Quadruple split

Chapter 1139 Questions and Requests

"How did you know, Silent Prayer?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess with her clear sky-blue eyes met Ji Xiaodao's eyes. Her hands on her knees were clenched tightly without knowing when, her thin cherry lips pursed lightly, and her soft and charming face was slightly white. There were two faint blushes on her cheeks.

At this moment, Gaweier Logan is like a drowning person trying to reach out for a life-saving straw before completely sinking. The eyes looking at the dark elf girl in front of her are almost overflowing with pleading, and there is even a hint of pleading in them. A subtle morbidity.

Her Highness, who can break through the pattern of the Southwest Continent from scratch in a short period of time, is not clumsy, and there is no reason for her to be clumsy. Even from a genetic point of view, with such a talented and ambitious person like Chiwetel Logan, As a brother, and with a sister as clever and unpredictable as Eliza Logan, the probability that Gaweier will be unable to do anything is naturally infinitely close to zero.

In fact, the eldest princess does have excellent talents and talents, at least in terms of overall perspective. She has been carefully taught by Mo Tan, who has a "chaotic neutral" personality, for several months. Now she is able to handle many trivial matters independently. The Sun Priest Ai Fanye could not compare with Gaweier who had only 'studied' seriously for half a month.

Of course, this is not entirely due to talent. After all, no matter how much Gaweier lives in an ivory tower, she is still the supreme princess of the Griffin Dynasty. Even if she does not care about political affairs, under the influence of years of experience , her starting point is also very, very, very high.

On the other hand, one of the first two Ma Zai who got the role of 'Tan Mo' is our classmate Xiao Ai. Her conditions and environment are much worse than Gaweier's. To be more precise, her condition and environment are much worse. , before leaving Pato City with her husband, Xiao Ai was just a passing village girl, at best a village girl who knew the magic of three-legged cats.

All in all, Gaweier Logan may not be an outrageous genius, but when she made up her mind to no longer be a flower in the greenhouse, the energy she unleashed cannot be underestimated.

For example, she was able to forcibly integrate some small forces that were not very eye-catching without leaving home, and secretly mastered a force under the eyes of [Lion Eye]. Although it was far from powerful, it was A force that cannot be underestimated.

For example, although she was a few beats slow, she still guessed that Brother Chiwetel and Elisa might want to take advantage of Arthur's death to set off a storm that Griffin was destined to not have the last laugh in, trying to combine all the years of All efforts ended in one battle, completely dragging the Southwest Continent into the quagmire of war.

For example, although she was in a state of agitation, she still keenly caught the problem in Ji Xiaodao's words just now, and noticed something strange in it.

Gaweier clearly remembered that the time when Arthur knew that she actually heard his "vulgar joke about goblins, fishmen and ogres" was on the 9th of the Frost Moon Chant not long ago, and the place was her On the second floor of the [White Lion Mansion] where I often stay, at that time... I had just promised Arthur that he would find opportunities to visit the Chauvin Empire in the future, and both I and Arthur knew very well that it was not just a simple ' Come play' commitment.

In fact, from that moment on, Gaweier Logan had made up her mind to entrust her life to the prince with a beautiful smile.

【How sloppy~】

After that, every time I think about how seriously I said to that guy, "I have to investigate," I feel my face get hot, and I feel that I was definitely possessed by a ghost at that time, and that's why I said such inappropriate words. Come.

There is absolutely no restraint that a princess should have!

It's a pity that at that time, I had almost made it clear that I was willing to be with him and didn't mind letting him accompany the man for the rest of his life. On the same day, the 9th of the Frost Moon Chant in the Holy Calendar 9571, on Scarlet Palace was assassinated.

I have no chance to regret it.

Because he can no longer hear it.

From that day on, Gaweier Logan regarded herself as Arthur Bohe's lover. During this period, except for the night of Arthur's death and the rare ten-year period at the Sin Lord's Mansion where she was able to let herself go. Apart from crying twice a minute, the eldest princess actually did not follow everyone's conventional thinking and shed tears all day long. Instead, she has been working hard in her own way to try to track down the real culprit who killed Arthur.

