Quadruple split

Chapter 1114 Auditorium


In the audience, Eliza Logan hugged the shoulders of the Son of the Sun next to her and asked intimately in the latter's ear: "Which side do you think has a greater chance of winning? I heard that the Diesel family The knight is awesome."

The blushing His Highness Black shrank his shoulders, and while trying to reduce the contact area between himself and Sister Eliza, he stuttered and said: "Ah... that's right... that's right, but I heard that... Saint The white-haired girl from the Lancer Academy is particularly powerful, so it doesn’t seem impossible for one person to turn the tide of the battle around?"

"Ouch! It's so cute when you blush!"

Eliza suddenly hugged the 'brother' next to her who was blushing so much that he could almost bleed. She rubbed the latter's delicate and cute little face with a smile on her face and said cheerfully: "Sister, I'm only good at conspiracy and conspiracy. Intrigue and stuff like that, you don’t know anything about combat, brother, you are so awesome.”




Then, His Royal Highness the Holy Son, the most talented person in the Sun Sect, immediately unleashed the fastest reaction speed in his life. He applied three attacks on himself in succession that could even suppress a strong man like Mu Xuejian for several seconds, and then switched to the Black Brahma. Liu's body could even make him unable to move for several minutes. The silent but extremely powerful magical technique forcibly suppressed the blood that was about to spurt out of his nose. His face turned red and white, and it looked like Even cuter.

"Hey, hey, do you want to sit with your sister?"

Eliza whispered into Blake's ear and breathed out like a blue: "Brother, you can sit on my lap. It will be super comfortable to hold you and watch the game!"

[It will die, it will definitely die! 】

Just being hugged on the shoulder and rubbed on the cheek had completely broken the defense. Blake, who even had to use magic to keep himself from making a fool of himself, immediately shook his head wildly and said continuously: "No, no, no, the impact is not good, the impact is bad." not good!"

"Stingy guy, I just want you to be a pillow!"

Eliza pouted angrily and flicked Blake's forehead hard: "Why, are you afraid that my old cow will eat tender grass?"

I'm really not afraid of this...

Blake laughed dumbly, but said nothing, because he always felt that as long as he revealed even a little bit of his feelings, his current relationship with Eliza Logan could no longer be maintained, so he could only remain silent.

Of course, he also didn't think that the other party didn't realize that his emotions were extremely poorly concealed and could not be concealed well no matter how hard he hid them. But whether he knew it was one thing and whether he exposed it was another matter. Since Yi Sister Lisa is willing to play dumb with her, so let’s all understand it tacitly.

As smart as Blake, he would not have guessed what would happen if he really mustered up the courage to pursue this sister who looked at him with doting eyes.

Even the gentlest result will most likely be a lie that you tell when you grow up, many years later.

Gently holding Elisa's delicate hand holding his cheek, the boy showed a happy and dry smile: "Stop making trouble, watch the game."


Her Royal Highness the Princess stuck out her tongue, let her brother lead her honestly, and turned her attention again to the arena, which she had no interest in. The curve of her mouth was sweet and coquettish.

"You smile in front of me and pretend not to know"

Sitting in the same row as the two of them, separated by a half-dragon female knight, Yuchen shook her head slightly and sang a cappella in a low voice with her sweet and waxy voice: "Actually, I have received your confession text message~ "

"Why do you have to be late for love?"

Her Royal Highness the Saint of the Wealth Sect and a native of the Innocence Realm who was born and raised in Hongmiao, Fiyali Graham, even sang along: "We can only hug like friends~Yeah"

Then Yuchen became confused.

She really couldn't help but be confused. She had to know that although the song she just sang was a hit back then, the so-called 'back then' was her mother's era, and today, more than 20 years later, its popularity and popularity are In fact, it has dropped to a very, very low level.

Yuchen wouldn't be surprised if another player could sing as well as him, but Feiyali is an NPC! He's a serious NPC! As a result, not only was she able to sing the last two lines right after herself, but she also sang quite beautifully!

