Quadruple split

Chapter 1167 Lover (VI)

The man laughed dumbly and looked at his lover with eyes full of confusion and nostalgia. Obviously, as a man who occasionally does some side jobs on the side, it can almost be said that he lives for 'Diana A. Azizolti' Guy, Frank Hughes didn't really understand the meaning of the other person's words, but even so, he still enjoyed this inexplicable worry.

After all, who would mind if the person they cherish cares too much about themselves?

So, even though Frank Hughes didn't have any troubles worth mentioning, he still...

"I'm asking you, are you a little more relaxed? Frank."

Long white fingers clumsily pressed Mo Tan's temples. Diana, who was trying to soothe the lover on her lap, suddenly asked again, but she didn't let this endless interesting story and topic always make her happy as before. The man who couldn't help but laugh out loud took the lead in the love conversation.

Frank closed his eyes, grabbed the clumsy and warm little hand, put it against his face, and murmured: "I don't understand what you are talking about at all, my dear, don't I look like that?" yes……"

"It's very similar."

Without letting the other party finish what he said, the woman who gently stroked her lover's cheek nodded seriously, and then repeated it very firmly: "It's very similar!"

Frank burst out laughing, but did not open his eyes. He just felt the other person's body temperature and asked lazily: "What does it look like?"

"have no idea."

Diana answered confidently, holding her lover's cheek, slowly lowering her head, covering her forehead with his, and whispered in Frank's ear in a whisper-like voice: "Because I also said I don’t know, so I don’t know, but...I can feel that this person is trying to show off."

【Trying to be brave? 】

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows subconsciously, and his eyes full of teasing, invisible to Diana, narrowed slightly, but the words in his mouth were still carried by Frank Hughes' slightly softer voice: "I'm starting to get a little worried. It’s you, darling.”

"Are you ever worried about me?"

The great astrologer, who did not need to be worried in any sense, raised his head, wrinkled his nose at the lover whose eyes instantly became clear and calm, and playfully brushed a strand of hair from the latter's forehead: "But I But I rarely worry about you~"

Frank was stunned for a moment, then showed a complicated smile: "I feel like I heard something hurtful."

"Is it possible? Even if it is possible, you have Frank to blame yourself."

Diana covered her mouth and smiled softly. Under her long eyelashes, her beautiful eyes narrowed into two cute crescent moons: "Who told you to always look at ease, making people feel that no matter what kind of difficulty it is, you can't stop it?" Without you, people will always unconsciously want to rely on you, and people can't help but want to believe in you without reservation."

Frank froze.

The reason is not complicated, that is, what Diana said just now does not seem to apply to the man named 'Frank Hughes' at this moment.

"I have never been a smart person. Although I am indeed talented in some aspects, in Ana's words, I just like to stare at the stars and listen to boring stories. I am not good at socializing with others. And a stupid woman who lacks common sense is completely incomparable to truly smart people like her and Futaba."

Diana stared at her lover quietly, the curve of her mouth was happy and sweet: "And I have never concealed this in front of you, so... I can also be liked and loved by Frank. Every time I think of it, This makes me very happy.”

Frank took a deep breath of the good-smelling air, and his expression slowly became serious: "Diana, I..."

"Frank is a very good man. Although he does not have Diana's power or wealth, he is still better than Diana."

The woman pouted unreasonably and said without any doubt: "Because Diana is very reckless and often can't understand words, it will make Ana worry, make little Futaba worry, and even make Frank worry... "

Mo Tan, who was playing the role of someone, fell silent.

He knew very well that Diana had not finished her words, and now she probably wanted to finish her words from the bottom of her heart. Even though those words made no sense to him, he could not find a reason to keep her silent. .

So just be silent, because Frank Hughes deserves to be silent at this moment.

"But Frank is different, not at all like Diana."

Holding a strand of flaxen hair hanging on her shoulders, Diana tried to tickle her lover's nose and said proudly: "Frank is always reassuring, just like the stars in the sky, always. It runs so naturally, even if you can't see it with the naked eye during the day, you know it's there."

Mo Tan's smile seemed to freeze for a moment.

Because in his memory, in his imagination, in his understanding, although Frank Hughes was a charming man, there was no similar trait in his personality.

Frank should be a weak, romantic, gentle, dedicated, humorous, thoughtful, and whimsical man, not the kind of star in the sky that you can't see when you look down, or can't see when you look up.

[So, why exactly...]

Just when he subconsciously wanted to seek the answer, those bright eyes that seemed to contain dazzling stars gave him an explicit hint.

Diana A. Azizolti was indeed a somewhat clumsy woman, and Mo Tan knew this well.

But similarly, in addition to being a stupid woman, she is also the youngest great astrologer in the Innocence Continent for thousands of years, and the profession of astrologer can almost be said to be one of the answers to the concept of occultism.

Unlike the real world outside the game, in the world of innocence, there is no such thing as a "magic stick".

In the real world, things like astrology and fortune-telling basically rely on a kind of existence called "speech". It is a kind of language that focuses on observing words, watching, hearing and asking (?), and makes the wrongdoer willingly take out the money and shout "Fuck!" Language arts and psychological games.

In Mo Tan's impression, this woman who was leaning on his knees with a face full of concern was almost antonym to concepts such as 'language art' and 'psychological game'. In fact, as an emotional intelligence person, it was not considered A talented academic who grew up in an ivory tower with a slightly off-kilter personality, Diana has never been a qualified 'god'.

But she is not without support.

This person, who has shown extremely high talent in the field of advanced mysticism that is different from Kenneth since she was a child, is favored by the starry sky above her head. Her unreasonable intuition is her biggest reliance.