She just simply wanted to avenge Arthur, and had no other thoughts besides that.

This time, she took the initiative to propose to the imperial brother that she wanted to go to Chauvin with the envoy. On the one hand, Gaweier wanted to visit Troon, who raised Arthur, and on the other hand, she wanted to maintain a relationship with herself. 'Potential allies' with the same purpose reached a consensus, such as Arthur's good friend, who must also be eager to find out the real murderer.

No one knows better than Gavel, who is a member of the Griffin royal family, how terrifying an enemy is who always hides in the shadows and darkness. In fact, the opponent has the ability to kill Arthur Burrow in front of everyone. This chauvinistic prince, when his investigation reaches a certain level, in other words, when it is enough to pose a threat to the 'murderer', he may one day be solved neatly.

However, Gaweier was not afraid. She even felt that if one day came, it would be good to seek explanation from someone who had taken the first step.

Failure and death did not scare her.

If you are lucky enough to succeed, then fight the murderer to the end. If you lose, you will die at most. If you win, maybe it would be good to become a nun in the Kaguya Sect or the Holy Sect Union in the Northeast Continent.

This is what Gaweier thinks.

Very simple, very pragmatic, very generous, and very naive.

But for a girl who has just stepped out of the ivory tower, being able to complete this level of planning is actually pretty good.

Then, impulsively, Gaweier sent an invitation to Silent Prayer, who she should have tried her best to persuade to help find the real murderer, hoping that the other party and the sin lord, who was quite influential in the Chauvin Empire, would put their lives first.

As expected and reasonable, the other party refused.

Then, Gaweier finally turned the topic to the blind spot that she had deliberately ignored in order to maintain a clear mind!

She knew very well that after the question was uttered, she would not be able to remain calm no matter what.

As far as he knew, Arthur knew about that incident less than half a day before he was assassinated.

During this period of time, although I was not with him the whole time, the time I spent apart was very few.

So, why exactly, why did Silent Prayer know about this?

Gaweier stared at the pair of steady eyes just a short distance away, not knowing what she was expecting.

In fact, the most likely and reasonable explanation is that Arthur knew that Gavel had heard his 'vulgar joke' a long time ago, and he just pretended not to know that Gavel knew it, and it was not until recently that he seemed to suddenly realize it I walked down the slope through the steps.

Under this premise, it is not surprising that Mo and Silent Prayer, who have a close personal relationship with Arthur, know about this.

If Ji Xiaodao gave the above answer immediately, it would not be difficult to deceive Gaweier.

However, she remained silent.

Ji Xiaodao was silent for nearly five seconds. He was so silent that when Aesop and Danni, who had gone to buy drinks, were about to walk back to the two of them, he said softly: "Let this question be kept until the next time we meet. It’s time.”

"Silent Prayer?"

Gaweier's eyes widened.

"Well, question time is over."

Ji Xiaodao ended the topic unilaterally rather arrogantly, and then smiled at Gaweier who was stunned on the spot: "If I remember correctly, you should have another request?"

Gaweier took a deep breath, calmed down, nodded slightly, then suddenly raised her little finger and pointed at Aesop who had just walked back: "Can you let him take off his helmet?"

Ji Xiaodao blinked: "What?"

The tall guard wearing the standard armor of the Tsarist Knights and looking like an airtight iron can was also stunned, and then pointed at himself blankly: "Huh?"

"Your Highness?"

Dany also showed a particularly blank expression, looking very confused.

"Yes, I wish Mr. Aesop would take off his helmet."

Gaweier repeated her request, and said calmly under the astonished gazes of Ji Xiaodao, Danni, and Aesop: "This is my request."

After a brief silence...

"I see."

Ji Xiaodao nodded and smiled helplessly: "If you insist, okay..."


Aesop was holding the iced drink blankly, and turned to look at Ji Xiaodao at a loss.

"Take off your helmet, Aesop."

Ji Xiaodao turned to look at him and said in an unquestionable tone: "This is the order of His Highness Gaweier."

Aesop coughed slightly in embarrassment: "But, I am the bodyguard sent by Marshal Galahad to Lord Sin..."

