Quadruple split

Chapter 1140 Bad Girl

The whole story is actually not complicated...

Under Ji Xiaodao's order, after Li Fu prepared the exquisite snacks, he immediately contacted Arthur who was underground in the Duke of Garros' residence through the "special channels" in the Sin Lord's residence, and simply told Gaweier ·Notice of Logan's whereabouts was given to the latter.

And Arthur, who had been working with the old man in Merlin's black workshop and had basically been adapting to his new body during this period of time, almost didn't even think about it after learning the news. He asked the familiar old man Merlin to help him and changed himself into external armor to deal with emergencies.

Not only that, although he was very impatient with the world, Merlin, who could be considered a veteran, even enthusiastically replaced Arthur's face. Although the fundamental purpose was entirely to obtain experimental data, he still flattered him. He said, "If that girl really can't forget you, it's probably not safe to just wear a helmet." He successfully persuaded Arthur, who had lost his ability to judge normally.

Of course, the development of the matter also proved the correctness of Merlin's proposal. From a literary point of view, it may be due to some inexplicable resonance between lovers, although Arthur basically did not say a few words during the 'guarding' process. However, Her Royal Highness Gabriel Logan was still keenly aware of something, and made a request that Mr. Aesop take off his helmet.

To be honest, if Merlin hadn't provided Arthur with an extra layer of insurance in advance and put a ruined quality skin on his handsome face, the situation might have gotten out of control in advance, adding more trouble to someone's plan that didn't originally have a blind spot. A lot of unnecessary risk.

In fact, today's encounter, which was neither expected nor reasonable, was completely unnecessary for the camps that Arthur and Ji Xiaodao were in at this moment.

And this is the core reason why Arthur said to Ji Xiaodao before, "I really don't understand what you are thinking at all."

For Arthur, who has been eroded by some kind of power, but has not lost himself, it is difficult for him to remain indifferent after learning that Gaweier has come to the Sin Lord's Mansion. In addition, there is Merlin who can turn decay into magic. There is a 'technical consultant', even if the same thing happens again, he will 100% choose to act impulsively.

But if you don’t let yourself know, nothing will happen, and all accidents will be nipped in the cradle.


"Although from my position, I am not qualified to say that to you."

Arthur scratched his hair in distress, spread his hands and said, "But brother and sister, if you don't do this well today, our layout will definitely be turbulent. You should know this even if I don't need to say it."

Ji Xiaodao nodded and raised his eyebrows: "So?"

"So you shouldn't actually do it."

Arthur sighed and shrugged: "To be honest, sister-in-law, even if I find out afterwards, I will never blame you, so you don't have to..."

"I think you may have some strange misunderstandings about me as a person, Arthur."

Ji Xiaodao interrupted Arthur lightly and whispered in a cold tone: "Although I don't know why you have such a ridiculous cognitive bias, but... you seem to regard me as a good girl with a kind heart. "

Arthur smiled: "Isn't it?"

"I once felt resistance and dissatisfaction when Mo killed Farah. I also felt sad when he planned to assassinate you. I even apologized to you afterwards. I didn't want to go to Merlin's workshop because he was in most of the They are doing cruel experiments that make me sick to my stomach just looking at them."

Ji Xiaodao glanced at Arthur, whose smile became softer, and said coldly: "But have I done anything? In the ruins of Banser City, when he, Galahad, and Garros worked together to encircle and kill When he was with Farah, I was helping him contain another agent sent by Tianzhu Mountain; as for Merlin's unbearable experiments, I just chose to avoid them and never tried to stop his crazy behavior; The bullet that caused you to die in agony, one-third of the materials were collected by me personally.”

Arthur's expression froze: "But you..."

"I can't even be called a hypocrite, just a selfish and willful woman with a bad personality."

Ji Xiaodao turned away, stared at the bright moon in the sky, and murmured: "Everything I did was just for self-satisfaction. Including what happened today, I didn't do anything for you or Gewei." I thought about it even for a second, but I just wanted to do it, so I did it. Do you think this is a sign of tenderness?"

Arthur smiled, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, in my eyes, this is an expression of gentleness."

"But that's just my tenderness towards myself, not towards you. It's just ridiculous self-satisfaction."

Ji Xiaodao sneered, shook his head and said: "Whether you, Jia Wen or Merlin, maybe you are all sharp blades in Mo's hands now, tools destined to be stained with blood and sin, but standing aside Am I innocent? Not to mention that I am always helping the evildoers, even if I just watch indifferently, I will be a part of this crime, right? "

Arthur was silent.

"Merlin said, this place is not suitable for me; Gawen said, this place is not suitable for me; you also said, this place is not suitable for me, haha."

Ji Xiaodao smiled self-deprecatingly and murmured: "It's fine if you all think I'm a burden, but the reason why you said this is based on the ridiculous notion of 'Silent Prayer is a good girl'" Under the premise.”

"So, uh..."

Arthur touched the tip of his nose and asked tentatively: "Are you a bad girl?"

The girl smoothed her silver hair, which shimmered under the moonlight, and snorted: "A bad summary."

"It's really bad. I've never been very good at talking. When I confessed to Gaweier, I always came straight to the point. If it hadn't been for our handsome and generous personality, someone else would have been completely cool."

Arthur laughed, and then said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "Brother and sister, you know, I am also a prince after all, so since I was very young, I have attended all kinds of messy occasions with my father. When I get older, I have to participate in various social events. Hey, it’s not without its benefits. Gaweier and I met at a social event.”

Ji Xiaodao glanced at him: "So what is the vulgar joke about goblins, fishmen and ogres about?"


Arthur coughed exaggeratedly and said with a dry laugh: "This is not something a good boy should know."

"I'm not a good boy."

"Bad boys shouldn't know."

