Quadruple split

Chapter 1169 Fatal Game (VII)

next day

Game time AM07:23

Academy City inner ring area, [Stars] high-end chain hotel, suite zero, master bedroom

"Wake up~"

Mo Tan, who had a very homely temperament because he was wearing an apron, walked in and leaned over to sit on a duck. The sleepy Diana placed a kiss on her forehead. The dinner plate in her hand was not rich but very delicate. Three dishes and one soup. The dishes are Frank Hughes's favorite sour plum salad, Futaba's favorite fried crispy potatoes, and Diana's favorite garlic scallops. The soup is Frank's Special No. 7, which Diana also likes. , the specific taste can refer to the famous Tom Yum soup outside the game.


Rubbing Mo Tan's cheek affectionately, Diana continued to maintain the current position for a full minute before she came back to her senses. After thinking briefly, she fell heavily back on the bed and hugged her tightly even though she liked it very much. , but as long as Frank is in bed, the full-length pillow will be ignored, muttering coquettishly: "Sleep a little longer..."

"ten minutes."

Mo Tan sighed softly, put the breakfast in his hand on the bedside table, sat on the bedside with some helplessness, and read out the last 'death line': "Even if the time for breakfast and washing is reduced to the limit, my dear, you are the most I can only sleep for ten more minutes, otherwise it will definitely be too late."

Diana shrugged her slender shoulders as an answer, and then she nuzzled into her lover's side, resting her head on the latter's lap, smacking her lips cutely, and enjoying the morning. The last ten minutes of peace.


It seemed that only a few breaths later, Diana was gently awakened from a light sleep by the person next to her who she could not lose her temper at any cost, and was told that if she continued to sleep, it would be too late to reach a certain place whose name she could not remember. The college serves as the backdrop.

"Can I not go?"

She tried pitifully to gain sympathy.


The man who didn't give a direct answer raised his spoon.


Diana obediently opened her mouth and closed her eyes, desperately prolonging the period of indolence.

The next moment, the indescribably complex taste of [Frank's Special No. 7] spread in her mouth. Although it was not bad, the strong stimulation of the taste that was infinitely close to Tom Yum soup still made Diana wake up quickly. The beautiful eyes gradually brightened.


After lightly bumping Mo Tan's shoulder, the great astrologer finally woke up from his specious slumber and raised his hand, summoning two clear pure water elements to brush through his hair and cheeks respectively. , completed more than 80% of the morning washing process at an incredible speed, and then took off her nightgown without hesitation and slowly changed into clothes.

Because she still had to wear underwear, the system did not code Diana, who had no resistance to the player Frank Hughes, Jimo Tan. However, even so, this scene was a surprise to anyone in their twenties. , it is definitely a foul scene for a man with strong vitality.

After all, Diana has a really good figure...

One thing to say, if the Fog Moon Sage who was very protective of his sister knew that the two had developed to this point, then the task he gave Futaba and Evie would not be to 'kill him as much as possible after a simple investigation' , but 'send him to reincarnation as quickly as possible'.

"I should just take a few more steps to go to the bathroom to change clothes..."

The moment Diana took off her nightgown, she turned around. Mo Tan raised his hand to cover his forehead and complained helplessly: "Even if you don't care, my dear, you should at least understand my feelings."

"How does it feel?"

Soon she put on the dark robe she usually wore. Diana hugged Mo Tan from behind, rested her chin on the latter's shoulder and smiled infatuatedly: "Shy?"

"It would be nice if I was just shy."

Feeling helpless, he squeezed Diana's little hand around his waist, and Mo Tan ordered angrily: "Eat obediently!"

"I want to hold you for a while longer."

"I can hold you for as long as you want when you come back, but if you don't want to be late, hurry up and eat well now, my busy man~"

"I don't want to go!"

"Haha, who said before that you should work hard to be active during the exchange meeting and prove to your family and elder brother that you can stand alone?"


Because she wanted to minimize the resistance to love through her own efforts, Diana, who was determined to make changes, flattened her mouth, finally let go of Mo Tan, sat on the edge of the bed and began to eliminate the little things in front of her. Just enough breakfast for one person.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, after repeatedly confirming that Diana was dressed, walked to the other side of the room, opened the curtains and let in the bright sunshine outside.

two minutes later

"Ah, by the way, why didn't you see Futaba?"

It was only now that she realized that her cheap apprentice who was always restless was uncharacteristically quiet. Diana, who was both efficient and elegant during the meal, finally realized the abnormality of the matter, and then she picked up three fried crispy potatoes and gave them to her. He put it into his mouth and asked vaguely: "Are you still sleeping?"

"Well, actually, when I got up, I noticed that Futaba was no longer here."

Mo Tan spread his hands and said with a smile: "As for the specific reasons, I can guess some, but I think you, my dear, should know better than a layman like me, right?"

Diana nodded lightly. After all, this epic-level powerhouse who was full of scholarly temperament and even made people feel "somewhat dull" knew his cheap apprentice who was unwilling to admit defeat, so he immediately determined that the latter would probably be there at this moment. ——


She muttered helplessly, shook her head and said: "That child is really too anxious. In just half a year, he has broken through from a mage apprentice to a high-level person in the entire system. If this kind of thing is exposed, even in the City of Miracles, it will be a disaster." It will cause an uproar, but in the end she is not satisfied and insists on breaking through to the epic level... Well... the epic level is not that easy to advance, I am only an epic now!"

Mo Tan smiled and shrugged: "As you said, Futaba has accomplished a feat that would shock even the big shots in the City of Miracles. Maybe she really has a way to enter the epic early?"

"It's not that easy!"

