Quadruple split

Chapter 1115 Abandoned Son/Open Card

Chapter 1115: Abandoned Son’s Clear Card

So now, let us shift the focus away from the people in the audience and focus on the super-large arena in the center of the arena, which is as large as a football field.

On the spacious 'battlefield', a mini-knights full of fighting spirit were neatly lined up on the left and right sides. Although there were only fifty people in the organization, they still carried a suffocating momentum. Even the epic knights in the stands were Even the legendary strong men who went further were numb subconsciously.

Compared with the elegant and deadly mages, the strong are often more afraid of the knights, who are far less destructive than the former, but can easily break the power system.

Even a legendary powerhouse, if they encounter such a sharp, domineering and arrogant group on the battlefield, the only choice they can make is to defeat them head-on or choose to leave without hesitation. There is almost no third party. a way of coping.

Once the knights are dragged into a strangulation battle, even if the average strength gap between the two sides is huge, the lonely side is likely to be dragged to death under countless rounds of attacks. After establishing outstanding military exploits and being exhausted, Stabbed through the heart and decapitated by God knows which soldier.

If we do not pursue numerical equality, there are many examples in history of the weak defeating the strong, but the largest proportion of them is always the unreasonable existence of the Knights.

Because there is no solution for this kind of group that exists for war from the very beginning. The only choice you can make is to fight or escape, and the result will only be life or death.

It sounds like nonsense, but anyone with common sense has to admit that when the strength is equal, compared with other professional systems such as mages, thieves, and rangers, when beings like "knights" gather into a group, 'After that, it was definitely the biggest headache.

A strong person who has just entered the epic level, no matter what profession he is, can almost beat twenty or thirty high-level professionals by himself. As mentioned before, the epic level is a big dividing line between the two. The scenery on the other side can be said to be completely different. Once you successfully cross this threshold, there will be a fundamental leap in your understanding, control, and understanding of power.


He is also a strong man who has no professional restrictions and is new to the epic. If he has to face a well-trained, well-coordinated knights with high average strength, the result will be hard to say.

Because for the Knights, their battle formations and charges have never been high-tech, and they have nothing to do with power level or understanding. No matter whether the enemy is a rookie or a fighting chicken, no matter Whether they are beginners or legends, their battle mode that always only serves results will not change in any way.

There are no fancy tricks, I am just a steamroller with no emotions. If you can hold it, tear me down. If you can't, I will crush you.

Simple, direct, crisp and clear.

This is the style of painting of something like the ‘Knights’ in the eyes of the world.

Of course, the style of painting is the style of painting. To say how invincible and powerful this kind of group really is is not to say that it is not true.

For cross-level kills, the proportion is high, but if there is a real fight, at least eight of the ten epic level experts can easily kill a small high-level knight group.

On the one hand, it is because no matter what, the gap in strength will exist objectively; on the other hand, it is because the knights who are truly high-quality and fight bloody battles to the end without collapse are also very rare. This is an example of a participating team in which a girl's life was shattered.

But no matter what, the two strongest forces in this fighting competition finally reunited in the final, and it was clear that no matter what the result, both sides would dedicate an entertaining game to the public.

Even the stupidest audience would not have the idea of ​​'Don't give in suddenly,' because the strong fighting spirit exuded by both sides has even suppressed Xia Feng, who has not stopped for the past two days.

You must know that this is not the real world where it is almost impossible to use biomagnetic fields to cause any strange phenomena. The 'aura' and 'fighting intention' in the Innocence Realm can actually have 'physical' effects, well, of course. It might also be a magical effect, but it has nothing to do with science anyway.

"Team competition finals..."

Instead of letting the Mammoth referee, whose blood pressure had been high for two days, preside over the final, Sancho Carrasco, the president of the Academy City branch of the Knights Guild, a highly respected man with half-legendary strength, personally walked into the center of the field and smiled. He said in a voice that did not sound loud but could be clearly heard by every audience: "The Paladin Knight Academy, the battle against the Diesel delegation begins."

After saying that, the old man's figure instantly disappeared from the field, leaving only a powerful energy, which instantly directly dissipated the momentum that the two sides had only inadvertently emitted, but gradually evolved into a mutual restraint.

The warm summer wind blew again, gently caressing everyone's cheeks.

