Quadruple split

Chapter 1138 Sunny Day in Troon

There is no doubt that Troon, the royal capital of the Chauvinian Empire, is a prosperous city. As the richest imperial capital in the Southwest Continent, Troon has both an administrative center and a commercial hub. In a sense, it can indeed be said to be a place. Tourist destination', especially William Bohe, who is known as the businessman king, worked hard to eradicate the bad civilization of 'slums' in the chauvinist territory more than 20 years ago. This ever-changing city has become a tourist attraction almost every minute. It's getting better.

All in all, the Chauvinian Empire is a country with a high national happiness index. Even if it is just a path that can be seen everywhere in Troon, the refreshing green plants on both sides and the pedestrians with smiles on their faces will make outsiders... It touched me deeply.

"But I really didn't expect, Silent Prayer, that you would bring me to a place like this."

Sitting on a bench under the shade of the trees, Gavel Logan, wearing a sky blue dress, squinted her eyes contentedly and lazily turned her head to look at the person next to her who was obviously humorous and talkative, but had a very cold temperament. The disobedient dark elf girl smiled and said: "I thought you would definitely take me there... Well, let me think about it, for example..."

"For example, when the Kaguya Sect officially settled in Troon as the state religion, His Majesty William spent huge sums of money to build the Great Cathedral? For example, although it should have a very high level of confidentiality, it can be visited by people casually? "

Ji Xiaodao raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Or is it the largest and most luxurious chamber of commerce building complex in the entire southwest continent, located in the center of the Troon business district?"

Gaweier stuck out her tongue and nodded: "Yeah, actually, I really thought you would take me to those places at first."

"That may indeed be the 'best-looking' one, but I don't think that's what you most want to see and understand."

Ji Xiaodao raised his right hand and let an extremely rare blue morpho butterfly, which was completely icy blue, stop on his slender white fingertips. He smiled and said, "Perhaps for the locals, the places I just mentioned are indeed It has a high ornamental value, but you are different, Gaweier, you are the princess of Griffin, and one of the most elite and noble people in that dynasty whose national power is almost dozens of times that of Chauvin."

Gaweier blinked curiously and asked puzzledly: "So?"

"So although I have never been to your Griffin's royal capital, Brorid, I know without guessing that that royal city with a long history must have more breathtaking 'landmarks'."

Ji Xiaodao smiled, raised his hand and let fly the butterfly on his fingertips, which had a lot of beautiful meanings, but was actually only due to some kind of disease in the body to have such a beautiful color, and said lightly: "You must have seen Bi Huiye The sect's headquarters is a more solemn auditorium. You can read Griffin's ups and downs history at any time, which is far longer than the Chauvin Empire. The gifts you receive together may be able to buy any chamber of commerce that has advanced and retreated with the Chauvin Empire. So what’s the point of asking you to see those things?”

Gaweier, who had never thought about a problem from this perspective, was stunned.

"At least I personally don't think it makes much sense. Of course, if you are interested, we can always go to places that have a long history, are splendid, or are grand in scale."

Ji Xiaodao shrugged and said calmly: "But if you let me choose, I will take you for a walk on a path that can be seen everywhere in Troen as I am now, and take you to eat something that may not be the same." An inelegant but very popular snack in a small area, it will take you to build a sandcastle in the small square in Nancheng District, which is most popular among children. It will take you aimlessly through the city and interact with those who have their own thoughts but People who are always looking forward to tomorrow pass by.”

The eldest princess of the Griffin Dynasty nodded slightly and remained silent for a long time before smiling at Ji Xiaodao: "Thank you."

"You're welcome~"

The dark elf girl raised her hand to brush away a tung leaf that fell on Gaweier's hair, shrugged and said, "I just think you might be more willing to see a real, breathing chauvinism than those stereotyped flashes. "

"A breathing chauvin..."

