."

Yu Shang shook his head, a murderous look flashed in his eyes: "But that gloomy masked man took away one of my [Red Dragons], we can't just let it go."

Aramis was stunned: "That's it?"

"Do you have any opinion?"

"I don't have any opinion, but from what you said before, that gloomy masked man seems to be very powerful."

"Yeah, he looks pretty awesome."

Yu Shang trembled, his face turned pale with fright at his own memories, and then he raised his head and stared at Aramis with stern eyes: "If your combat power is two hundred and five..."

Aramis: "How much do I have?"

"If you say two hundred and five..."

Yu Shang ignored Aramis's words and mused: "The feeling that the gloomy masked man gave me must be at least seven or eight thousand."

Aramis, who claimed to be a master to some extent, was not calm at that time, and said angrily: "You look down on people, right! If you say he has seven or eight hundred, I will tolerate it if he can stand up to three or four, two hundred and five, seven or eight thousand What do you mean! Am I that good?!"

"It's just a feeling, just a feeling."

Yu Shang shrugged innocently and smiled innocently: "After all, I don't know much about fighting. Maybe you can kill that gloomy masked man in seconds."

Aramis snorted and suddenly started to go off topic, becoming paranoid in a strange place: "Do you think I'm weak because I was defeated by Mo twice before?"


"Actually, I'm very strong, although my current account is indeed very weak."

"I don't think you are weak."

"But that's just because I just joined the game. Do you know what I mean by just joining the game? I just haven't played much at all. Really, if you had asked me to play from the day the server was launched, I would definitely be very good by now!"

"What does it have to do with me when you play..."

"All in all, although I can't actually say how high-end it is, it's still quite impressive."


"I know you don't believe it, just wait and see, I will be able to catch up soon."

"I don't believe it..."

"Don't look at me with loving eyes!"

"Please, I'm fishing and my back is turned to you."


Aramis wrinkled his nose, then clapped his hands vigorously and said, "That's it anyway, do you understand!"

Yu Shang glanced back at him: "I think you are somewhat sick."

Aramis' mouth twitched: "Can't you say something nice?"

Yu Shang changed his words calmly: "It's quite cute."

Aramis: "..."

"In short, whether it is related to the gloomy masked man I saw before, our companion has many secrets."

Yu Shang put away the fishing rod, stood up with the fish basket, looked down at Aramis and chuckled: "It's quite interesting, isn't it?"


Aramis also stood up, shrugged and said, "Let's not tell you whether it's interesting or not, who doesn't have some secrets?"

"Do you want to explore it?"

"I don't want to at the moment, what about you?"

"Me? I just want to watch the excitement."

"What a bad character."

"Yeah, yeah."

Chapter 1094: End

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