Quadruple split

Chapter 1116 Tai Chi Sword

【So strong! 】

Lenan Lena, a seventh-year student of the Holy Lance Knight Academy and a tall female half-orc knight of the rabbit tribe, rubbed her wrists with a pale face, and looked at the ten Diesel family members in front of them who had fallen to the ground and completely lost their fighting ability. Heavy Knight, his mind is almost blank.

A few seconds...it could be more than ten seconds or dozens of seconds ago...

Lainan, who had absolute trust in Senior Barty, led four of his teammates and together with Mu Xuejian launched a straight charge towards the ten heavy knights from Diesel's delegation.

She did not think about tactics, because Senior Barty has never let everyone down in these years. It is no exaggeration to say that in various discussions and exercises within the Paladin Knight Academy, whenever the number of people on both sides exceeds twenty, Barty will Even if Ti Arthur's side is much weaker than their opponent, they can almost secure victory.

So this is not blind worship, but trust cultivated over time.

[In terms of tactics, we have an absolute advantage! Coupled with the trump card of Miss Mu Xuejian, as long as we perfectly execute Senior Barty's orders, we will definitely win even if the opponent is the Diesel family! 】

Lainan is convinced of her own ideas, and her ideas can also represent the ideas of all the participating students of the Paladin Academy.

So they did not look back, but desperately mobilized the strength in their bodies to work hard to complete the tasks assigned to them by Buddy.

‘Go over as quickly as possible to deal with the opponent’s interfering troops! ’

Although there are fewer people than the opponent, it is definitely not a difficult task with Mu Xuejian, who has been able to single-handedly defeat several participating teams in previous games.

What about the Diesel Ride? No matter how strong they were, could the ten of them together be stronger than the twenty, thirty, or fifty people Mu Xuejian had defeated by one person before?

Maintaining such belief, Lenan and others, who raised their speed to the limit, were like sharp spears, stabbing straight at the Diesel heavy cavalry unit that was also charging at full speed.

Charge, charge again, then raise your weapon, clamp your horse, and push your speed to the limit!


With a deafening roar, Lai Nan, who was at the tip of the spear with Mu Xuejian, felt that the world was spinning. His whole body was forcibly 'smashed' from his mount, and the sharp steel lance in his hand made a sound. With a crisp sound, it split into two pieces from the middle and flew out spinning.

At the same time, another knight who was half a body behind Lenan fell directly to the ground as if he was hit hard by a war hammer from the side. The Diesel Knight who just seemed to just swing a hammer casually didn't even look at it. The knight who was knocked to the ground by him glanced at him and rode his horse directly towards his next target.

Behind him, another Diesel knight magically put away the lance that was supposed to be used to break the formation during the second wave of impact, and took it from the side of the saddle of the black dragon colt with gnarled muscles and a body like a beast under his crotch. The next two-handed battle ax struck at the mask of the knight who had just struggled to get up and couldn't even figure out the situation.


Lai Nan, who rolled half a circle on the ground to relieve his strength, pounced on his war horse as quickly as possible, couldn't help but let out a scream, as if he had seen the tragic scene of his companion's head being blown off.

In fact, the Diesel knight's 'last strike' actually left some power. Under the family's crazy training, even young second-tier knights like them can control the power enough to do it. He was able to send and receive it freely when he was not using his full strength, so he was very confident that his ax would only peel off the opponent's face armor, and smash it sideways to completely lose the opponent's combat effectiveness without being seriously injured.

However, Lenan's subconscious exclamation still made the Diesel Knight hesitate for a moment as he swung an ax to his face.

It is true that the average quality of the knights of the Diesel family is very strong, but these are not all 'veterans' like Liadrin who have experienced actual combat, seen blood, and even killed people. No matter how good it is, omissions will inevitably occur in real combat.

Therefore, instead of being focused on the combat center as the instructors instilled in him during daily training, he was stunned for just a short moment.

Not even more than half a second!

And at this moment that ordinary people could not catch, the [Wushuang] in Mu Xuejian's hand moved.

The first second the two sides met, Diesel's ten heavy cavalry directly 'knocked away' the spear tips of three heavy cavalrymen, including Lainan, directly omitting the probing process and smashing the opponent's formation.

The second the two sides met, the two at the back of Lainan's team were hit by two short-handled flying hammers at the same time. Their blood surged and they had to rein in their horses and adjust their breathing.

In the third second after the two sides met, the Diesel Knight who was rushing at the front had replaced the two-handed heavy hammers in his hands with a pair of light one-handed hammers. While driving the black dragon colt under his seat to squeeze through the two of them, he opened his bow left and right. At the same time, it hit the back of the two Holy Spear Academy who were almost hit by the flying hammer and vomited blood.

In the fourth second when the two sides met, three sharp sword lights suddenly appeared. Mu Xuejian, who had just arrived because of his poor riding skills, took action!

It is worth mentioning that it was not Lai Nan and others who wanted to take the lead when Mu Xuejian failed to keep up. They thought that five of them could kill Diesel's ten, but Batty's In the plan, as long as the combat effectiveness of the Diesel family is not higher than fifteen heavy cavalry, the Lenan team, which is proficient in defensive operations, will most likely be able to withstand the first wave of impact, and before the second wave of impact begins, , Mu Xuejian must have arrived.

Then, even Barty, who not only did not underestimate the Diesel family, but even planned to increase the latter's estimated combat power by 30%, could not have expected that the Diesel cavalry, which was no longer 'entertaining', would be so strong. .

There was no second round of impact, just the initial collision. The five most skilled defensive students of Paladin Knight Academy were directly defeated by the opponent in humiliation.