Gaweier raised her head and gazed lonely at the blue morpho butterfly dancing in the air, and murmured: "If it were that guy, I'm afraid he would lead me to experience this world like Silent Prayer for You in this way. This is the city that raised him..."

Ji Xiaodao shook his head and spread his hands helplessly: "In fact, the 'guy' you just mentioned has often said that if there is a chance, he hopes to lead a certain princess to walk in Troon gracefully. We spent a whole day wandering around the alleys, and he seems to be brooding over your embarrassing first meeting."

"Pfft haha."

Gaweier, with a flash of strange color in her eyes, chuckled, waved her hand and said: "Actually, it's not bad. I thought that guy was quite funny at the time, but he seemed to think that he had left me a very bad impression. Impression."

"Dirty jokes can quickly strengthen friendships between men."

Ji Xiaodao snorted lightly and said leisurely: "His Royal Highness Arthur's communication skills are undoubtedly very superb."

Gaweier smiled narrowly: "In that case, I heard that Lord Sin seems to be quite popular in Chauvin's aristocratic circle, and he has such a good relationship with our Arthur, right? also……"


Ji Xiaodao was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously imagined the scene of someone telling dirty jokes in front of the wine table. He immediately shivered and smiled stiffly: "Should I feel lucky, Mo?" In terms of joking, he is actually quite restrained.”

"Maybe he'll just tell the off-color jokes when you can't see them."


Ji Xiaodao's eyes widened, and it took him a while to realize that the princess next to him with a very exaggerated smile was just joking with him. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and casually said to the person standing in front of him who seemed to be serious. The knight behind him, who seemed a bit careless, ordered: "Aesop, go buy something to drink and come back."

"As you command, Mistress."

The guard, who was wearing the standard plate armor of the Knights of the Tsar's Sword and even his face was covered by a helmet, replied angrily, then bowed slightly to the two ladies on the bench and trotted not far away. stall.

"You come too, Dany."

Gaweier also smiled and nodded to the female officer next to her, and added: "We are treating you."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Because it was rare to see Gaweier as happy as today during this period, Dany, who was in a better mood, smiled and quickly chased after her.

Then, there was a period of silence that was not actually long...

"Silent Prayer."

The first person to break the silence was Gaweier Logan.

"Yeah, I'm listening."

Ji Xiaodao nodded, his tone no longer brisk and clear as before, but the sense of dissonance caused by the conflict between painting style and temperament has been reduced a lot.

"There's going to be a war..."

Although she had never paid attention to the political or military fields in the past twenty years, with her innate talents, during this period, she did not spend this period of time shutting herself in her room and crying in tears as she imagined. , but Gaweier, who was silently 'making up lessons' for herself, still made an accurate judgment, and shared this conclusion with the person next to her in a slightly trembling voice. It was said that she had been living an adventurous life before and had just settled down less than a year ago. The dark elf girl: "War... is inevitable."


The latter did not show any surprise, but nodded calmly and echoed: "It seems so."

"It seems that everyone still doesn't know about Arthur's death..."

Gaweier fixed her gaze on a young couple not far away who were holding a sleeping baby, with happy smiles on their faces, and whispered: "But I'm afraid it won't be long before His Majesty William will make this matter public and announce it. He blamed me, Griffin, for the death of His Excellency Farah Ossis, and brazenly started a national war in a short period of time."


Ji Xiaodao's face was still calm and he said calmly: "In fact, the news of Arthur's death has been gradually disclosed to the top officials of the empire. Chauvin had already prepared for war half a month ago. Although under the control of His Majesty William, It has not affected the people yet, but the country has actually entered a state of war."

"The envoy and I came here with peaceful demands, but the premise of the emperor's brother sending us here is that there is absolutely no possibility of compromise by the Chauvinian Empire."

Gaweier held Ji Xiaodao's cold right hand, stared intensely at the latter's scarlet eyes unique to dark elves, and said word by word: "Griffin needs a war, even though I am a queen. I discovered it only after being belatedly, but all signs are proving that Brother Chiwetel and Eliza are planning a terrifying war, and in this war, the Chauvin Empire will bear the brunt."