"Your Lord of Sin is not here."

Ji Xiaodao glanced at Aesop coldly and said softly: "I have the final say now."

"All right……"

After struggling to no avail, Aesop reluctantly raised his hands and surrendered. Then, under Gaweier's steady gaze, he sighed quietly and slowly took off the pure black helmet made of rare metal.

The next second, a face that looked about thirty years old and seemed to have suffered extensive burns came into view.

"Alright, Your Highness the wicked princess."

Aesop casually smoothed his sweat-soaked gray hair, glanced coldly at Gaweier Logan, who was standing in front of him, and curled his lips impatiently: "Any other requests? ? Maybe you want me to spin around twice? Learn a few more Nikachu sounds? Nika-nika Nika-nika-chu?"

Dany immediately took a step forward, glaring unkindly at the slovenly knight in front of her: "Watch your words, guard, what's in front of you is..."

"A princess with a bad personality."

Gaweier tugged on Dany's sleeves and let out a long sigh as if all her strength had been taken away. She bowed slightly to Aesop in front of her: "I'm sorry, Mr. Aesop, I was too willful. As compensation, …”

"Can you let me get off work early?"

Aesop rushed to answer without waiting for Gaweier to finish, and shrugged: "To be honest, this is Troon. As long as you don't attack the palace on a whim, there is no danger at all, and that Dan... Miss Ni is much stronger than me, so even if I am here..."


Ji Xiaodao said lightly.

"Well, there's nothing to compensate for that."

Aesop rolled his eyes and asked rudely while playing with the helmet in his hand: "Then can I put this thing back on? Your Highness's curiosity should have been satisfied, right?"

"Of course, Mr. Aesop."

Gaweier bit her lower lip lightly and said with a slightly red face: "Please forgive me for being presumptuous. It's really... um... I..."

"Aha, you don't need to explain. After all, it's really strange to be wearing this thing in this weather."

Aesop lazily interrupted Gaweier, casually put the helmet back on, and said angrily: "It doesn't matter, I'm used to it."

Gaweier: "..."

"Okay, ladies, here comes this gentleman who is not allowed to leave work early no matter how impatient he is."

Ji Xiaodao stood up with a smile, took the drink from Aesop's hand, and clapped his hands gently: "The pleasant rest time is over, we still have a full half-day trip."

Game time PM19:47

The Chauvin Empire, the royal capital of Trone, the residence of the guilty lord

After a sumptuous dinner, Ji Xiaodao personally delivered Gaweier and Danni to the door of the mansion, and watched them board the carriage heading to the temporary mansion. They paused for a long time in the warm evening breeze before turning around and returning. Opportunity to bask in the starlight of the courtyard.

"To be honest, sister-in-law, I really have no idea what you are thinking."

Not long ago, he showed himself as 'Aesop', but now he has returned to his handsome face with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and short brown hair. He sighed softly and tugged at the corner of his mouth helplessly.

He was wearing a style that was completely different from the Tsar's Sword standard knight armor. The whole body was made of some kind of invisible material, which seemed to be made of some kind of synthetic material. He also wore this about three feet long armor on his waist. , the silver sword that was always surrounded by wind was completely different from the rustic appearance during the day.

It's not that he deliberately wants to look more cool, it's because everything on him, including the armor, is part of 'White King Arthur'. It's okay to be separated from the body for a short time, but in Merlin, it is completely completed [independent body] 】Before the project, if you leave this equipment for a long time, Arthur's existence itself will be dangerous.

That's why he had to reappear in front of Ji Xiaodao in this fully armed appearance.

"In fact, a lot of the time I don't know what I'm thinking."

Ji Xiaodao calmly looked at the figure who seemed a little lonely under the moonlight in front of him, and said lightly: "But I remember you seemed to have said that you wanted to take her for a walk in Troon in person."

"Should I thank you?"

"It's not necessary, I just did what I wanted to do."

"Seriously, sister-in-law, you..."

"I'm not fit for this place. I'm tired of hearing that."


"So please stop stressing about this."

Chapter 1,132: End

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