The next moment——

"Go first, open the Six Styles, and dismantle."

With a low shout, the Diesel Cavalry instantly split off a ten-man team from the flanks. They were wearing the Diesel family standard heavy armor that was completely black and had the double lion emblem printed on the breastplate. They held neatly He uniformly took off the extremely heavy non-sword weapons behind him, and rode the black dragon colt, which was also covered in full body armor. The moment he received the order, he rushed out like an out-of-control chariot to command the order. At a sizzling speed, the people circled and stabbed the array of Paladin Knight Academy from the right side.

At this point, less than two seconds had passed since Sancho Carrasco branch president officially announced the start of the game.

With smooth flow and seamless integration, these young people from the Diesel family, whose average age is less than thirty years old, dropped a bombshell from the very beginning. Not only did they dare to do so when the other party had the powerful weapon Mu Xuejian, They played the first move and split it so smoothly and naturally, as if they had practiced this routine thousands of times.

In fact, only a few people know that there are a total of seven opening methods including this opening. These young knights of the Diesel family have only practiced for more than half a day, and even the specific executors were only yesterday evening. It’s settled.

Although it's a bit rushed, if you want to do it, you can still do it.

This is the answer sheet handed over by this quasi-cavalry team today.

It is no exaggeration to say that these young people who no longer hide their strength can destroy about 60% of the participating groups in this competition just by relying on the ten-man heavy cavalry team that was split at the beginning.


[The total number of heavy cavalry is fifteen, and two-thirds of them were taken out at the beginning to actively carry out flank interference. The remaining ones, except Mo, whom Miss Mu was optimistic about, were all lightly equipped and highly mobile rangers. It turns out that... ...What a luxurious outcast. 】

Barty Arthur, who was in the center of the knights, narrowed his eyes slightly and completed the most basic analysis almost as soon as the opponent's ten-man heavy cavalry team started. At the same time, he raised his right hand. After pausing for half a second in mid-air to complete the final judgment, he waved his hand gently and said softly: "Miss Mu, please go over with Lainan's team as quickly as possible to deal with the opponent's interfering troops, and then go around and fight with the large troops from behind. Join us and move quickly."

Simple, clear and unhurried.

Barty's order is enough for anyone with a clear head to fully understand it, and they won't ask any more nonsense.

And Mu Xuejian, who just had a good appetite and no brain problems, and the rabbit half-orc female knight who had long been accustomed to Barty's command style did not lose their temper. They rushed in almost as soon as Barty finished speaking. Got out.

Mu Xuejian, Lai Nan and the other three heavy knights belonging to Lai Nan's team walked straight towards the ten Diesel heavy knights who had completely completed the speed increase.

at the same time--

"Heavy cavalry tip, three, sword and bow, charge at low speed."

After Mo Tan saw that the five-man team headed by Mu Xuejian was split up, he immediately completed the tactical deployment without thinking. Suddenly, on the right wing of the team, the only five heavy cavalry remaining in the Diesel delegation quickly fought with The partner who was originally at the front of the array completed a cross-position change, and after the last person arrived at the designated position, he launched a coordinated charge, turning into the spear tip of the triangular assault formation that had been formed at some point, and started fighting with the partners behind him. Start charging at the same time.

Their speed was not fast, and because most of them were equipped as rangers, they were not very sharp in terms of momentum, but they still gave everyone, including their opponents, a huge shock in a few seconds.

The reason is simple, because as long as you close your eyes, people can only hear two sounds at this moment, namely the footsteps of a big tortoise desperately falling down, and the sound of the hoofbeats of a huge war horse.

In other words, except for Wang Badan under Mo Tan, there are a total of thirty-nine knights in the main force of the Diesel delegation. They actually completed zero-error synchronization on the basis of synchronized charging!

You must know that the slower the charge, the more difficult it is to complete the synchronization. If the synchronization is also split into two types of heavy cavalry and rangers, the difficulty will be even higher. On this basis, it can even be achieved by all knights. Their breathing rhythm, physical condition and even the pace of their horses are absolutely uniform...

"Bah, monster."

Dean Hopkins in the audience spat and cursed in a low voice.

And what he said can almost represent the sentiments of all experts.