Is this really reasonable?

Is she really a local?

"Hey, don't make such a fuss."

Feiyali smiled and winked at Yuchen, who looked cute, and lowered her voice and smiled at the latter: "I know what Wangyu is thinking, and I can guarantee that I am definitely not from another world like you. Well, I just have a friend who likes Jay very much and often sings next to me, and then~ I learned it after listening to it!"

After saying that, he raised his head proudly, his face full of greatness.

Yuchen immediately clapped his little hands in cooperation: "That's amazing!"

"Tsk, tsk, it suits the occasion quite well."

Fiyali smacked her lips, crossed her legs and glanced in the direction of the 'siblings' next to her, and sighed: "The gap in the mother's womb is so difficult."

Yuchen tapped his smooth chin, tilted his head and said hesitantly: "There will always be a way...right?"

"You mean the two of them, or you and Hafan?"

Fiyali asked casually while letting her bangs hang down.

"Who knows~"

However, Yuchen did not become as shy as Fiyali imagined. Instead, he shook his head slightly and smiled quietly: "At least I don't know."

Fiyali curled her lips and shrugged: "Have you never considered hanging yourself from a tree?"

Yuchen stuck out his tongue, and after a while he replied: "I don't know about that either~"

"Online dating is harmful to people..."

"We are just friends. What kind of nonsense have you learned, Fiyali?"

"Online dating is harmful to people..."

"I'm going to be angry!"

"Ha, don't tease me. You don't blush when you are really angry. You smile so sweetly."


"Don't think about the guy who abandoned you and went to the judging panel. Just watch the competition and watch the competition~"

"You didn't drive him away!"

"Don't worry about the details!"

at the same time

Jury stand

"Oh, it's such a pity that he didn't come here today."

Lamorlock, who was sitting in the corner, chuckled, shook his head regretfully, and whispered to the dwarf girl sitting next to him: "There is a boy who I am very interested in who often comes here to watch games recently, and he too Member of the jury.”


Jia Wen blinked curiously and smiled: "I wonder which young man is so lucky to be favored by our Highness Lamorlock?"

"The trainee priest of the United Holy Church delegation is named Hei Fan. He is also a player like us. He solved a major incident in the Northeast Continent a few months ago and became popular on the forum."

While carelessly stroking Tom's scales, Lamorlock shook his head and said, "And the word 'promising' is actually not accurate. In my opinion, that young man is on the same level as me. Although he ... He is somewhat naive, but he is definitely a very qualified chess player."

Jia Wen was slightly stunned at first, and then asked with interest: "The kind that's enough to compete with you?"

Lamorlock nodded and did not continue to delve into the topic, while Gawen also fell into silence.

The former set his sights on the Paladin Academy team and the Diesel family team that were entering the venue one after another, while the latter silently opened his friend bar, found the ID [Yin Tian], and clicked on it again. The news that I had read ten minutes ago.

'Target No. 1 left his companions and began to move towards the judges' seat as usual, but lost track after going to the bathroom once; five minutes later, Target No. 2 left the VIP room in the rest area and met with the Diesel family. Competitors gathered together, suspected of having an altercation with their mounts, and were now preparing to enter. ’

[How many times has this happened? 】

With a sigh of relief, Gawen closed the message bar in the center of her field of vision, narrowed her blue eyes that were beautiful but not her own, and fell into thinking.

Since his routine reports since arriving in Academy City have all fallen flat without any reply, his boss obviously has no intention of modifying the previous arrangements, so he just does what he has to do, as always. While dealing with business, he was monitoring two targets that were completely opposite in theory.

This was not an easy task, but with the help of the shrewd and capable Yin Tian, ​​it did not place any burden on Gawen.

After reaching a basic consensus with Eliza and Lamorlock, and even going one step further to simply communicate with the latter, Gavin now has a lot of free time, so naturally he also has free time to talk to those two. A goal that can make your boss take special care of you, and even say that if you have spare time, you can even help deal with some troubles and devote more energy to it.