"I think Frank is different today than usual. He seems very tired."

Diana stroked Frank Hughes's cheek affectionately and whispered: "Then Frank is tired."

The great astrologer's tyranny and unreasonableness were clearly revealed at this moment——

She doesn’t want Frank to feel it, she wants her to feel it.

She thinks Frank is tired, Frank is tired.

Groundless and easy to understand.

If Mo Tan was telling the truth, there would be at least dozens of ways to fool a girl like Diana who was deeply in love, no matter how unreasonable the other party's intuition was.

But he doesn't want to do that now.

On the one hand, it's because Mo Tan doesn't want Diana to doubt her useful and correct intuition. After all, for a person who specializes in occultism, trusting one's own intuition is very important. The cost-effectiveness of forcibly stripping it off is simply too low.

On the other hand...

"Okay, maybe I'm a little tired."

Mo Tan closed his eyes again, rubbed his face sideways on Diana's smooth and white legs, and confessed somewhat helplessly: "I'm exhausted."

The fingertips that were gently stroking his cheeks stiffened slightly.

"Is it because of me?"

The woman's voice, full of worries and uneasiness, sounded in my ears, but it was strangely filled with reassuring magic.

"Not really."

Pulling the quilt to cover himself, Mo Tan lazily shook his head: "It's something that's not convenient to talk about and something that only I can handle. Ha... in the end, it's only possible to deal with it. , after all, I am not confident that I can solve it satisfactorily, and the possibility of it being solved is not small. If possible, if you, my dear, don't ask anything and just lend me your knee honestly, that would be a big help. "

Mo Tan's answer was a subtle silence.

This didn't surprise him. After all, for Diana, who was obsessed with her lover, Frank Hughes, whether it was 'it's not convenient to talk' or 'don't ask anything' in the sentence just now, ', the damage to the latter should not be too small, so even if Diana is angry and loses her favorability, it is completely logical.

You should have unreserved trust in your lover, this is what Frank has boasted in front of Diana more than once, although Mo Tan has always failed or even consumed the latter's trust.

He did not ask Diana to do the same thing, but Diana has always shared everything she knows with Frank, whether it is her vast sea of ​​knowledge or her past as pure as a blank sheet of paper , or things that Mo Tan is not interested in, this woman has never had the slightest reservation about her lover.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, used countless fabrications, lies and fictions to create an image that was equally sincere and even more deeply in love with Diana than Diana.

A figure who saw himself as a satellite, spinning tirelessly around Diana all day long and seeing her as everything - Frank Hughes.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this unrealistic world, Mo Tan successfully created Frank, an even more unrealistic existence, accomplished a feat that only a madman could accomplish, and successfully captured that precious heart.

However, at this moment, Mo Tan broke this perfection with his lazy and lazy tone.

As Diana had judged, he was very tired and irritable now, and today, when the former had almost completely fallen, it would not be a big deal for Frank to have a slight flaw. At least he could continue to use Diana until he completely completed his attack on Futaba. Kill the game.

So in this fanatic's perception, when he is really tired and in no mood to coax anyone, whether it is Frank who is about to lose his value or Diana who is of the same value as Frank, It doesn't matter if I don't care about it as much as I used to.

If nothing unexpected happens, one of them or Futaba will not be able to leave Academy City alive, and no matter what the outcome is, the utilization value of Diana A. Archizolti will drop to a freezing point.

So...since I'm too lazy to deal with it now, I might as well just be more casual. Even if my sincerity that never existed will be doubted, it doesn't hurt.

Because before Diana's suspicion ends, another game will decide the winner.

Mo Tan thinks he has a pretty good grasp of this level of psychological control.

If only to this extent...


With a pleasant chuckle, Mo Tan opened his eyes in surprise.

What caught his eye was a beautiful face that showed no hint of displeasure or doubt, but instead was filled with a happy smile.

"I'm happy, Frank."

The pretty-faced owner leaned down with a blush on his face, challenged the system's tolerance on Mo Tan's profile, and repeated softly: "I'm really happy."

It has to be said that Mo Tan, whose current personality is 'Chaotic Neutral' and whose expression remains unchanged even if Taishan spins and jumps in front of him, is also a little dazed.

He didn't understand why the woman in front of him, who he thought was just innocent, but now seemed to be somewhat seriously ill, would say such a thing.

Very happy?

Being told not to ask any more questions by the person who had always had no reservations, being excluded from something, being unwilling to share even his troubles, and being deprived of the value of being talked to. In this case, Diana... A. This woman Achizolti actually said that she was very happy?

Isn't she a hidden bitch? !

"Because Frank now feels real to me."

Diana gently took the pillow and put it under Mo Tan's head to replace her knees. Then she lay on her side obediently, hugging the pillow that was not spacious at any time and now even warmer. His body was not as good as before. He put his forehead on Mo Tan's shoulder and murmured: "I'm not very good at talking... so I don't know how to describe this feeling... but it's not bad."


"The Frank before was also very good. He was the Frank I loved very much, but..."


"It's just because it's so good that I feel like I can't catch it. I always feel like it won't be surprising if I lose you."


"Ah! I didn't mean to say you are bad now, it's just... um... um..."

"It's okay, I understand, so what?"

"So now Frank always feels that he can be a little more relaxed. Although he is worried, he seems to be more... at ease."


"I'm so bad. Even though Frank is so troubled, I just take care of myself and get down to business."




"are you asleep?"


"Then why don't you say anything?"

"Haha, I'm afraid you won't be at ease again when I talk."

"Ah! I'm not..."

"I'm kidding you, I was just distracted~"

"oh oh!"

Chapter 1,160: End

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