"So this tranquility and peace can't last long, I know."

Ji Xiaodao smiled, held Gao Weier's trembling little hand, and said softly: "I am very lucky to be able to accompany you leisurely while this country still maintains the appearance that Arthur is most familiar with. Take a walk."

"I will keep everything today in my memory and never forget it."

Gaweier pursed her lips, showed a sad smile, and said abruptly: "Come with me, Silent Prayer."

Ji Xiaodao blinked and repeated in surprise: "Follow you?"

"That's right, come with me, follow me to Griffin."

Gaweier took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "In the name of Gaweier Logan, I will protect you. I will protect you at all costs. If possible, I can also find a way to get rid of the crime." Your Excellency has received Griffin, and although as a war-fighter, it may be difficult for him to trust me, the eldest Princess Griffin, but as long as you are here, he will definitely consider it carefully!"

Ji Xiaodao frowned, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I don't quite understand..."

"You must understand! The Chauvinist Empire cannot resist the Griffin Dynasty. I know my brother, and I know Chiwetel Logan. Perhaps his fundamental purpose in starting the war is to eliminate the influence of the old nobles, but this does not It doesn’t mean he will let Chauvin go! In other words, the only thing he won’t let go is the Chauvin Empire!”

Gaweier held Ji Xiaodao's hands tightly and said in a tone that was almost pleading: "Griffin may compromise with the Adolf Free Territory, the Dreamland Theocracy, and the Silver Wings Alliance, but But for the chauvinist empire that has not yet risen but is already extremely wealthy, he will definitely choose to eat it dry and wipe it clean to regain his strength!"

"Well, maybe."

Ji Xiaodao gently patted the back of Gaweier's hand, but did not show any signs of wavering.

Gaweier bit her silver teeth lightly: "Silent Prayer, I'm not here to be a lobbyist, let alone to persuade Lord Sin and you to surrender. I just..."

"You just don't want us, as Arthur's friends, to die in this unfair national war. You just want to protect us, I know."

Ji Xiaodao didn't let the other party finish, he just rubbed Gaweier's hair affectionately and said softly: "But I can't leave with you. To say the least, even if I am willing to leave with you, that guy will You won’t waver even for a second because of me.”

"But Arthur said Lord Sin, he..."

"I've said it before, Arthur is a very nervous person, Gaweier, not to mention that the vacillation and unwaveringness of Lord Sin Lord in your mouth actually have nothing to do with his feelings for me. relation."


"He won't go just because he believes he won't lose."


"And a big part of the reason why I don't want to go with you is that I believe he won't lose."


Gaweier showed a wry smile but hesitated to speak.

"I know that these words are nothing short of fantasy, and I am not a capable person who can see through the situation at a glance."

Ji Xiaodao raised his head, cast his gaze towards the rare clear blue sky of Troon, and said softly: "I just habitually believe in him, and... I'm sorry, Gaweier, you trust him so much. Me, but there are many things I can’t tell you.”

Gaweier was silent.

It wasn't until Aesop and Dany appeared not far away carrying juice that the Griffin eldest princess murmured in an imperceptible voice: "I hope we can meet again..."

"Will do."

"You are Arthur's friends, and I will always treat you as friends."


"I'm sorry that I said something that bothered you."

"It's me who should apologize."

"Silent Prayer."

"I am listening."

"I have a question and a request. Can you listen to me?"

Gaweier let go of the other party's hand, and her eyes suddenly became profound.


Ji Xiaodao nodded slightly and answered happily.

"When Arthur and I first met, I actually heard him telling vulgar jokes. He only found out about it after he went on a mission to Griffin. At that time, it was only less than 10 minutes before he was assassinated. Six hours.”


"How did you know, Silent Prayer?"

Chapter 1131: End

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