Priest Hei Fan of the United Holy Religion Delegation was once very popular in the forum. He was a rising star of the Dawn Sect who played a central role in the Great Plague Incident in Misha County. He had a close relationship with the Dawn Saint Chen Wangyu who was also a player. , whose strength is mediocre, but has unique talents in command.

Mo, the representative of the Artisan Town delegation, is an adventurer who has a close relationship with the Diesel family. He is one of the top 200 T1 players in the personal combat power rankings. He is very strong individually and seems to have some connection with Tianzhu Mountain. His mount is A turtle-shaped creature that is suspected of being a dragon. It understands human speech and human language, and seems to have a rather bad personality.

The two of them do not know each other, and there seems to be no overlap in their life trajectories. However, there is evidence that Ye Ge, who is ranked 37th in the overall strength rankings next to Mo, is extremely close to Hei Fan and Chen Wangyu. It is possible that they met outside the game. In addition, Cordoba, who was killed by the boss once and contributed a lot of experimental materials to Merlin, seems to also know Hei Fan, Chen Wangyu and Ye Ge in reality. .

In addition, at least from the information that can be collected so far, the two targets that the boss asked him to stare at have no relationship with each other, and they don't even know each other.

[But is it really just that? 】

Gawen frowned slightly and began to try to combine these clues in his mind.

To be honest, even though it was only the most basic information, these investigation results still made Yin Tian waste a lot of effort.

Although she is not a professional detective, as Jia Wen's personal secretary, the real-life girl named A Qing's tracking skills are definitely not inferior to those of any private detective, and she is also good in the fields of disguise and hacking. level, there is a demon warlock in the game who has a very complex skill spectrum and a very diverse positioning, but in the end, he hit a wall with those two people at the beginning.

Although the Hei Fan priest himself is not very strong, and Chen Wangyu, who nominally lives with him, has little experience in counter-reconnaissance, he can't stand it. There are two God's Favorites in the hotel, and I don't know how many. This time, as soon as the eyeliners that Yin Tian had painstakingly refined went upstairs, they were directly purified by a lot of enchantments of who knows what kind of thing until there was no residue left. They ascended to heaven so fast that even the caster himself was not aware of it. , it’s just outrageous.

Then there's Mo, who doesn't have a big boss around him, but his intuition is frighteningly accurate. Even if Yin Tian personally controls the summoned creature after sharing the vision, he will be instantly noticed nine times out of ten, and then There's no after that.

All in all, although Miss Jiawen, who has been busy with business and only occasionally listens to reports, has been living a relatively healthy life during this period, Miss Yintian is already exhausted mentally and physically.

But a professional is a professional after all, so even if he encountered some difficulties, Yintian still basically obtained the basic information about these two people and their related people through unremitting investigations, and synchronized it with his eldest lady in real time.

And Jia Wen did not let down his good secretary. After sorting it out for a while, he immediately found a lot of things inside...

For example, the two targets that the boss asked him to pay attention to almost never appeared in two different places at the same time.

For example, the outline of the Black Van Priest was very similar to that of his boss, and even his body shape was almost exactly the same.

For example, they all seem to be hiding some ulterior secrets, and even the people around them don't know.

For example, the girl named Ye Ge next to Mo is very similar in appearance to Silent Prayer, who has been running the sin lord's mansion recently, the girl who seems to have been following the boss from the beginning.

For example, I happen to have a way to solve something that may cause trouble to those two people.

[Tsk tsk, is it really okay to trust me so much? 】

Gawen licked the corners of her lips, and unconsciously burst into a charming smile. She glanced at the name that was placed at the top of the friends column, with a smile in her eyes.

Do you want to explore the secret hidden behind the surface?

Haha, what a boss who doesn’t make people worry at all.

Chapter 1107: End

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