Quadruple split

Chapter 1168 The cheater’s game (II)

It was an extraordinarily quiet night.

The delicate pendulum ticked on the wall, but it did not conflict with this peace at all. Instead, it made everything around it more lazy with the starlight that seeped into the room outside the window.

It was a rare occasion when Frank Hughes was not lulling Diana to sleep with his seemingly endless stories.

Normally, as long as the two key elements of 'Frank' and 'Bed' are collected at the same time, you will immediately start to feel sleepy. Even if someone who is tired of watching whispers those stories that you are tired of hearing in your ears, you will become sleepy in just ten years. Diana Azizolti, who fell asleep within a few minutes, was also unusually not too tired.

At some point, Diana, who had been leaning against Mo Tan, sat up again and lent her knees to her lover who seemed very tired for some reason.

For a moment, neither of the two people spoke.

The woman with delicate and soft appearance, exuding indescribable charm, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and there was no sleepiness in her pair of not shrewd but extremely bright eyes, which were always firmly locked on the face of the man lying on her lap.

She only has him in her eyes, whether it's the short past, the fleeting present, or the endless future.

The man who is at the mercy of the other person lazily closes his eyes and stingily refuses to let the other person have a place in his thoughts.

Completely different from Diana who cared about her wholeheartedly, Mo Tan just selfishly thought about his own affairs in this rare tranquility for 'Mo Tan'.

Diana was right.

At this moment, Mo Tan, although he was in good health both inside and outside the game, he was also exhausted.

This is true even for Mo Tan, who currently has a 'chaotic neutral' personality.

Saints also die.

Crazy people get tired too.

It is definitely not possible to examine, analyze, and understand an almost knotted situation with an absolutely calm perspective in just ten minutes, and to come up with countermeasures and put them into practice in a shorter period of time. A simple thing.

Mo Tan did it. Although it was not easy, he finally weaved a clumsy, crude 'solution' full of countless flaws and loopholes, and laid down a A 'draft' riddled with holes.

He needs to perfect it, he must perfect it, and not only that, he still needs to face the most core and realistic problem that he deliberately left behind not long ago.

That is the identity of 'Mo Tan', and it is very likely that he has been exposed.

Although it is unimaginable and difficult to admit, we have to face the possibility of this matter.

I can't understand it, but there is absolutely no room for contempt.

It has to be said that things have evolved into something extremely disturbing.

Lying on Diana's legs, letting the latter use her unfamiliar massage skills to toss his scalp and temples, Mo Tan did not relieve fatigue as the woman expected, but instead turned his thoughts crazily, trying to put aside the sudden sudden change. Layers of fog that engulfed oneself.

This is a serious and unfair fight.

It's far more dangerous than Frank Hughes trying to sexually harass Futaba in front of Diana.

that person……

If nothing else, he should be the one who provided unexpected help to Buffy Marshall in the Violet Empire and escaped unscathed in the final battle.

Although the public did not know at the time whether it was a specific person or a group with a complex structure and diverse functions, Mo Tan and Futaba still gave it a concise and catchy code name - [Silly No. 1]. 】

Of course, although the two of them took it together, just like Black Sun's operations led by Futaba in the past years, Mo Tan, who volunteered as an assistant, was only responsible for providing suggestions and checking for deficiencies, and was not involved in any decision-making. Sexual things, so in the final analysis, this name was established by Futaba who was extremely angry because the original plan was fundamentally ruined.

In fact, the guy who was regarded as a huge hidden danger by Futaba, Motan and Xiu after his appearance had absolutely nothing to do with the word 'silly'.

In Mo Tan's understanding, The Innocence of Innocence has always been a very magical game, even excluding its grand history that is so detailed that it makes people go numb, a large number of details that are not even necessary for a 'game', and its intelligence that is so The only difference between them and humans is that they are native by being defined as NPCs. This game is too magical.

For example, the division of camps.

For example, the gift of talent.