Not to mention the room to fight back, he couldn't even react!

It's a pity that even if this Diesel Knight seriously tried his best, he still only 'defeated' the opponent instead of directly 'defeating' the five knights.

[Embroidered Sword·Peacock Screen]

Three rays of sword light shot out from [Wushuang] without any hesitation, and turned into three fan-shaped swords in mid-air and flew down, saving the three people in Lainan's team who were about to be eliminated from the edge of the cliff. He came back and steadily intercepted the attack of the two Diesel Knights.

[Three tactics in one·Wind, fire and electricity·Wind, fire, thunder and lightning move the sky]

Without a moment's hesitation, Mu Xuejian left the horse he was sitting on, which was only used for transportation, and threw a spiral sword light composed of three colors of green, purple, and red in the air, and the electricity shot towards the person whose hands were separated. Holding a war hammer, Diesel Knight was facing him while adjusting his posture flawlessly.

Unlike most high-level experts who exert different powers according to different situations, although Mu Xuejian only has the strength of a high-level peak, she can ensure that each of her swords has the level of a 'high-level peak', and in terms of talent [ With the blessing of "Sword Heart", as long as she seizes the opportunity, it is not difficult to achieve instant kill at the same level. This is also the core factor that she was able to establish and occupy by herself before.


Directly penetrated by the sword energy that avoided all vital points, organs and acupuncture points, the body of Diesel's heavy rider trembled, and then he fell off his horse, completely lost. Awareness.

At the same time, an ax, a hammer, and a gun were blasted at Mu Xuejian in the air at the same time. The center of the team had been wary of the opponent for a long time. The ace had three Diesel heavy riders, and his response speed was extremely extreme. Three weapons , three angles, the time of attacking Mu Xuejian is almost synchronized, and they are all the same [spinous process]. Although the power level is not at the high-level peak, it is definitely not too different.

[Drunken Immortal Moon-gazing Steps]

Mu Xuejian repeated his old trick without hesitation, and landed crookedly in mid-air. Not only did he avoid the combined attacks of the three knights, his slender figure quickly appeared behind the leader, and with a backhand It was a refined sword light thrown out.

As a result, the knight didn't look back and rushed directly towards Lai Nan who had just climbed onto the horse. Behind him, two heavy tower shields suddenly came from the left and right sides, cutting off Mu Xuejian's sword. light, and pressed directly against the girl herself on the lower side.

At the same time, two more war hammers carrying [Thunder] flew into the air. It was the two Diesel knights at the end of the team who jumped up and smashed into Mu Xuejian in mid-air.

Whether switching from defense to offense or attacking instead of defending, there are always six to seven people in this team always struggling with Mu Xuejian's ace card, while the remaining three people are suppressing the situation in the strangulation battle and have just barely adjusted their posture. Lai Nan and others attacked wildly.

Based on the personal experience as 'Mo', coupled with the 'optimal combat method' designed for Mu Xuejian by putting himself in the shoes of 'Black Fan', this scene has been planned and will almost certainly be picked out at the beginning. The ten heavy knights have practiced countless times.

Ever since, a scene that shocked countless viewers appeared.

Mu Xuejian, the ace of the Holy Lance Knight Academy and the most watched star in this fighting competition. When facing other representative teams, he almost always defeated the enemy after a few encounters. Mu Xuejian actually had the cooperation of five heavy knights. During the battle, he was restrained by ten Diesel cavalry!

Although she was not defeated or defeated, the fact that this white-haired girl failed to defeat the enemy immediately was enough to make everyone gasp.

And those 'fans' who were frothing at the mouth before the show started, saying that even the Diesel family would have to step aside because of our Miss Mu, they also shut their mouths.

In just less than ten seconds of confrontation, the Diesel family's cavalry proved their dominance in the industry, silencing the laymen who only watched the excitement.

However, even though Mo Tan had almost completely reproduced the possible situation to his partners, the containment of these heavy knights still did not last long, and it was not even enough for their three partners to be strangled after the charge. Completely eliminating Lai Nan and others.

The stalemate came quickly, but ended even more abruptly.

After being forced to the spot and receiving two rounds of [Thunder], Mu Xuejian took a deep breath, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly inserted the [Wu Shuang] in his hand upside down on the ground.

The next moment, an aura of invisible matter suddenly spread out, and all the knights of the Diesel family who were caught off guard felt their bodies sink at the same time, while those Lai Nan and others who had been specially 'taken care of' by Mu Xuejian felt that He was refreshed, as if countless power surged out of his body.

[Tai Chi Sword·The Sky Breaks]

Player original active skills

Creator: Mu Xuejian

Mastery requirements: Any sword specialization \u003e level 45

Consumption/limitation: Equip a ‘sword’ weapon, 30 physical energy points/s

Effect: Insert the weapon upside down on the ground, creating an invisible sword aura with a radius of seven meters as the center. All damage of friendly units in the sword aura is increased by 10%, own damage is increased by 50%, and the attack is additionally [broken] Defense] effect, all enemy units will bear the basic coefficient of 20%, and the additional gravity attenuated according to the difference in strength between the two sides. If the quality of the weapon that generates the aura is not lower than the only epic, the effect and consumption of [Tai Chi Sword·Sky Break] will be Additional increase of 100%, cooldown time is 20 seconds.

Trait [Sword Aura]: While the aura lasts, you cannot use weapons.

[Note 1: He who knows himself is wise, and he who conquers himself is strong. 】

[Note 2: ↑From Chapter 33 of "Laozi\

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