Diana wrinkled her nose, ate the last piece of shellfish that Motan had carefully peeled, and said solemnly with a pretty face: "Epic level and high level are two different concepts, no matter what kind of profession, They are all realms that require long-term accumulation and a lot of precipitation. Even if casters value talent more than professions based on physical fitness such as warriors, knights, and thieves, they cannot break through casually. You’ll probably hurt yourself if you try!”

After changing her bleary-eyed and sleep-deprived look half a minute ago, Diana was very serious about popularizing science about Frank, a 'layman'. Obviously, it would make him a little off-line and interested in things that were beyond her scope of interest. The great astrologer, who was hardly interested, was worried about a cheap apprentice who was eager for quick success.

"I see."

Mo Tan nodded in understanding, and then hesitantly said: "But didn't Diana tell me before, Futaba's talent is the best among all the people you have ever seen, even..."

"Even more than Brother Kenneth."

Diana sighed, put down the delicate fork, and said worriedly: "But as I said just now, even if talent is very important for us spell casters, we need to accumulate enough experience to advance to the level of epic. ,and……"

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked softly: "And what?"

"And Futaba, well..."

Diana organized her words for about ten seconds before clearing up her thoughts and continued: "She must have taken advantage of it in some way. I didn't see it at first, but after being reminded by Ana's letter, even I I also noticed that although little Futaba can use all magic from apprentice level to high level very flexibly, but..."


"But she only mastered the structure of those magics. As for the more fundamental ones...well, some things are simply half-understood."

"That's it~"

Putting away the tableware quickly, Mo Tan walked briskly towards the main hall and praised with a smile: "There is not a single bit left from breakfast. Diana is a good child who does not waste anything."

"Because Frank did it."

Diana, who was following beside her in slippers, raised the corners of her mouth and showed a happy smile. Then she frowned her beautiful eyebrows and lightly tapped Mo Tan's shoulder: "What do you mean by a good boy? !I am older than you!"

Mo Tan smiled and shrugged: "Other girls would like to be treated as girls forever."

"It's better that Frank is younger than me."

Diana shook her head, and then said while rushing to wash the dishes with her hard-working lover: "Well, Frank... I want to ask you a favor, okay?"

Mo Tan nodded and said with a smile: "No problem, I will take you to the intersection later and then go to the library."

"Thank you...Eh!?"

Diana, who subconsciously thanked her, was suddenly startled. The plate in her hand slipped from her fingers, but was caught by Frank, who had quick eyes and quick hands.

"Be careful, it won't be good if you get scratched."

While washing the dishes and chopsticks quickly with the skills of being single for more than 20 years, he rushed to answer before Diana asked the question: "Go to the library and look at Futaba, and try not to let her try those high-level magics again in a hurry. To prevent her from reading potentially dangerous books in the restricted area, it’s best to let her come back quickly after picking out the really useful reading materials, right?”

"How did Frank know!"

"I guessed it, after all you care about her so much."

"Ugh, I always feel like I'm the only one who's stupid..."

"Well, Diana is indeed not particularly smart sometimes~"



"Then, Futaba, I'll leave it to you?"

"Although the resistance should not be too small, I will definitely try my best~"

Game time AM08:47

Academy City, Inner Ring District, Academy City Comprehensive Library, 23rd Floor

"So, this is the reason why you are here..."

Leaning against a large bookshelf filled with minstrel books, the petite girl glanced at Frank Hughes in front of her with a half-smile: "Watch me for Diana?"

Holding a copy of "Hymn to Ota" that has almost disappeared outside in his hand, Mo Tan rubbed the tip of his nose awkwardly and nodded slightly: "Yes."

"Very good, I have received Diana's concern."

Futaba smiled and narrowly looked at the poetry collection in the other person's hand: "Then, Mr. Frank, why is it that the original purpose is to persuade me to restrain myself and stop messing around? Why are you here reading leisurely? "


Mo Tan coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Actually, I have been looking for you until a few minutes ago. I have been to the previous floors and the 16th, 19th, 23rd and 25th floors related to mysticism. , but I didn’t see you, so..."

"So you, who have already given yourself an explanation, ran here immediately, leaving me, a beautiful girl who may explode on the spot at any time because of being too reckless, behind you, and dived into these poetry collections that are 90% nonsense. in?"

Futaba snorted lightly, completely without the consciousness of being worried, and said confidently: "It's too much. Diana really misjudged you, Frank Hughes!"

"In fact..."

Mo Tan suddenly laughed and said with a smile: "I also thought about another possibility."

The girl glanced at him: "Let go."

"For example, the beautiful girl standing in front of me already guessed from the beginning that Diana would ask me to come here."

Mo Tan casually placed the "Hymn of Ota" on the wooden table behind him and said softly: "So Miss Futaba, who doesn't intend to be obedient and doesn't want to be lectured after going back, come directly after entering the library. When I get to this level, I’ll pass the time by reading stories while I wait for myself to come over because I can’t find you anywhere else.”

Futaba narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is this good for me?"

"I can't think of any benefits or anything at the moment."

Mo Tan, who had been looking bad since just now, shrugged and said with a wry smile: "But if you let me go up and down the stairs a few times with someone who is not very compatible with the teleportation circle, it should be fine for you, Miss Shuangye." It’s a good pastime, right?”


Futaba was silent, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and glared at Mo Tan: "I promised you in advance that I will not apologize!"

Mo Tan shook his head, and his expression and tone were as gentle as ever: "I don't want Miss Futaba to apologize. In the end, it took me so long, and it's mainly because I thought of this later. of me."


Futaba glanced at Mo Tan with a distorted expression, and finally reluctantly gritted her teeth and said, "Why don't you be so hypocritical!"




"Nothing, just forget it."


"Well, now that I've apologized..."

"Uh, didn't you make me forget?"

"Stop talking nonsense, in short, come with me."


"The forbidden book area, where else could it be?"


Chapter 1,162: End

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