Needless to say about the former, Mo Tan himself is a perfect example.

As for the latter, except for Cordoba, there is no one called [Unlucky]. This talent is somewhat incomprehensible to Mo Tan. Almost every player has been given a talent with 100% compatibility by the system.

And if we continue to delve deeper on this basis...

After completing the initial orientation, it seems that you can choose one of three "free employment".

Various ‘random rewards’ obtained after completing various tasks.

It stands to reason that there should be no regular ‘spawn point’ at all.

Combining a large amount of data, Mo Tan has reason to believe that these things may not be truly 'random', or to put it more accurately, they are 'random within a certain range'.

To give two simple examples, high-level rewards in the Innocence Realm generally have descriptive patterns. The first is the easy-to-understand ‘? ? ? ’, and the other is ‘Get XXX randomly’.

Although both are unknown, according to Mo Tan's guess, the former should be a fixed reward, that is, the content under the question mark has been established and will not change no matter who gets it.

The second type varies from person to person. In this case, players who meet the reward conditions will generally get things that are not too incompatible with them. If it is really particularly bad, for example, a male player will get something after completing the task. As a random reward, he received a set of [Hot Bikini] which is only for female players or special talents. Then there are probably only two answers. Either the system wants to trick him, or that person is Cordoba.

This is not a joke (although it is quite funny).

There are many examples that can be found, but to say in [? ? ? ] The most intuitive one in the reward field is indeed the first official mission that the character ‘Tan Mo’ received after the guidance mission, which is [Go to Pato City and destroy ‘Hero’ Dave].

Needless to say the specific process, the final outcome is that Mo Tan perfectly pulled out the Whispering Cultists including but not limited to Dave Sager, and gained his first high-quality equipment [Hundred Conditions].

So, if you think about it backwards...

If [Hundred Forms] is the hidden reward of this mission, then we have to think about the reason why this piece of equipment is so compatible with Mo Tan, even if it is tailor-made, it is not an exaggeration.

At the beginning, Mo Tan was actually a little confused, but when he jumped out of the inherent thinking framework, everything became simpler again.

To put it directly, the conclusion is——

Although the task is fixed and the reward is fixed, in the final analysis, the system of Innocence has the final say as to who can receive this task. So, as long as it eliminates those people who have absolutely no chance of completing this task in advance, For example, in Cordoba, which was also in the city of Pato at that time, the range of choices was actually quite small.

Combined with the difficulty and complexity of this task, those who can successfully complete it and get the rewards, even if they are not the character 'Tan Mo', will probably have excellent compatibility with the equipment [Hundred States].

Of course, violent cracking methods are not ruled out. For example, Cordoba, who has obtained the rune body, if he is willing, even if he does not follow the routine, he will rush into Pato City and find the hero named Dave. ', Hanging Ya on the flagpole and taking off his pants can be regarded as 'ruining' him in a sense.

And this happens to be an explanation for [talent].

Cordoba, who possesses the talent of [Transcendence], cannot equip anything.

Therefore, even if he obtained [Hundred Forms] through such despicable behavior, he would not be able to use it flexibly. At best, he would just waste a good piece of equipment.

Because of poor compatibility, it cannot be used, and the reason why it cannot be used lies in other aspects.

A series of seemingly unimaginable things turn out to be more reasonable than imagined when put together.

After all, if Cordoba's luck hadn't been so bad and it hadn't had those unlucky talents...

Then from the time you create a character (for the Nth time), you gain extremely powerful power out of thin air. You don’t need to level up or do quests. You only need to be regularly transformed by Master Lu to firmly occupy the second place in the combat power rankings. His existence itself is too much.

They are all intertwined, and it’s terrifying to think about them carefully.

This is Mo Tan’s summary and summary of the game Innocence after having an in-depth understanding of the game in the past six months.

As for the reward of [randomly receiving XXX], it is easier to explain.