As for the main formation of the Paladin Knights Academy on the stage——

"Don't think wildly, whether you want to marvel or ask for an autograph, wait until after the game is over. Now..."

Barty, who almost suppressed the surprise in his heart the moment it appeared, smiled and gave the order in a loud voice that even his opponents could hear: "Casa Brigade, Kailon Brigade, Simo Brigade Qingshi." , Half Moon Defense Formation, Kula Battalion and Garfield Battalion are three positions behind, guns raised, all charged at low speed,"

Suddenly, the originally square main formation of the Paladin Knight Academy immediately turned into a composite formation that looked exactly like a mushroom. Although the formation change was not as silent and traceless as the opponent's, it was still smooth and smooth. For the first time, they completed their coordinated charge in this competition.

Although the synchronization of the same arms is relatively simple, in the case where victory is usually achieved directly through Mu Xuejian, this wave of proficiency is not at all inferior to the White Oath Knight Academy, and even the low-speed synchronization is even better. Many people's jaws dropped in shock, and they felt deeply that the Holy Lance Knight Academy was hiding something secretly.

"Did you hear everyone's exclamations?"

Barty, who was the weakest and tried his best to synchronize with the others, wiped his sweat and asked his friends around him with a smile.

"heard it!"

And everyone responded with a smile.

"Really? Then your ears are really good, but I can't hear you."

Barty made a face, suddenly raised his spear and pointed it diagonally at the Diesel Cavalry not far away, and shouted loudly: "Destroy them, let me hear thunderous cheers!"


Including Lenan's team, which was about to come into contact with Diesel's ten heavy riders, all the participants in the Paladin Academy gave Barty the firmest response with their loudest voices.

Barty smiled with satisfaction, feeling that his purpose had been accomplished.

The discarded pieces used to interfere would soon be eaten by Mu Xuejian, and the opponent's most likely prepared projectile tactics were accurately seen through by him, and he made a perfect response with a volume loud enough for the whole audience to hear. , play your cards directly with the opponent.

And this synchronized charge will shorten the thinking time in the process of accelerating contact with the opponent. If the commander of Vin Diesel Academy reacts a little slower than half a beat, even if the heavy cavalry of our own side is not good enough, it will be enough. In the strangulation battle, the main enemy force, which was mostly composed of rangers, was suppressed.

Barty licked the corners of his mouth, his breathing gradually became rapid, and his eyes became more and more serious.

[How do you want to break it? 】

[Should we directly disclose our own orders to show our cards? Although it didn't take long, I really miss it. 】

Mo Tan, who was following the five heavy cavalrymen, remembered the last battle he commanded in Sumir. At that time, he was just like the opponent who chanted tactics loudly, telling the enemy his purpose unscrupulously. And simultaneously cannibalize and destroy them to complete the physical and mental destruction of those cultists.

Very good, excellent.

[It’s a pity that this level of provocation is not enough to make me confused. 】

Mo Tan took a deep breath, and unexpectedly changed his previous calm pronouncement, and ordered like the other party in a voice that could be heard by everyone: "Speed ​​up, raise your sword after two rounds of ejection, and hedge!"

? !

Barty was stunned immediately, and then he felt a strong force coming from the side. His body swayed involuntarily, and he narrowly avoided a weapon provided by the organizer to each team. Although it was sharp enough, it still caused injuries. It is a relatively easy-to-handle stainless steel arrow.

The next second, a series of roars erupted from the shields covering the front of the team. At least three people were hit by several awkwardly angled and powerful and heavy arrows, and fell off their mounts.

The orc junior who had just pulled him up from the side had already fallen to the ground and completely lost consciousness when Barty looked back belatedly.

Just now, two extremely powerful arrows hit his face armor at the same time, causing a severe concussion.


In the first minute and 17 seconds of the team competition finals, the Diesel delegation directly eliminated four people from the Paladin Academy with two rounds of throws. The number of people on both sides was: 50 to 46.


"Quick Sword·Jinghong."


In the first minute and thirty-five seconds of the team competition finals, Mu Xuejian activated the skill Sword Shadow Step after being unable to attack for a long time, and forcibly penetrated the ten heavy knights who were interfering with the Diesel delegation, leading Lai Nan's team The enemy was defeated, the number of the two sides was: forty to forty-six.

Chapter 1,108: End

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