"I'm not a child."

"Can you let me finish my sentence!?"


The girl frowned impatiently, and then added: "After that, go back quickly, in case someone comes..."

"Just kill him."

Arthur smiled casually, then cleared his throat and continued: "In short, because I have experienced more situations, I have gradually become able to drink. Tsk, what do you call it in your words? Oh, yes, if you don’t go to the head, you’ll only get the kidneys.”

Ji Xiaodao ignored him.

"Anyway, after I turned seventeen, very few people could drink from me."

Arthur smiled proudly, raised his eyebrows and said, "So, sister-in-law, do you know what the favorite words of those who got drunk by me are?"

"Do men and women have sex?"

"Can we have a nice chat?"

"I don't think you're having a good conversation."


Arthur was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly put away the slovenly look on his face, and said softly: "What those drunk people like to say the most is, I'm not drunk."

Ji Xiaodao's eyes narrowed.

"And for someone like me, who already has a hard time drinking too much, it's the exact opposite."

Arthur shrugged, spread his hands and said, "We often like to say 'I can't, I can't drink anymore'."

The girl narrowed her eyes slightly: "What exactly do you want to express?"


Arthur casually took out a hooded black cloak from the storage ring that he had used since childhood and was made by Farah Ossis, and slowly covered himself: "If you have to say... no matter what How about, I'm very grateful to you for giving me this opportunity to accompany Gao Wei'er for a nice walk around Troon, this is what I owe her."

Ji Xiaodao didn't speak, just walked slowly towards the main hall in silence.

"Gaweier Logan has no use value..."


"The Griffin Dynasty will perish..."


"I'll kill her."


"Haha, let's change the topic. Have you received any contact from Mo recently?"


"Tell me, what is he doing right now~"

"have no idea."

"Are you kissing and cuddling with the little girl somewhere unknown to us?"

"have no idea."

"Tsk tsk, don't be angry. I just said casually. It's impossible for his character to do such a thing. Even if he really cuddles with others, it's just for fun."

"I thought you had known for a long time that he and I were just playing along from the beginning."

"Are you really not considering pretending to be a real person?"


A jet of black flames flashed and struck straight at the back of Arthur's head.


Arthur, who casually extinguished Ji Xiaodao's Void Flame Sword Wheel, grinned and said cheerfully: "Brothers and sisters, don't look at me like this. I'm an epic after all. You can't do it even with the body you had during the day. It’s the opponent’s.”


"So, do you think Mo will cuddle with others outside and make fun of them?"


Ji Xiaodao walked to the door of the room and sighed softly.

"I am here."

After finally withstanding Merlin's 'medication', Dora Shika, who had completely stabilized her strength at the epic level half a month before Arthur, slowly emerged from the shadow of the study.

"beat him."

"Can't beat him."


"Your Excellency King Bai had already ran away when I first came out."




"I don't think the master will hug anyone else, so don't worry."


at the same time

Northwest continent, eastern border of Toril city-state, deep in a certain underground cave

Mo was carried on Bodos's broad shoulders and said apologetically, "I'm sorry..."

"Blame it on me, I shouldn't have trusted your sense of direction!"

Kicking away the devastated body of the giant rockworm next to him, Porthos, who almost killed his way through the entire cave in order to find his companion on his shoulder, gasped and said, "But brother, can you tell me? , how on earth did you manage to plunge into the deepest place when there was only one way? Conscience of heaven and earth, I just thought that you suddenly couldn't think about it and planned to commit suicide."


Because he had been fighting with the middle-level earth-boring insects around him for two hours, Mo, who was covered in bruises and almost exhausted, opened his mouth. After all, he couldn't say anything to refute, because even he felt that This thing is quite magical.

The two of them originally just came to help the Apothecary Association branch in Beaver Town collect [Glow-in-the-Dark Mushrooms] and dig out fishing bait for Aramis, who was recently addicted to fishing. However, without paying attention, Porthos noticed that Mo beside him was missing. At first, he didn't do anything. Care, after all, as mentioned just now, there is only one downhill path in this crypt, and things like [Luminous Mushroom] can only be found near the entrance of the cave, so even if he knows that his partner's sense of direction is not very good, Portos still I really didn't expect this guy to be able to get away like this.

It was not until two hours later that Portos, who successfully collected two baskets of [Luminescent Mushrooms], finally realized that something seemed a little wrong, and based on the fact that he was always wandering near the entrance of the cave, he came to the conclusion that 'Mo did not leave early' , and then began to look for it anxiously.

So he started walking down. The further he walked, the colder his heart became.

The reason is simple. After passing through the safer first half of the cave, Portos found a large number of 'battle traces' on the road, as well as the corpses of various cave-dwelling monsters, ranging from 'Chaoyin' with almost no combat power but a huge number. Bats', 'Small Circle Stones' that often suddenly pop up and hit people, 'Palas' with poisonous mushrooms on its back, and 'Big Rockworms' whose strength is not too weak among mid-level monsters. Halfway through, Porthos had already begun to trot.

That's right, he thought that Brother Mo, whom he had just met and had a pretty good personality, suddenly lost his mind and planned to commit suicide.

Then he found Mo when he reached the deepest part of the cave less than a hundred meters away. At that time, the latter was using his last strength to pour the sword into the head of a big rock insect. Anyone could see it. He may have reached his limit.

"Damn it, can't you choose a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to die!?"

Bodos screamed, jumped up, and directly used the totem pole to smash the big rock insect that was not completely dead, struggling and trying to tear off half of Mo's legs with its mouthparts full of sharp teeth.

Mo Ze, who had attempted suicide, turned to look at Portos in surprise——

"Where have you been? Why did so many monsters suddenly come out of the cave entrance!?"

Porthos:? ? ?

Chapter 1,133: End

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