Not long ago, the [Akatsuki] I got when I was a Mo can freely switch to various forms. Although the upgrade conditions are extremely harsh, even a fool can see its value. It can almost be said that it is for The role of Mo was tailor-made.

Only Mo Tan, who has a changeable fighting style and can absorb experience from the other two characters and plays three numbers by himself, is able to control the [Akatsuki] and achieve the goal of defeating at least five characters. The 'experience points' of each form are accumulated to meet the conditions for breakthrough.

Not only that--

Since it is said to be [Soul Binding], then like 'Mo', can 'Tan Mo' and 'Hei Fan', who can also be said to be 'Mo Tan', also be able to use that weapon?

It's really intriguing.

All in all, based on the above-mentioned possibilities, Mo Tan feels that the person who was given the codename "Silly No. 1" by Futaba was active in the civil strife of the Violet Empire but did not leave any traces. There is absolutely no way that anyone who exists can be stupid.

There is no way for Cordoba to obtain [Hundred States], and even if it obtains [Hundred States], it is absolutely impossible to use it normally.

[Then, suppose that person has something that is more useful than [Hundred Forms], not only the appearance, but also the race, gender, body shape and even equipment can be changed... Well, let's call it [Metamorphosis], Assuming that the other party is really qualified to acquire a [Pervert], he definitely cannot be a fool. 】

Faced with a question that was as difficult as a kindergarten level, Mo Tan came up with the answer without thinking.


That person possesses a [Metamorphosis] whose performance far exceeds [Hundred Forms]. He can calmly perform any role at a lower level of difficulty without leaving any traces. This has been proven at Violet's time. Her scheming and methods are very online, considering that she almost sent Tan Mo directly to rebuild her character, and she escaped unscathed from the encirclement and suppression by Lessa and Futaba. After that, she even participated in the final battle of the Violet Civil War. , the combat effectiveness is definitely not low.

Of course, it’s just ‘not low’.

For Mo Tan, who has always been planning to kill someone on the top of the rankings, combat effectiveness is the best thing to solve.

After all, this is Academy City, and it is the ‘hunting ground’ that Mo Tan has prepared a long time ago. At least at this stage, he still has a lot of cards in his hand.

But the problem is that the more cards you have in your hand, the more you gain, but the other party is playing a different trick.

To give an example that is not very appropriate, right now, Mo Tan is holding the four 2s and two kings in his hand, and is about to beat Shuangye, who is sitting across the card table, into a fool, but suddenly there is someone next to him. I'll push the cards personally, okay - the unparalleled thirteen faces of the national warriors.

God, the national warrior has thirteen unparalleled faces!

I have to say that this move really shocked Mo Tan.

But he had to bite the bullet and continue playing. With the limited chips in his hand, he played poker with Futaba and mahjong with another person, the latter of which was the one with his own cards.

The situation has become so passive that we can no longer be passive...

Among them, the most important question is how much the other party knows about ‘himself’.

Putting aside those innocuous questions, what made Mo Tan most fearful...even more than just fear, with a hint of fear mixed in, was the information in the opponent's hands.

The person who implemented the plan was Cole Shuren, Tan Mo's horse boy who owned many vests including 'Frank Hughes'.

The person who needs to disguise has just won the championship in the comprehensive knight fighting competition team competition. He has a close relationship with the Diesel family. His identity is Mo, a player, an adventurer, and a Yege netizen.

The opposite person is theoretically the most inconspicuous among the United Holy Religion delegation, Pastor Hei Fan, who is a real friend of Chen Wangyu and Ye Ge.

Being able to perfectly bring himself into rhythm under such circumstances did not allow anyone, including Mo Tan himself, to notice the clues at all...

What does that person know?

How much does he know about Hei Fan, Tan Mo, and Mo?

How to solve this game?

How should we weave this web?

Mo Tanqian laughed, suddenly put his arms around Diana's shoulders, and held the latter in his arms——


He said this and quickly gave up thinking.

Chapter 1161: End

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